PVE and Boss at same time?

LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
Apologies if this is a duplicate but didn't see this called out.

Are we really having PVE and Boss at the same time?  For alliances that maintain minimums for each, this could cause some serious burnout over the long haul.  Why not just do one or the other but not both at once?

Just curious what other thoughts are?  I mean, I love this game (8+ years) but never really wanted to do both full Boss and a minimum PVE at the same time.


  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 507 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2022
    And it’s not just a regular PVE event; it’s a 5* new release PVE event… 

    I will be playing both for my alliance, but I’m NOT happy about it. 

    ETA: I liked when they ran boss events to coincide with PVP season end and Puzzle Gauntlet. Was a nice break from the daily grind, and the people who wanted more aside from boss event could spend that extra time playing Puzzle Gauntlet or PVP.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2022
    While I don't mind too much - the extra ressources ARE appreciated - running Puzzle Gauntlet alongside the boss event, like originally scheduled, would have been better.
    As is, it will be a minor inconvenience since Boss start is also the start of my PVE slice, but eh. Not like Boss is time critical or a health pack drain on the first hit.
    After that you can set your own timing anyway.

    I don't think alliances with younger rosters will have fun with this, though.
    But maybe they'll enjoy being able to play regular PVE once they get scaled out, I really can't speak to their experience.
  • Raekwen
    Raekwen Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    1. I think the development team made a lot of goodwill by running boss events alongside season-end. Many people really focus on PVP for season-end, and moving the boss out of there is a missed opportunity.
    As Abom said, this was a big deal and a huge plus to those of us active at the end of PVP season. It felt like a well thought out plan, to allow those pushing hard in PVP to focus more. To those who weren't, it gave them a relaxing weekend at the end of a long season. But this feels like suddenly things went the exact opposite direction, with both events and start of season all at the same time. It's now a chaotic mess, with a lot of people having to prioritize what to do based on rosters and time, instead of being able to enjoy everything.
  • Dok12
    Dok12 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    It's a dev experiment. People complained about having nothing to do during boss events, they're trying out having another event run alongside other than puzzle gauntlet. It's not a decision I'm happy with either, but they're trying new things based on what other players have suggested before. I can't fault them for that. 
  • CreepCanRoll
    CreepCanRoll Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2022
    +1 not a fan. 

    Having the end of season break is nice. I realize that the point of the game is to have people play the game. But for the long term health of the game you don’t want to burn out the player base. For those of us in competitive alliances having this break is critical. 

    PS this puzzle gauntlet was not fun at all.

    PPS Otherwise I’m enjoying the new characters and fixes. So not trying to pile on negativity here. Overall great job. 
  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 631 Critical Contributor
    I have already had complaints from my alliance that they don't want to do both. And making it an important event i.e. a release event is doubly difficult.

    As others have said, a regular boss event coinciding with end of season was a Great Idea. I will play both and will encourage my alliance to do so as well. But none of us will be happy about it.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The dev is fulfilling a lot of requests. This is what happen when they listen and implement those players' feedbacks. I won't be surprised if they brought back environmental tiles in the future. 
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,789 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want an event at the same time but I don’t think it needed to be a release reward. Other than that I don’t see why people can’t regulate their own time off. Boss events at a higher level are so easy I wanted something else to play. I don’t much care what that is. All the people that want time off can still take it.

    If your alliance is moaning, simple you can all agree to treat it like an off season pvp and lower requirements. I won’t moan at anyone in my alliance even if I’m the only one playing it. Go enjoy your time off.

    Does anyone else make games and factor in down time for you?
  • Ares76
    Ares76 Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I don't like to play Boss Event and PvE at the same time!
    Since Boss Events are more important for your roster development than ever (giving out two covers for the newest five-star) you and your alliance dare not to miss those anymore. Add to that a five-star release PvE with an extra LT in alliance rewards that also pushes you to do more than in any other PvE.
    All this pressure because of some TV-related character releases that messed up the calendar? Not a good idea.
    I'd like to see the boss event returned to season end. Thus top players can chose to play more in Simulator to get better placement if they want to.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
    The dev is fulfilling a lot of requests. This is what happen when they listen and implement those players' feedbacks. I won't be surprised if they brought back environmental tiles in the future. 
    Curious as to who requested to please play both a boss event and a new release PVE event at the same time?  Was that an actual request from anyone?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2022
    The request I commonly see is that run another pve during boss event because there's nothing to do after finishing it within 18-36hrs. The request was pretty vague though, so this is what everyone gets. As a matter of fact, no one ever said "don't run new release along boss event."

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sure, blame the playerbase.
    Never change, please.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Agreed, this Puzzle Gauntlet was the pits.  Each round took an eternity.
  • darkman84
    darkman84 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    I'll risk some less popular opinion. 
    While I understand the point in having a "time off" during the boss event, personally I look at current situation other way around. 
    Up till now when we had a boss event we would have some free time, but at the cost of PVE rewards.
    And on the other side when we have regular PVEs instead of boss events then we get all the PVE rewards, but need to play each day (mostly) - this is normal in the reality of this game. 
    Now having both at the same time for me personally is like reguglar PVE + opportunity to get additional rewards from BOSS. 
    BOSS event doesn't really require timing, so we don't need to specifically plan our day around it.
    As for PVE - for those who play only for progression - I see no problem at all, they can play whenever.
    I suppose that most of the complains comes from those who play also for placement, but I am also one of such players, and it's just a matter of planning ahead - which in this game is nothing extraordinary.
    Is it really such a big deal if we end up T20 once instead of T5, or our alliance scores T50 instead of T10? I know that having additional LL is better than not having it, but 1 LL is not the end of the world, especially if you get 2 5* covers from BOSS event.
    I understand, and respect the points in some of the complains, but personally I think that most of it is a bit exaggerated.
    Just take it easy, and have fun - that's what this game is for.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
    darkman84 said:

    I understand, and respect the points in some of the complains, but personally I think that most of it is a bit exaggerated.
    What, exactly, makes you think it is exaggerated?  I'm honestly curious.
  • awarnica
    awarnica Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Boss event + puzzle gauntlet + season end was a great idea. 

    Boss event + new release 5* event is a bad idea. 

    I can’t believe anyone actually thought this was a good idea. 

    I’ve been around a while, 3100+ days. It won’t be an issue for me or many others. But I remember trying to finish the original boss events when we all had low 4* rosters (which is what I think most of the devs have). It wasn’t easy. And that was way before cl9 or cl10 pve. 

    Here’s a thought - maybe send a survey out - if you can’t figure out what’s a good or bad idea mention it there or on the forum. Maybe like: hey we see the feedback that boss events end too early for the top 3% of rosters. We were thinking or led running a new release pve for a 5* at the same time. Anyone see an issue?

    Then when everyone says it’s a bad idea, except for some forum trolls who always think everything is good, you will know that it was, in fact, a brain fart.