legacy pve hod

Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
Sooo what does everyone think of the new and improved HOD. lets loop lol.  if only the lps system actually worked.   but thats my opinion.   are your liking the fact its land instead of the 10 or less damage?? and who asked for this event anyway??


  • Techg
    Techg Posts: 68 Match Maker
    I like it as a change, however the top PW should be free for those who don't have it and have no need to buy it. That or open the top to any option.
  • BongoTheGrey
    BongoTheGrey Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I love the objectives, love the rewards and the format but I hate having to play so many recharges. Starting the event with 15 at once is such a pain!
  • AoMadness
    AoMadness Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    If I had Bolas 1 the event would be better, but the rewards and structure is a ton of fun. If we get more legacy events I properly won't complain 
  • Kimberlynn
    Kimberlynn Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Agree with Bongo. I like having a change from the same old events, but it’s a bit long. It starts at five charges and looks like it lasts til Monday.
  • Kaiba
    Kaiba Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Get rid of it if Bolas isn't free or severely reduced for purchase. There is nothing more frustrating than to not able to fully compete in an event you are required to purchase a planeswalker. It reeks of cash grab to force people to buy crystals to be able to compete.

    I hate legacy already to begin with. Legacy events should never be coalition pvp events. They make for unfair matches and you the player being punished for not playing a instant ko deck. 
  • Scydrex7
    Scydrex7 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    I agree with Bongo here. Considering the more recent standard events have a total of 14 charges to be played, to have an event that features just one less charge ON EACH OF ITS THREE NODES is way too much of a time commitment. I would reduce the starting charges and have the event finish at least 24 hours early. 18 to 21 games would be the ideal length.
  • Heartstone
    Heartstone Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
    I like the new objective and the forced PW, but there are a few points that should be adapted:

    - too many charges to start with ( 6 when I woke up this morning)

    - for players who do not have the PW, either lend it for free ( it has happened a long long time ago), either we should be warned a few weeks early. This to allow players to buy and levelup the PW as much as they can and want.

    Cheers and thanks for dusting up this event 😀

  • Nyarlathotep
    Nyarlathotep Posts: 92 Match Maker
    edited May 2022
    I really enjoy legacy pvp, especially the HoD events.
    It is really fun to be able to play something else than the umpteenth repetition of the same 'standard pvp - two nodes with some strange permanent support' events that we had like every week for two years straight.

    The challenge is on another level, the decks we face are something entirely different and the prices are great.

    I'd love to see an event like this being run once every other month or maybe even once a month for sure.

  • Basil_inda_Mix
    Basil_inda_Mix Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2022
    Great topic up for discussion, thanks @Julie71!

    I actually submitted it as a dev questions for May. I could not understand "why?" it happened, out of the blue. I've been really salty :)

    Main points, that bother me:

    1. 3-colored PW restriction on the node? Ouch. I never wanted to purchase Bolas 1, but I had to. Cool, thanks for the discount at least. Still, that's not the way I intended to spend my precious crystals - sad, really sad. Thankfully, I had enough runes to pump Bolas to the max level, and on lower tiers it's an issue - trust me. It's hard to schedule resource spendings with such a short notice. 

    2. I'm on the Gold Tier, dangerously close to being on the Platinum. As a reatevely new player I cannot imagine the massacre, that might happen while facing off the decks with thick collections from the past. All in all I'm cool with PvE legacy for coalition events, but not PvP. No chance for me there, precious coalition points will be lost :/

    Changing the objective was a great move, in my opinion. 2 land supports is nothing compared to the 10 dmg beast.
  • GloryHammer
    GloryHammer Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    It's fine, nice for a change. 
    Please make loop prevention work properly.....
  • Fireguy
    Fireguy Posts: 70 Match Maker
    edited May 2022
    I like the change and enjoy PVP legacy time to time. I'd like to see an event like this once a quarter at least. A few ways to improve it though

    If Bolas 1 is required I think he should have a larger significant discount, more than the typical discount at 680, I'd say he should be no more than 500 crystals, maybe even less. I understand that profit is a part of this game and is needed to keep the studios open so have him available for cash with a similar impressive discount, throw in some extra goodies and I bet alot of players will purchase - if significant cash discount. Or have him free to play just for this event like the Duel Walker Events, ie. Kalemne vs Daxos. 

    Also, I know it can be hard for newer players or players with an incomplete Legacy collection to keep up in these Legacy PvP events. Maybe a good solution to keep cards limited while also capturing the events flavor is to only have current standard playable with the addition of those Legacy sets. So this event, HoD, would be current standard with the addition of Amonket and Hour of Devastation cards to keep the events flavor. This would reduce crazy loop decks and give beginners an better shot while allowing the veteran players to show off (some of) their Legacy fanciness.

    But overall, very refreshing to see a change like this occasionally. Keep it up. 
  • Asylamb
    Asylamb Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2022
    I haven't read the comments above, because I'm lazy. If I repeat something that's been already said, don't sue me.
    My thoughts on the event:
    1. I think Resilient objectives (take X or less damage) should not be present in PvP events at all, especially in Legacy. In PvE, it's OK, because you know what you're going against.
    2. Considering that all of the recent Coalition events (starting from Theros Beyond Death) follow the same boring PvP pattern, I think it would be fine to reconfigure some older PvP Coalition events (like Hour of Devastation) into PvE.
    3. I had the game close on me twice(!) during this event, so I won't be getting top rewards, but those rewards are exciting enough to keep the event rotating.
    4. UNPOPULAR OPINION Make each Node restricted to the 3 thematic Planeswalkers: Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh; Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Samut, the Tested. But probably allow using alternative versions of Planeswalkers: NB the Ravager and Dragon-God for one node, Elspeth Champion, Nemesis or Resplendent for another node, and Samut the only option for the final node. Might as well make a new Samut, Tyrant Smasher PW
    Edit: But make those restricted PWs discounted and available in the Vault.
  • spellsmasher
    spellsmasher Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I really dislike this event. It is way too long, too many charges, and legacy is too difficult to play with objectives. There are too many one round wins in legacy and Greg gets too many cascades to make this event any fun. 
  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    I'm enjoying this event but I have a near complete Legacy collection, so ymmv. Though I agree there are too many charges and it sucks that it goes on til Monday.
  • Sixiron
    Sixiron Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Love that we got to do a different event.  The normal rotation was getting boring.
    Maybe they could allow all 3 bolas for the top, it would expand the number of players that could participate.
    For legacy events like these also they could just add the block from that event with standard instead of all cards.
  • ReadingRambo
    ReadingRambo Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    It was nice as a change of pace from the more modern event format of 14 matches, 2 nodes. However, the number of matches seemed VERY high. I feel like if it started with 1 Charge it would have been a lot better amount of total matches.

    Having a PVP legacy event was certainly challenging, and I wouldn’t want it to become the dominant event format, but having one like this is actually a fun deckbuilding challenge. I ran into a lot of very clever and challenging decks. 

    I’d also like to say that as a veteran player, I’ve had bolas for a long time, but for newer players I imagine being locked out of a weekend event node would be pretty frustrating. I hate the idea of someone being driven away from the game, perhaps it should be like the kalemne duel deck event, where you can use bolas wether you own him or not on the top node. I doubt that most players had both the crystals and runes to buy and level bolas to a competitive level. 
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 978 Critical Contributor
    Same here:
    Yes to new objectives and the variety of events
    No to mandatory Bolas (or make it any Bolas?) and playing 39 games total. 

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Change of Pace. Standard PvP was getting stale. A legacy is nice in moderation.
    Node objective change. Thanks  for taking the community voice into consideration and changing an unfun objective and making it challenging in a different way.
    Event rewards. Loved that the rewards stayed the same. I think this should be the model for all coalition events. It will really increase player participation and retention.

    Wayyy too many matches. It started with 4 of 6 nodes charged and lasts a full 24 hours longer than any other PvP event. I think it burns players out to make an event so long.
    Required PW. Really punishes newer players who may not have the required Planeswalker by forcing them to spend resources or not be able to have a fair chance to rank high.
    I know there's a lot of people who think coalition events should never be PvP. I don't agree, but I can see their point.

    Overall, I am enjoying this event, but mainly for the chance to have a high reward for don't much a time commitment.
  • Scrounger
    Scrounger Posts: 75 Match Maker
    edited May 2022
    I like it, but with a few caveats. If the issues underlying the caveats were addressed, I'd love it.
    The pros:
    (1) The rewards are quite substantial for good finishes. This is nice. I wish more coalition events had rewards like this.
    (2) It's one of the only ways to get HOU packs in the game, including HOU rare packs. There need to be events run that give packs of all the old legacy packs so that newer players can assemble over time some sort of legacy collection, provided they are willing to put in the time to play those events. So I really like that this event gives you HOU packs, including HOU rare packs. I love the chance to pull a Hazoret's Undying Fury or Omniscience (even if the odds of pulling Omni are exceedingly low).
    (3) I like the challenge and variety of facing decks that can contain cards from any set.

    My caveats:
    (1) It's way, way too long and grindy. Make it a total of 18 to 21 charges as @Scydrex7 suggested, and have it end much sooner. Coalition events that drag on into the work week are a real challenge for players who, like me, have busy jobs.
    (2) I already had Bolas 1, but I think the discount offered on the Bolas 1 in the vault should be bigger to facilitate players who don't already have it being able to pick it up. (I'm not a fan of the loaner idea -- i.e., giving players a loaner copy of Bolas to use on the top node like is done in Duel Deck events. I'm not a fan of this because those loaner walkers come pre-leveled to Lvl 60, and there's quite a bit of strategic depth in this game that comes with choosing what levels to keep your PW at. I have some PW at Lvl 60, and I have some PW at lower levels.)
    If the devs would make this event less grindy, it'd be an absolute blast to have this in the regular rotation. Please make the event end sooner and be less grindy. It'd be awesome.
  • Arrowhead
    Arrowhead Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Yup, nice change like most people say. How about some new PvE coalition events