General Forums Contest Chatter (7/8/21)



  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    there are only 120 different combinations to rank the 5 widows (5!).  But realistically, only 2 do any damage, so that drops the number of possible winning combinations to 12 combinations (2! * 3!).  Since the first 3 people to post the right answer in get the prize, once there's 36 entries, the contest is effectively closed.
    Guess I'll wait until the next contest.
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    I put the 5* as 3rd place for no other reason other than the fact that they do not offer a 5* loaner. Meaning anyone who doesn't have the (VERY Classic) 5* Widow on their roster can't even consider using that version. 
    That significant pool of early-game players have to choose something, so I'm going with the 4* and 3* respectively. 
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2021
    The condition to win is confusing imho. Which Black Widow deals the most damage? So if we have 1* version played 1000 times, and the 5* version played only once or twice, which one has done it? Does the poll mean individually or collectively? Are losses still considered here?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    Historically these contests have pulled all the aggregated data, so I would feel confident saying it is the sum total of damage done across all fights, win or lose divided by * tier
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2021

    In 4* land, most teams are using 3* BW and they hardly see 4* BW. Someone might want to confirm this.

    I see mostly 3*, but there are quite a few 4* BW that I've faced off against, both champed and loaners. But with both versions, her strong colors are often overshadowed by her teammates. So to me, the match damage is almost a wash, but it does favor 3* as I see her more. The big key though is 3* green, that I have used often enough to really tip the scales to 3* without question. I've used her red a few times, too.

    When I face off against 4*, she never really damages me much at all, she just goes invis, stuns me,  or heals her teammates. So I don't see her doing much damage.

    I run Juggs Polaris, and here's the thought process:

    I want to keep Juggs in front, as his natural damage reduction is insane. I try to spam blue first, for Polaris stun. Next is green, as it's Juggs strongest color. And with swords on the board, the AoE gets into crazy numbers, at least for 4* land. Also his AoE hits 4* BW while she's invis, so I can still win even if I can't match her purple invis tile(s.)
    The only color where my 3* BW is strongest is purple, so I try to keep those to a minimum unless I want to spread the damage out or I know that an enemy power isn't forthcoming. But Juggs is still matching green like mad, so I'm working my way up to being able to use BW's green, usually on the last enemy, to finish the match.

    Now, you have to understand, during the matches, between enemy Polaris and 4*BW, my Juggs gets stunned often enough that 3* BW does get her turn to do something. So she does get a chance to do match damage more than you might think. I have used her red a few times, and green even more, and even her purple usually makes 2 separate match-5's every time I use it.

    So, I guess my point with all of this is that, at least to my empirical data, 3* is outshining 4*.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another way to test is to use the boosted power against Ghostpool. He keeps track of the total damage done by each character. 
  • Xair
    Xair Posts: 77 Match Maker
    the only way 4* bw could take the lead is by counting the buffs (okoye,apoc,scarlet) as black widow's damage.
    it would have been more fair to know it in advance.
    i would have liked to see the actual final results of the dmg done, and even see it divided based on roster levels.
    probably most of the dmg came from a small fraction of the players who played with 550 okoye and used bw black spell.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Damage boost definitely belongs to BW or to whatever characters. Ghostpool or 4* Ghost Rider are already counting damage this way. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don’t think it was power damage myself, I think it is match damage, and 4* Natasha was the best loaner you could run with. Strike damage also lives with whoever is making the match, so all those Polaris players with N4tasha were stacking it up.
  • Xair
    Xair Posts: 77 Match Maker
    edited July 2021
    they try to do something cool for the game and it ends up being lame or even bad, because they don't properly think about it before doing it. this forum contest is only the latest example of not thinking things through. which might have gone so much better if they only cared enough to run their idea through quality assurance. 

    having to suffer the off colors for so long before fixing it. apocalypse hiding a part of the bottom row. having to scroll trough all my roster each time i want to send black widow team ups. slow specials effects for some chars (brutes, apocalypse...). and now this contest which could have included a lot more forum players by making a better query. 

    just to emphasize my point, after only 27 guesses and 2.5 hours, there were 3 correct guesses on the forum. effectively closing the competition for all other players.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xair said:

    just to emphasize my point, after only 27 guesses and 2.5 hours, there were 3 correct guesses on the forum. effectively closing the competition for all other players.
    Yeah, I visit the forums regularly but not daily. Even though my guess was incorrect, I wouldn't have had any chance since I only found out about the contest on sunday. Bad design.