General Forums Contest Chatter (7/8/21)

LakeStone Posts: 1,377 Community Moderator
Please keep all chatter about the contest to this thread.  No submissions from the July Forums Contest will be accepted via this thread.

Thank you!

Find July Forums Contest HERE to submit your answer.


  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,385 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'llbe really interested to see the stats when they drop. I don't think that many people (relatively) have Nata5ha champed, and N4tasha doesn't really do at all, but she is much less squishy than Gr3y suit widow so she's likely to get more play as the base required I'm guessing. 2* Widow benefits from apocalypse and Okoye boosting, but she has to tank to do it and her health is crazy low, so I don't know how many people are going to try it. I went with 4/3/5/2/1 for mine.
  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    I really wanna see how this turns out. I doubt I'll get anything since I came late.... I kinda wish the first place reward was 5 star Black Widow since I need her....... but if I win, I want to give the Red Guardians to a friend of mine who likes him a ton. 

    My guess honestly is 5 star Black Widow will be the highest damage because of just match damage. A lot of people would be using her since she's buffed and her other abilities do a pretty decent amount of damage. Grey Suit though is where things get difficult. She does so much damage... but she is a 3 star fighting a 4 star and 5 star in damage. Even if I don't win, I am seriously interested in seeing who does the most. 
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor
    Will be interested to see if it's not just 5/4/3/2/1 - health pools are just so much higher as you move up the tiers, so while there may be less fights at higher tiers, the damage done will still accumulate faster.  Though I still put 5/3/4/2/1 since the 4* is not a damage dealer.

    I do think all correct answers should be put in a pot and then winners drawn.  Going on response time isn't really encouraging participation with only a handful of reasonable answers.  I think I'm 3rd on 5/3/4/2/1.
  • Tiarin_Hino
    Tiarin_Hino Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Went 3/4/5/2/1 because GSBW is 3* (many have her) and has damage dealing powers. 4* next because she would be used together with other 4* and would tank colors. 5* last because while she has highest damage, current 5* meta dealing a lot of passive damage, so she won't deal much within a match.

    Anyways both 5/4/3/2/1 and 3/5/4/2/1 were posted 3 times at the moment I've checked post, so it didn't make any sense to use it :)
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,176 Chairperson of the Boards
    How big is the boost in the event for the Widows? Are they all boosted the same (ie +50 or +100 levels). That's going to matter for damage esp with the 5* version.
  • Tiarin_Hino
    Tiarin_Hino Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    KGB said:
    How big is the boost in the event for the Widows? Are they all boosted the same (ie +50 or +100 levels). That's going to matter for damage esp with the 5* version.
    5* is ~16
    3*/4* are ~100
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2021
    I based mine a couple of thoughts. During this PvP event, you have to ask yourself, which one will you use?

    1. 5* players will likely use 5* over 4*, assuming they have both. Although having a champed 4* might make that choice interesting.
    2. 4* players will most likely use 5* if they have her, 4* if she's champed, or 3* if not. So I see the majority of 4* players either going with 5 or 3. I'll be using 3* because I don't have a higher version, and doubt I would run 4* anyway if I did have her, as she wouldn't have very many covers. Champed 3* is going to be my go-to for this event.
    3, 3* players are going to be using 3*, with some using either 5 or 4, if they have her. and some who don't might still run 2*. I run 2* in DDQ for her purple AP-stealing ability.

    So I think 3 and 5 get the most usage, followed by 2,4, and 1. But 2's damage output won't put her above 4, even with more playing time. So I went 3,5,4,2,1. And my opinion is to put the winning entries into a draw and go from there. Having only the first 3 is a huge deterrent for people entering, I think.

    But like Tiarin_Hino said, 35421 was taken, so I edited it to be 34521.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,385 Chairperson of the Boards
    At release, 5* players seemed a lot higher on 4* Widow than I ever was because of the AP games she plays. If this event had kept the weekly boost she'd probably have been a good required third for IcePocalypse. 5*'s AP costs are so wildly out of line with modern play that she's most likely only going to be doing match damage - i think most matches will be done before she has the AP to do anything useful.
  • Notwen
    Notwen Posts: 51 Match Maker
    There's only 120 ways of ordering the five, far less that are (in my opinion) reasonable guesses. Since my best guess, (5, 3, 4, 2, 1), has already been chosen by many others, this contest seems to be over before it has even begun. Some kind of tie-breaker (like also guessing the percentages of damage done by each) would allow everyone a chance to win even if they didn't enter the contest immediately.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    At release, 5* players seemed a lot higher on 4* Widow than I ever was because of the AP games she plays. If this event had kept the weekly boost she'd probably have been a good required third for IcePocalypse. 5*'s AP costs are so wildly out of line with modern play that she's most likely only going to be doing match damage - i think most matches will be done before she has the AP to do anything useful.
    I don’t expect to fire Peggy,s stun once in here pvp event.    When she paired behind meta tier 5*,  it will be typical that one or two enemies will be dead before you get 12 blue.

    it’s sad, because her stun was the real game changer on her debut.  
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was late to the party and my choice got filled up quickly (5/3/4/2/1).

    I decided to be a little uncoventional and went (5/3/2/4/1).  :D
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    2* obw is meta for the tier.  She can actually hit hard with her pink.  There was a time when EVERY match had her.

    Her nerf day was the first forum revolt.  Of course she had to lose true healing,  but that day was pretty legendary.  A lot of popcorn was consumed that week
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2021
    I was looking through the different submissions and I think someone might have misintepreted (such as most used, even as a teamup) the contest or mixed up Modern with Original. I would be shocked if Modern isn't the one who deals the least damage. Even if you put Modern at the last position, you'll still have 24 combinations multiply by 3 entries = 72 posts. It's only at 46 posts now.
  • Xair
    Xair Posts: 77 Match Maker
    edited July 2021
    this competition has only 3! possible combinations since the 2* and 1* are obviously going to the bottom. 
    out of the 6 possible outcomes, most likely is that 3* will lead in spell dmg, cause 5*and 4* as the middle char are out performed by the side chars, but the 4* has no damaging spells so it's likely that 5* will do better, just from match dmg. 
    so basically its really more of a 2! choice
    thus the expected outcome will likely be 3*>5*>4*>2*>1*, or 5*>3*>4*>2*>1*
    these outcomes have been guessed already several times, so this competition is really about saw the forum post first, not who managed to guesse the right order.

    it would have been better if this riddle was a little more difficult to solve. (example which bw cast more spells?)

    p.s. how are buffs being counted? if black widow uses a power buffed by okoye, is the dmg counted as bw or okoye?
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    This contest is based on time, so right now at this hour a guy answering a combination repeated 3 times would make his answer useless.
    I dont think these rules will incentivate forum participation.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unless that person has some pet peeve and went to edit his post. For example, arranging alignment of the sentences, making sure there's a full stop after each number, capitalising name of the characters etc.  :D
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    with 5* boosted now I just don’t see how 5* widow does not do the most damage.  If 3* players can use a 1,1,1 5* BW just the match damage will win for her in my opinion.

      I put 3* BW as number 2 damage just because some people might actually fire her green power or her red power and get damage.   

    overall it is hard to pick 2 and 3 because most of the widows are support characters.  I remember using 3* BW only for her purple having her tank no colors.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Top SCL 9 and 10 players (1400 - 4000 points) willl definitely be using 5* BW. So, it seems they will tilt the scale by a tremendous amount. However, it depends on who they are teamed up with. Chances are Wanda/Apocalypse will cover her match damages and she will never get to fire her red or black power. IHulkoye will probably boost her power damage meter  Colossus/Wanda will likely give her more opportunity to fire her red and purple.

    In 4* land, most teams are using 3* BW and they hardly see 4* BW. Someone might want to confirm this.

    3* BW can be a surprise entry to take the top spot. However, pvp participation is generally low for lower tier player, whereas it's higher for 4* and 5* players. 

    So, 53421 or 53241 is likely to be the order.

    It's actually pretty fun playing this and what's more, it will happen every month.  B)
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    I like the idea of a forum competition,

    But being late to the party (55 people before me, likely a third of them will guess correctly) there is 0 chance I get part of a prize :(.  

    Couldn't you do a goodwill gesture of say 100hp each to people who get it right after the top3 that win the covers and pool of 2500hp?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,083 Chairperson of the Boards
    The possible winning scope is too narrow to bother entering at this late stage but realistically 3 & 5 are the only ones who deal any particular levels of damage. With the 5 though it will depend on how many have her champed or at high enough levels where she does regular damage over her partners.