5 Star Hulk (Bruce Banner) relevance?

Hey guys,

Coming back into the game after a couple years away.  I just happened to have 13 covers for bruce banner but realizing he's not working great, (at least for me).

If you use him, who do you pair him with and how do you use him?


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2021
    Seeing he was boosted last week I decided to throw him into PvP for a laugh. Mine is a sad 4 cover version and when he transformed he had 5k health! Turns out the old issue that Banner gets boosted but Hulk doesn't never got fixed (if it even can be) so it appears that sadly he is dead on arrival no matter what until that gets sorted out. I did win a match with him but it turned out to be a fluke and then he got destroyed. I wasn't overly bothered by enemy Banner teams after that. A sorry state of affairs. 😥
  • Jacklag
    Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Bruce Banner is often christened THE worst character in the game. I myself only have him at one cover and it's Black so I never got to actually test his other powers, but I figure he might work as a Green battery, if you have no other, or as a third in Airborne/Invisible teams. Say you pair him with Vulture, who is constantly Airborne, and Yellowjacked who uses blue to go Invisible. Banner would become the only viable target. The problem is that the 2-turn countdown required for him to turn into the Hulk leaves him vulnerable. He would last for a while, but no indefinitely.
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    I figured out he's at least useful with thanos if he transforms first.  Then when thanos is hurting your team you don't need health packs for bruce. If you run them with old man Logan its not amazing, but at least has some use
  • Notwen
    Notwen Posts: 51 Match Maker
    For a long time Bruce was my highest level 5-star (lucky me). I often teamed him with Chavez and Hood, Bruce was there just for his rainbow coverage and match damage.
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Is there another 4 or 5 star instead of hood you could swap?
  • Notwen
    Notwen Posts: 51 Match Maker
    Chavez works best with characters with high match damage or who can generate or steal ap (ideally passively).
    If I was specifically creating a team of Chavez and Bruce, who would be my third?
    • Any 5-star will work on that team.
    • The Hood with his passive ap stealing is a good choice.
    • Monica Rambeau works well on that team.
    • Main Event Hulk is very good but cannot be used on the same team as Bruce.
    • Ghost (high match damage) is good.
    • Vulture, Scorpion, Cloak & Dagger, and Black Cat are okay choices.
    • Rocket & Groot is great on any and all teams.

  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Notwen said:
    • Main Event Hulk is very good but cannot be used on the same team as Bruce.
    Another point in his favor! :)
    VALACK Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Depend on what you use * .... and i don't think you can use popular 5* so.... if you use among 4*....
    recommend vulture, chavez, red hulk, 3* thanos thing... they can be good with him
  • Jacklag
    Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe Banner will be good with Shang-Chi. If hulk's matches don't generate AP but generate Combo Points, it might be interesting.

    Will probably work with that abomination that is the new 5* too.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Jacklag said:
    Maybe Banner will be good with Shang-Chi. If hulk's matches don't generate AP but generate Combo Points, it might be interesting.

    Will probably work with that abomination that is the new 5* too.
    Depending on team placement (see discussion here: https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/86047/shang-chi-bug ), the matches would probably count for Shang-Chi's Combo Points.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    He is fun with Carbage and Rocket, so you can see how many auto-turns you can take before you have to swipe yourself.

    If you want to try and keep him in Bannerform you can use him as a green battery who won't hurt your team the way Immortal Hulk will.

    Since Hulkform won't collect AP even from a cascade, you could run him with BRB/Polaris if you have them so that AP will accrue from the protect tile matches.

    For me he functions best as an agent of chaos, so he will work best on teams that just care about cascades/match damage, or like Jessica Jones who will accrue AP when you find her traps and a second match can help you get there. He works decently well with Sighclops, since you can pump the hulkform damage, but you'll be hard pressed to use Scott's green since Hulk is going to be spoiling all those matches for you.

    I use the word "best" here loosely and relatively, from the perspective we are really trying to find a use for Banner. 
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Bruce Badder as an agent of KAOS. Gotta inform Ziegfried and Shtarker about that  :D
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Better deploy the cone of silence…