Your Pull Results: Colossus in Latest Legends!



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    A pity timer for pulling 5* was briefly touched on a couple of years back. It's not going to happen without touching 1:7 odds. Be mentally prepared that it will go to 1:10 or 1:12 or whatever worse odds their records show if they implement that. Ask Bonus Hero.

    Anyway, SW will see a greater number of players pulling.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 535 Critical Contributor
    I finished Yellowjacket and 11 covers for Colossus.  And most interestingly, I pulled a ridiculous 13 yellow covers for Cyclops.  

    Really makes me wish they still did cover swaps.  
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    A pity timer for bonus shards was implemented last year, though I rarely seem to hit it on 5* pulls.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pretty happy with my results - 13 pulls to get a Colossus cover, but along the way I also grabbed:
    1 5* Cyclops (first red cover)
    13th cover for Negasonic
    13th cover for Throg (especially satisfying, as I drew one cover for his 12th, and had *exactly* enough shards to apply the 13th and final cover.)
    12th cover for Misty, bringing her up to 4/4/4. 
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    shardwick said:
    Having separate logs is....beyond disappointing. Not sure why they would do that, more data for them to keep track of. 

    And I meant that pulling 5* covers should be like bonus shards, where the further you go without it happening the more the chance ramps up. Bad luck protection keeps players from being discouraged. I mean, don't need it on heroic or mighty tokens, but regular legendary or latest tokens.... I'm gonna me more than a bit annoyed if I end up another 5 or 10 LL without getting a 5* from them (wouldn't even be my personal record but going 15 in a row twice in the same year is bad business).

    But yeah, might do another 3-5 in the next week or so.
    Well, I believe that it does ramp up your chances for getting bonus shards but the only problem is that since 4s are also in legendaries there's a chance that when you eventually do get bonus shards from that latest token you're probably going to end up getting some 4* shards. That is unless you're @PiMacleod who seems to get 500 5* bonus shards in every other token pull he does. I think he might be a leprechaun though which would explain things. 
    Look, i dont always get good pulls...

    But when i do, maybe its the red hair... :D
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,032 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hate these threads because I’ve been on an awful pull streak for months lol. I’m at 13.6% over the last 700+ pulls and I keep thinking “I’m due” and it gets worse and worse lol. I think my last big break was like 10%. 

    Bonus Heroes for me were the great equalizer because while I was sub-15% in the BH era I at least made up for it with above average BH pulls. Ah well. 
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    I hate these threads because I’ve been on an awful pull streak for months lol. I’m at 13.6% over the last 700+ pulls and I keep thinking “I’m due” and it gets worse and worse lol. I think my last big break was like 10%. 

    Bonus Heroes for me were the great equalizer because while I was sub-15% in the BH era I at least made up for it with above average BH pulls. Ah well. 
    I'll trade you streaks. My most recent streak is 6%.
    I only wish I were joking.  :(