Puzzle quest purple?



  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    While some of the puzzles can be achieved with simple strategies, some are absolutely 100% luck, and skewed by unfavorable drop rates.

    I have tried the “clear all green” and my only hero option is a 3/4/3 Mystique.

    I killed the enemy black widow with pink then black powers before I got my first 10 blue tiles. So that is what, 40+ pink and 50+ black before 10 blue? Don’t even try to tell me blue is not suppressed.

    What skill is involved when I have like 23 blue, there is only 1 green tile, and NO special tiles on the board. I fire blue and transform tiles, but the 1 green stays. Fire blue, and transform tiles, but the 1 green stays. I get a small cascade, and now have 10+ blue and 8 pink, but the one green tile sits there in the bottom row, mocking me - so I fire pink to stun the hulk then fire blue, and suddenly there are 2 MORE green charged tiles near the middle of the board (like 3 rows from the top, so they didn’t FALL into the field), with no visible cascade. The enemy black widow is dead, and the enemy hulk is stunned, and there were no countdown or any other special tiles on the board.

    As mystique, i have no power to create green tiles, so where did the 2 new ones come from? And how can I fire blue 3x and not transform a single stinking green tile?
    Hulk's blue countdown creates green charged tiles. They must have been created prior to you stunning him.

    As I mentioned before, I initially tried Mystique and do not recommend it. I just ended up downing the enemies before I could manage to clear all the greens. Very frustrating. Then I looked at Quake's powers. I just have her at 1/1/1, so am not so familiar with her powers but I realised her blue is exactly what's needed here and sure enough it worked without too much difficulty. You said you have her at 0/1/1 yes? Have you tried with her yet? Sure it would help a bit if you had her green power too, but should be doable without.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,743 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried Mystique twice there, and failed.  

    ...at least i think it was twice... My posted vid shows the truth of it.  ;)

    But yeah... quake.  She's it.  I had a similar stray green problem, Quake gets rid of that.  Just gotta pray nothing green falls from above.
  • Tanglefoot
    Tanglefoot Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Fractal, before I stunned hulk, there was only 1 green tile, no special tiles, no countdown tiles. I am at a complete loss to explain from where they magically appeared.
  • Tanglefoot
    Tanglefoot Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    For grins I tried Quake and her 3000 health. When she died, I had gathered a total of 6 blue AP, so not enough to fire even a single blue power, and there were still 11 green tiles on the board, so no where even close to a win. I rest my case. Frustrating, not fun.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    That’s where I was a couple of years ago. As others have said, These events do get less frustrating with a more advanced roster. The extra covers seem to help with rng shenanigans