Blah, blah, blah, Okoye, blah, blah, Okoye, blah..

Chrynos1989 Posts: 313 Mover and Shaker
Honestly all this whiney nerf Okoye threads are just getting annoying.
Slowly I’m coming to the point where I believe that a lot of the people complaining over and over are just jealous of the guys with bigger chars and just want to ruin their progress.
But many of this bigger guys play the game for nearly or even more than 6 years! Of course they have bigger and better chars! Of course they are stronger, Bruce Lee is stronger than a kid who had his first karate lesson too!

And for those who say beating hulkoye is impossible, my below 500 hulkoye beats 550 hulkoyes every day, it’s hard but far from impossible!

You want diversity by nerfing the meta? Won’t work, it’ll just implement the next meta and top players soon again will have 550 chars, might take the drive out of it for 2,3,4 seasons but then we’re right back where we are. Period!


  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    I remember at a certain point in the "nerf gambit" era, a high amount of the people calling for a nerf were tired of playing Gambit teams exclusively, I guess it could be some of that. I'd be sad if Okoye got nerfed, I'm sure I'd find an alternative at some point though since I'm a baby-champ-em-all player.
  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2021
    I guess the only ones tired with the blah blah nerf okoye are those who have their okoye 40+ lvls over their next most used 5* and probably have an unchamped or baby champed  ihulk... seen a lot of them in pvp lately. 

    Big whales have enough 5*s to forget about using her if the rest can't use her too and the lowest levels will have less stress and fairer battles while playing.

  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    I might be more inclined to agree with them being jealous of bigger rosters if not for the fact that I've encountered most of the players that have been most vocally in favor of an okoye nerf in game and they all have 550 okoye or extremely close to 550 and usually several other 500 plus characters.    They certainly have no reason to be jealous of other players rosters. 
    I think it is more about players who only have a high level okoye.  I have a decently high level Okoye (level 500ish) but I also have 12 x 550 and at least 5 or 6 in the 500 to 550 range.  For me to have invested in all of these characters to get beat out on a regular basis by someone who hoarded and only opened for Okoye and have only that character at 500 to 550 and every other character at 470 or less is a kick in the nether regions.  Without Okoye, the meta expands tremendously.  Now I haven't played in about 3+ months, so I don't know what the new guys do, but I bet some of them would be more viable without Okoye in the mix.

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am I used to be in the anti nerf Okoye.  I have come around to be pro nerf Okoye.  For me I feel needing Okoye would allow other 5* to be buffed.  I feel a lot of 5* damage from powers were intentionally left lower because of Okoye and her damage buff.  

    Overall 2020 was the year of the UI update.  I would like to see 2021 as the year of balance changes.
  • akboyce
    akboyce Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker

    And for those who say beating hulkoye is impossible, my below 500 hulkoye beats 550 hulkoyes every day, it’s hard but far from impossible!

    My under leveled OP thing can beat the fully leveled OP thing so how OP can the OP thing really be?

    So OP it lets you punch up 50 levels?
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    I’m really not sure quite how viable a lot of the newer 5*s would be against the more common combinations you see other than Okoye/Hulk.  BRB/Kitty, Onslaught/Prof X, Apoc/anyone and even Okoye/Thor are far better than all recent releases.  For me all releases since Onslaught (with the exception of Deadpool) have been mediocre at best.  

    I hadn’t skipped covering a new release since Arcangel and Starlord (since finished) but this dire string of releases has incentived me to hoard LTs whilst spending cp on the more attractive limited stores.

    The biggest thing I have against the current meta teams is that it is extremely difficult to win matches against them without using another meta team.  I used to enjoy using my classic 5*s and maxed 4* teams back in the Okoye/Thor meta, but they usually don’t stand a chance versus todays meta teams.

    I recall using Daredevil/Gamora to occasionally beat duo 550s a few years back with careful board management.  Today that team would be be lucky to last more than 5/6 turns vs a 450 meta duo with their power output and board shake/control.
  • ursopro
    ursopro Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with OP, pure JEALOUSLY
    #leaveokoyealone #nerfokoye #mixedsignals
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    Better matchmaking would eliminate all of these concerns and silly roster jealousy.  A simple tweak of having easy matches from 0-900 and then flipping that mix would do a world of wonder with how players both new and long term perceive the game

    and would avoid the devs having to offer compensation for nerfed  chars.

  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    ursopro said:
    I agree with OP, pure JEALOUSLY
    #leaveokoyealone #nerfokoye #mixedsignals

    Totes Magotes. Why shouldn't every player in the game have 550 Okoye, BH that character and only that character, hoard for that character and only that character.

    #MakesSense #TotallyNotOP #LeaveMyFattyAlone #NerfEverythingElseYnot
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 527 Critical Contributor
    There has never been a more varied and diverse 5* meta than there is right now.  There are at least 3 viable teams (Hulk/Okoye + 1; BRB/Kitty + 1; PX/Onslaught + 1).  Those +1s are usually Apocalypse, Onslaught, or PX.

    This is more variety than ever before.  I honestly don’t know what people are complaining about.  
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    PorkBelly said:
    There has never been a more varied and diverse 5* meta than there is right now.  There are at least 3 viable teams (Hulk/Okoye + 1; BRB/Kitty + 1; PX/Onslaught + 1).  Those +1s are usually Apocalypse, Onslaught, or PX.

    This is more variety than ever before.  I honestly don’t know what people are complaining about.  
    There's also Thorpocalypse. And up to a few months ago was HammerHawk.
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Apocalypse and Bill do work as well.
  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2021
    PorkBelly said:
    There has never been a more varied and diverse 5* meta than there is right now.  There are at least 3 viable teams (Hulk/Okoye + 1; BRB/Kitty + 1; PX/Onslaught + 1).  Those +1s are usually Apocalypse, Onslaught, or PX.

    This is more variety than ever before.  I honestly don’t know what people are complaining about.  
    Easy to counter your argument. Just check the top 20 scl10 pvp and tells us what do almost all of them have in common while climbing or defending position... okoye+ihulk

    Another simpler way to stop having okoye 40+ levels higher paired with ihulk is to negate the sugar candy combo by blocking using both at the same time in pvp. High levels rosters will not care, lower levels will have easier time playing. ✌🏻

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards

    Mayo said:
    PorkBelly said:
    There has never been a more varied and diverse 5* meta than there is right now.  There are at least 3 viable teams (Hulk/Okoye + 1; BRB/Kitty + 1; PX/Onslaught + 1).  Those +1s are usually Apocalypse, Onslaught, or PX.

    This is more variety than ever before.  I honestly don’t know what people are complaining about.  
    Easy to counter your argument. Just check the top 20 scl10 pvp and tells us what do almost all of them have in common while climbing or defending position... okoye+ihulk

    Another simpler way to stop having okoye 40+ levels higher paired with ihulk is to negate the sugar candy combo by blocking using both at the same time in pvp. High levels rosters will not care, lower levels will have easier time playing. ✌🏻

    Lol you do realize that the top 20 of a scl 10 pvp represents the top 5% in the entire game.  I can assure you that while you only see a big roster.  I see a really experienced player that had no qualms monitoring a chat across 5-7 hops while battling whatever snipers were out.

    don’t kid yourself,  if they didnt have a big meta team, they would still log the hours to post the points and take the placement spots.

    you think it’s a matchup of rosters, but really it’s a matter of competitiveness A type play that’s puts them into position to score.
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    There is no debate. Okoye has been featured in 3 special stores since the anniversary, and the Royal Talon Fighter was the big prize for a whole new event. Demi/D3 has made their decision & they are backing Okoye. Zero chance any changes will be made to her in the next 6 months, if ever. That bell done been rung...
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 992 Critical Contributor
    Didn't they have an offer or a vault for 5* Captain Marvel right before the stealth nerf, or is the conspiracy theorist in me telling me lies?
  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2021
    Phumade said:

    Mayo said:
    PorkBelly said:
    There has never been a more varied and diverse 5* meta than there is right now.  There are at least 3 viable teams (Hulk/Okoye + 1; BRB/Kitty + 1; PX/Onslaught + 1).  Those +1s are usually Apocalypse, Onslaught, or PX.

    This is more variety than ever before.  I honestly don’t know what people are complaining about.  
    Easy to counter your argument. Just check the top 20 scl10 pvp and tells us what do almost all of them have in common while climbing or defending position... okoye+ihulk

    Another simpler way to stop having okoye 40+ levels higher paired with ihulk is to negate the sugar candy combo by blocking using both at the same time in pvp. High levels rosters will not care, lower levels will have easier time playing. ✌🏻

    Lol you do realize that the top 20 of a scl 10 pvp represents the top 5% in the entire game.  I can assure you that while you only see a big roster.  I see a really experienced player that had no qualms monitoring a chat across 5-7 hops while battling whatever snipers were out.

    don’t kid yourself,  if they didnt have a big meta team, they would still log the hours to post the points and take the placement spots.

    you think it’s a matchup of rosters, but really it’s a matter of competitiveness A type play that’s puts them into position to score.
    If i could post the t10 of each LR it will show the same figures, simulator is the same. 

    If 5% of players are beating the hell out of the 20%+ players bellow then you are just giving strength to my argument.

    What is your okoye and i hulk levels btw?

    I just got t10 scl10 in latest pvp, i very rarely use okoye but hello, i need to spend lots of coins only because the devs created an unbalanced duo and this issue needs to be adressed.

    And NO, it is very easy to float having a baby champ hulk with a 40+ lvl okoye without spending coin in shields and still get t5. 

    As i have mentioned, i am anti nerf okoye if devs implement effective countermeasures.

    This is a game, not a corporate second job. I just feel sorry for players spending more than 2 hours daily in any game even with pandemic restrictions.

    Competitiveness is not lamely waiting months of hoarding to feed 50 lvls into one character exploiting the system. Competitve is to have multiple teams and beat the **** of the system nonetheless. If okoye gets nerfed and you can not mantain your results then you are not competitive, you are just another one abusing the system.