Thoughts on home screen improvements.

Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
I really like the way the new setup looks, except for one thing (might seem like a small gripe).

I see that while the daily reward is present in a larger and more centered fashion, there is still a “collect” button.

Why!? Why do we have to have another click to get it? It would be nicer to log in for the first time after a daily reset, and automatically be awarded the daily gift. 

I am often physically tired at the work day’s end, and I just know there will be times I’m going to forget to press “collect”. 
I hope this is more of a coding issue than any other reason. That is the only good reason for it I can think of. I do hope and think that no one was thinking, “oh, well, if someone forgets it, they’ll just buy more crystals instead!”. 
I really don’t want to think that is true, that would just be too cold-blooded.

Otherwise, I love the concise layout that is on the way!!


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  • Bubbles_CS
    Bubbles_CS Posts: 332 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2020
    Story looks prominent. Maybe we will see something new there??

    I am happy not to have to scroll down to get to daily rewards. I would also prefer granting these on login, but we are at least moving in the right direction.
  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Is it just me, or are daily rewards now even more difficult to get to? 

    I wonder if they intend to update it to what was shown to us before, or keep it as is now? 
  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    @madwren I was disappointed to see the deals there too. 

    But yes, that scrolling, seems even more ridiculous playing on an iPad. Wasted real estate. 

    So, now I see that once you collect the daily reward, it disappears until the next day. For the full calendar view, the menu button shows that.

    However, the super pack for the 21st log-in is an M21 pack! Boo, I guess I’ll have to open a ticket. Aren’t they supposed to be newest set?
  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Hmm, it also appears we now have the option to sign in with an Apple account. I suppose this will offer iOS users a way to transfer profiles sans Facebook, which I appreciate. Would be nice for Android users to have an alternative too, I wonder if they have that now.
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    Aint it a bit strange to have such a Big story mode button in the middle of the home page when we haven't Seen New story mode content since ages?
    I Can see the benefit for New players ... But for any other kind if player ... It's just a reminder that well ... Story mode IS long gone ...

  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Bil said:
    Aint it a bit strange to have such a Big story mode button in the middle of the home page when we haven't Seen New story mode content since ages?
    I Can see the benefit for New players ... But for any other kind if player ... It's just a reminder that well ... Story mode IS long gone ...

    I see it does say “NEW CONTENT, coming soon!” just above this new (and large) story mode button.

    Either we’ll get some new story, or perhaps they’ll finally be unveiling this quest system that was mentioned almost a year ago. 

    Whatever the new content will be, I’m hoping it’s something fun to play, and hopefully not just more grinding.
  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    I'm missing the chat icon. Now I have to open menu or be in-game to see the notification.
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    Bil said:
    Aint it a bit strange to have such a Big story mode button in the middle of the home page when we haven't Seen New story mode content since ages?
    I Can see the benefit for New players ... But for any other kind if player ... It's just a reminder that well ... Story mode IS long gone ...

    I see it does say “NEW CONTENT, coming soon!” just above this new (and large) story mode button.

    Either we’ll get some new story, or perhaps they’ll finally be unveiling this quest system that was mentioned almost a year ago. 

    Whatever the new content will be, I’m hoping it’s something fun to play, and hopefully not just more grinding.
    If the New story mode content has his own huge link above that story mode button ... That would make the button even more useless.

    However, i'd love to see it as a sign of the devs working on New story content.

    I Hope you're right anyway ... It would be pretty disapointing to use that coming soon banner to advertise more cash purchases ... 

  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    If we cant have a standard button filter the next best thing is the reverse order with origins first and all other standard sets after it. Having to enter Standard TG to get the same functionality as a filter is a poor user experience. 

    It will take some getting used to but having the events button on the home screen is nice. Right now my muscle memory is all screwed up since the side screen got rearranged.  Also having the daily reward pop up center screen is nice.  I have missed collecting it several times because I forgot to scroll down and check ( I keep notifications turned off for almost everything on my tablet so I dont get reminded that way.)
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yes, the all caps was completely warranted there. 

    critman said:
    Does anyone use the Sorting order option? I can't imagine anyone wants to sort their cards in alphabetical order on a regular basis, and while the 'mana ascending' option sounds like it might be useful, you can use use 'mana descending' and scroll to the other end of the list of cards :)

    I understand that adding the scroll bar to the 'Card Set' box future proofs it, but I'd have rather the box have been made bigger, and instead lesser used filter options like 'Sorting Order' and 'Artwork' scrolled off the screen.
    Agreed on all points
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    If we cant have a standard button filter the next best thing is the reverse order with origins first and all other standard sets after it. Having to enter Standard TG to get the same functionality as a filter is a poor user experience.  

    I use the Standard TG when I can (which is at least an effective workaround), but it's surprising how often my available leisure time coincides exactly with the weird period in the day that there isn't a Standard TG. 

  • Smokincookz
    Smokincookz Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2020
    critman said:
    Oh and here's a tiny problem which I expect doesn't affect most people... the font is too small for me to read that I have 1976 boosters in the vault!

    Wee bit off topic here, but...
    I’ve heard Marvel PQ has a feature to open all rewards in one shot. We need this here!
    Personally, I am hungry enough for orbs that I open them regularly, usually right after obtaining them.

    It probably takes, at the very least, ten seconds per 5 cards opened, if lucky. Of course, the spinning circle of doom often takes his cut, and then there’s the end confirmation part. Using a seriously conservative underestimate, you’d have to spend nearly SIX HOURS to get through that. If we are more realistic, probably much longer.

    This gives me some idea of how much time I’ve spent opening packs, as they come along. Which is probably what they expect us to do, and then it doesn’t seem like such a long time opening packs. Adding the time up though, it’s a huge drain, whether opened as they come or saved up.

    It’s a serious load of orbs that are essentially time-locked away from you. Horrible.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’ve heard Marvel PQ has a feature to open all rewards in one shot. We need this here!

    Seriously, it's long past time for a "Claim All" button.
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 978 Critical Contributor
    madwren said:

    Seriously, it's long past time for a "Claim All" button.
    Yes please! 

  • Bubbles_CS
    Bubbles_CS Posts: 332 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2020
    critman said:
    On a related note:

    I would file this under “good problems to have”.

    That said, maybe ideally the red circle should expand to a red oval to accommodate in situations like this.
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    I would file this under “good problems to have”.

    That said, maybe ideally the red circle should expand to a red oval to accommodate in situations like this.
    I might even file it under the " who cares?" Category ...
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 978 Critical Contributor
    a claim all button would be the best addition to the new UI....
  • JamesGam
    JamesGam Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2020
    Home improvement screen was made to show the pay to win deals. Errr.. maybe not pay to win but rather just pay deals. The rest feels like an after thought.

    A claim all button will probably be paywalled. 


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