Dev Team Wants your Help! Graphical issues in the game

Hey everyone!

We have received a couple of reports from players that they are seeing graphical issues in game. The two main reports are missing or incorrect tiles or black boxes replacing text (I'll post some examples below).

The development team is having issues reproducing these issues which is making it hard to track down what the issue is. That's where you could come in! If you are or have experienced these issues, sharing the following information in this thread (or PM me the information if you prefer), would help us immensely.

In-Game Name:
Platform: Android or iOS?
Device model:
Operating system version:

What Graphical issues are you experiencing?:
About when did you first see this issue:
How often do you see it:

Thank you all so much and I hope you all are well and staying safe!


"look ma! Some Matches are already set up for me!"

"Doh! Where'd my tiles go?"

"This information is considered classified!"

"Yelena stole my [REDACTED]!"


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  • TIGERSoft
    TIGERSoft Posts: 6 Just Dropped In


    Here goes:

    In-Game Name: TigerSpirit
    Platform: Android or iOS? Android
    Device model: Samsung S9+
    Operating system version: OneUI v2.0, Android v10, Kernel v4.9.118-17633310

    What Graphical issues are you experiencing?:
    Tiles misformed, tiles with wrong colors/symbols, powers with wrong colors, passive powers not working, powers disabled, ap bars not being filled (even if the ap counter is at 11), ...

    About when did you first see this issue:
    February 2020

    How often do you see it:
    At least several times a day, always something else

    I can mail pictures, but you've got most of them already through support.

    This is annoying as hell since PVE is speed related and bugs like these prevent a player to play fast, specially when powers aren't working. I've practically given up on this game due to all the issues.


  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In

    @TIGERSoft - thanks for supplying this information. Can I ask if you're playing in particular events when you see this? PVP? or is it all over the map?

    Can I ask if you're using particular characters when you see this occur?

    Thanks for any additional info you can provide.

  • TIGERSoft
    TIGERSoft Posts: 6 Just Dropped In

    @Demiurge_[bagman] said:
    @TIGERSoft - thanks for supplying this information. Can I ask if you're playing in particular events when you see this? PVP? or is it all over the map?

    Can I ask if you're using particular characters when you see this occur?

    Thanks for any additional info you can provide.

    It happens every event, pve and pvp. I mostly play with okoye, thor, px, chavez, groot, kitty, thanos, brb, and whatever boosted chars. So yeah, all over the map. I had px powers disabled, thors, okoyes passive, ... you name it.
    Just an hour ago, I had double yellow powers (red was replaced by yellow). And this was on the loaner node in pve.

  • JackDeath666
    JackDeath666 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In

    Same issue here from time to time. Seems a bit less frequent than it was a month or so ago. Same as above screenshots but not had the redacted text ones. Also issues with the AP bars being wrong colours.

    IGN - JackDeath666
    System - Android
    Model - SM-G960F
    Operating system exactly the same details as Tiger Soft above.

    If it happens it stays for a few matches. Restarting phone seems to fix it.

    Good luck!

  • ajgmcc
    ajgmcc Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    Hey, that first screenshot is me!

    I have a metric ton of examples, I went through a load of the easiest PVE level and took screenshots of what I saw that was odd here:

    All of my glitches were purely graphical and all in the actual fights, I haven't experienced any problems with text although it might just be that I'm not looking. They occur in both PVE and PVP, and while the majority of the images are of Juggs, R&G and Gamora that's simply cause I was trying to speed through the fights.

    I first saw these issues yesterday having updated my phone to the latest Android software update about 24 hours prior. I'd take a guess of it happening about once every 4 games, however that includes the very basic stuff like tiles looking slightly darker than usual.

    In-Game Name: ajgmcc
    Platform: Android or iOS? Android
    Device model: SM-A405FN
    Operating system version: One UI v2.0, Android v10, Kernerl v4.4.177-18057978

    What Graphical issues are you experiencing?: Multiple in screenshot above
    About when did you first see this issue: Yesterday
    How often do you see it: ~20% of the time

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards

    In-Game Name: jamesh-42
    Platform: Android
    Device model: Google Nexus 9 (tablet)
    Operating system version: Android 7.1.1

    What Graphical issues are you experiencing?: wrong texture used to draw some tiles. It seems to be the tile texture rather than the character overlay on the tile that is wrong.
    About when did you first see this issue: not sure. I screenshotted one occurence on 11 March, but that wasn't the first.
    How often do you see it: maybe once a week. I haven't seen any pattern about what causes it.

  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In

    Thanks for the information, all. This is going straight to the dev team.

    I'm curious - any iOS users seeing this?

  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In

    @ajgmcc Thanks in particular for that gallery and calling out what you were doing in the various steps.

  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In

    Looking harder at these three submissions...

    In-Game Name: ajgmcc
    Platform: Android or iOS? Android
    Device model: SM-A405FN
    Operating system version: One UI v2.0, Android v10, Kernerl v4.4.177-18057978 

    In-Game Name: TigerSpirit
    Platform: Android or iOS? Android
    Device model: Samsung S9+
    Operating system version: OneUI v2.0, Android v10, Kernel v4.9.118-17633310  

    IGN - JackDeath666
    System - Android
    Model - SM-G960F
    Operating system exactly the same details as Tiger Soft above. 

    Any more information from the community would be great - especially on the black text errors, as that may be a separate issue. The OneUI OS seems worth looking into.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,987 Chairperson of the Boards
    On my iPhone 7, using ios 13.3.1, I occasionally see blacked-out text, but only on the loading screen and it has always disappeared once the loading progress % starts up.  No other significant graphical glitches that I have seen.
  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Thanks, bluewolf. That's a good piece of information.
  • Hilk
    Hilk Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2020
    Submitting for someone who didn’t have a forum account

    In-Game Name: Voltemuse
    Platform: Android
    Device model: Samsung A7(2018)
    Operating system version: android 10 (lots of kernel detail in pics - Have pictures - not sure how to post them in if needed)

    They also had oneUI 2.0
  • TIGERSoft
    TIGERSoft Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Bagman, I reported OneUI 2.0 since day 1 (somewhere in February). It started to happen the day I upgraded the phone. I even warned people on different Line rooms not to update their phone until D3 fixed this.

    3+ months later... we're in this thread talking about that same issue and you 'suddenly' think that OneUI 2.0 could be worth looking in to.

    FYI, I even offered my professional developer services to D3 to help you out and debug it on my phone directly. I still have that mail (and D3 response) if you're interested...
  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Thanks Tigersoft. There's a lot of signal to filter through in order to identify the most serious issues. I'm sorry we didn't flag this sooner as a priority. 

    I appreciate the offer of help. We're looking into this now, but it's nice to have options.

  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    bluewolf said:
    On my iPhone 7, using ios 13.3.1, I occasionally see blacked-out text, but only on the loading screen and it has always disappeared once the loading progress % starts up.  No other significant graphical glitches that I have seen.
    Had that too a few times, also only in the loading screen
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    In-Game Name: JHawkInc
    Platform: Android
    Device model: Samsung J3
    Operating system version: Android 8.1.0 Kernel 3.18.14-144776459-QB21436350

    I had some tomfoolery going on in Movie Marathon this evening. Third node, with the United Against Ultron fight.

    First this:

    I tried matching the three team-up tiles there at the top to no avail, eventually determined that the bottom one was actually "Green." You can see the team-up tile highlighted, and the pop-up box calling it Green. So then I tried to match the two greens with the "team-up/green", and that didn't work either. So then I saw this:

    So apparently the green is actually a "black." This continues down the column. The first Team-Up is okay, as are the Team-Up and Green Bomb at the bottom of the column. So in the middle, what you SEE is     . In reality, those show up as      in the tool-tip text when selected. So they're offset one, somehow. Last image is the suggested match:

    Clearly the game knows that green is supposed to be black, so it's just a visual error.

  • Demiurge_[bagman]
    Demiurge_[bagman] Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    thanks, JHawkInc. Added this to our tracking ticket.
  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    I have the same issue as JHawkinc - tiles appearing as the wrong colour. It only happens occasionally, first occurred around 2 weeks ago and most recently happened just now in DDQ.

    In-Game Name: Jimbo Jambo
    Platform: Android
    Device model: Samsung galaxy A20e
    Operating system version: Android v10 Kernel 4.4.177-18183474
  • LCampos
    LCampos Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    Here goes, reporting my issues:

    In-Game Name: LCampos
    Platform: Android
    Device model: Samsung Galaxy A7
    Operating system version: OneUI v2.0, Android v10, Kernel v4.4.177-18057978

    What Graphical issues are you experiencing?:
    Tiles misformed, tiles with wrong colors/symbols, powers with wrong colors.

    About when did you first see this issue: beginning of March.

    How often do you see it: At least several times a day.

  • Thakaz
    Thakaz Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    Same problem for me.

    In-Game Name: Thakaz
    Platform: Android or iOS? Android
    Device model: Samsung Galaxy A40
    Operating system version: OneUI v2.0, Android v10, Kernel v4.4.177-18057978

    What Graphical issues are you experiencing?: Same as LCampos above
    About when did you first see this issue: for about a week
    How often do you see it: many times a day now

    For the most part it's ok but it can be downright annoying sometimes :)


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