Support Circuit feedback thread



  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I’d like support circuit back. There are some good ideas above. I particularly like the ideas where it was non-competitive with less of a time focus and where there is less RNG involved in getting the supports. 

    Tempering expectations though I would be happy just to have it back. Alternatively, if we had some word on the medium term direction. 

    Something like we took away support circuit and shield training and Gwen prix and ... because of reasons x, y and z but we’re planning to add some new events, more boss events, bringing back the gauntlet, adding support tokens to the daily rewards and PvE progression over the coming months. 

    I don’t feel like that’s asking a lot. Even if it’s really vague on details and timelines - so as to prevent the sort of crazy introspection that the forum got into over the meaning of the word ‘few’ - that would be awesome. I don’t expect it but it would really make me feel more engaged and less powerless. 
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’d rather see Gauntlet returned as a Support event. Put an increased tier token (or more than one) in each leg of the event (Beginner in 1, Advanced in 2, and Master in the final leg), and potentially provide a neutral Upgrade in this so players can rank a specific Support up. If getting a specific Support must remain RNG, so be it, but an attainable means to unlock perks from a weak Support that has been stagnating for a long time or finish one up to bring out the full power would be great.
  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    I would love a way to get better supports through an event. Not as ranking reward, because then they will only go a handful of 5* players, who do not seem to love them as much as lower tier players. A week long open progression event would be great. It does not need to be run weekly, running it once a month would be fine. Handing out gold coins only to a very small group of top 5* pvp players that win the pvp season makes no sense, as supports are not used in pvp (which I agree with). Whatever the event, as reward gold support coins should be gainable for 3* and 4* players too, so they can build up a collection of supports, and above the 1*. Regular new supports would be nice too. Why not have a new support to play for now and then, instead of a new 4*? 

    One of the main annoyances now is that it is extremely hard to get even a basic support coin, and usually they do not get me anything useful, just a duplicate 1* support. I want those duplicates to do something more useful, like convert to support shards that will improve my far too many 1* items to 2* and further eventually. I like supports, I am excited about them, and combining them with the right char is something fun and creative.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    So with feedback for support circuit the goal was to help more players acquire and level supports.  The challenge with support circuit was it only allowed you to collect low level supports unless you placed extremely high.  It gave out good red iso to level supports but it was extremely tough to get a 4* or 5* support.

     To me the issue is 2 fold.  One is the way you get higher level supports.  This is with tokens that give higher level and you only need one to get a high level support then red iso.  This means the devs have to make support tokens more rare.  Supports need a rework on how to get higher level supports.  This could be saved covers to convert to an extra level, it could be all supports can get to 5* from point one and you need more red iso to get the rewards.  The way this would work would be when you pass a certain level with the support you would earn that power.

    2nd issue with support circuit was the placement aspect of the event.  Having to play an extra PVE event multiple clears to for low placement rewards.  My suggestion would just have a progression only weekly support circuit with the boss node at the end. based on CL will give you better rewards one clear only required to complete.  
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Alternatively you could have duplicate level
    supports turn into shards for the next level. I pulled another 1* chewie today so it gave me a pitiful amount of RISO. If it had given me some progression towards the next level of chewie it would reduce some of the saltiness people feel when they pull dupe supports. 
  • Tarelgeth
    Tarelgeth Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Support Circuit as a play event was great.  It was fun to do, gave me more to do with the game, and the boss fight structure was pretty neat.  I enjoyed it.

    As a way to gain more supports, it was pretty well useless.  It generated a decent amount of RIso, but insignificant chances of actually pulling a new/better support.

    A shard-like mechanic for upgrading supports would work excellently, I think.
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2020
    I liked the old support circuit but didn't love it. If it was reintroduced today I'd likely skip it b/c the time I need on CL10 PVE these days is so high. If it was changed to something weekly and non-timed then I might be interested.
    The RNG aspect of acquiring new support levels has never been good.
    I'm also not a fan of the 2-hour limit on switching supports. I've found supports to be useful in trying to beat the harder CL10 levels, but not being able to freely swap them around as I try teams is a real bummer. Remove that and I'd be much more interested in chasing them.
    Lastly, the supports UI is awful. Seeing which supports are on a character and/or which character has a support on in the roster or support listing views would be useful. Being able to filter by level, # of stars, equipped or not, etc. would be great.
  • Steve111
    Steve111 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Maybe we could play for ‘support shards’ to ‘level’ the supports up. And to gain access to those supports which a lot of players can’t get, such as the ones that came out during infinity war. There really isn’t good reason to deny access to supports to the player base, and every reason to increase player’s ability to get, level up and use supports in pve. Also in a different note, it would be helpful to see what characters a support is attached to when looking at the support page.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards

    The event itself was a bit so-so: it had the grind of normal PVE without even the story.  With that said, the final node was an interesting challenge, different from what other game modes offered.

    What I really want is some way to more reliably upgrade my supports.  I'm at a point where all of my supports are levelled up as far as they go and I've got excess red iso.  On the odd chance that I do get a new/upgraded support, I can often max them out immediately.  If I get a duplicate support, the red iso consolation prize is useless to me.

    It's not clear the old Support Circuit reward structure would help much here: the occasional basic support token is likely to just be more red iso.  Some kind of shard-like system where duplicate supports instead converted to progress towards increasing the rank of my existing copy would be welcome.