Resource acquisition rates post cl10

Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2020 in MPQ General Discussion
Now that we have a better feel for cl10, how do people feel about the resourcesl tinkering that Demi has done?

For me, cp is even or slightly down (I have played more PvP than I used to to get the cp, but I am noticing the lower rewards from pve). 

My 4* cover rate is way up too; asany noticed with carnage, getting 6-8 covers from fairly casual play with a new release seems pretty easy.  I think this is by far the most notable change to date for me.  Just tons of 4* covers available, and in shards too, so rng is less painful.

Obviously, I am getting many more 5* shards too, but that will take longer to have a meaninful effect.  Next time BRB cycles up in PvP, I will get my first 5* cover purely from pve prog (and will be able to champ him!).  I expect that after a year of this I will have several dozen extra 5* covers (IF I keep playing regularly), which will make a big difference.

My hp rate is way down.  Top 50 is cl10 pve is a pain (just in terms of time) so my ho accrual is way down.  Enough that I have drastically changed my ho habits.

I am not iso constrained at the moment and haven't been tracking that resource, but I don't yet feel a pinch.  Maybe a slightly lower accrual rate?

All in all, I feel that the changes have made regular play significantly more rewarding in terms of fixed rewards.  That's good.  But I think that my accrual of valuable generic rewards is down, which makes hoarding an even less exciting experience (but still clearly the best option).  And if the 5* release rate really does pick up, then I may still feel like the level of grinding/spending necessary to keep pace with the 5* release rate is not worthwhile for me.

Edit: replaced "co" with "cp" and "ho" with "hp" . .  .damn autocorrect. . .


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:

    My hp rate is way down.  Top 50 is cl10 pve is a pain (just in terms of time) so my ho accrual is way down.  Enough that I have drastically changed my ho habits.

    Now I was skim reading and the above sentence jumped out at me as my eyes landed on the ho habits and I was thinking "Wait, what?!?!? Is this something to do with mercing between Alliances?!??!" Otherwise how do I get me some ho??!? Then I realised it was just a typo and meant to say hp...
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started a sequel thread to my Grand Experiment talking about what it's like playing progression-only now that shards are rolled out (completely?)

    Generally speaking, general cover acquisition feels way up compared to before, and targeted cover aquisition similarly "feels" way up as well. 

    CP i'm probably actually coming out ahead, since they moved the final CP drop to 1,000 points in PVP even with the slight reduction in PVE.

    HP is about the same for me; because i spend as I go with most of the 4* characters champed (9 left including Ham and Karnak as of yesterday), I suspect the bulk of my HP is coming from character rewards and farm-flips. In that sense, I feel about the same, if not maybe a little up somehow? Not really sure how that could be, outside of just having more reward factories spitting out drops here and there.

    Iso somehow feels up as well, though again I'm not sure how that could be. I champed Karolina yesterday, and was essentially bankrupt on iso (<100), and then the season ended overnight etc and I'm back up to 41k iso. 

    5* Acquisition rate is hard to say right now - i'm moving through targeted 4*s faster than before because of the influx of mighty tokens everywhere in SCL10, but my 5* shard targets feel about the same. These are all "feelings" right now, i need to go back and check a few things, i should be able to run a little math and get hard data.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good points, road warrior.  I don't open as I go, so my impressions of resource rates do not include the resources from any tokens.

    As for CP, I have actually gained more CP from this past season than I have in a long time.  But I also played every PvP event  to at least 450 for the first time since, I think, 2018 when I was putting up 10-15k per season).  And I made 1k a few times too (without line or any other coordination.  First time I have done that since gambit's final nerf).  So I think that, if my playtime had stayed consistent, I would be earning less CP than before.  Though again, this is something that might come out in the wash from champ rewards and farm flips given the generally increased cover rate.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I will say that playing as you go feels to me like it's a bit "recession proof" since there is a reasonably constant stream of stuff dropping, but living paycheck to paycheck on CP means that I can't ever take advantage of special stores. So definitely people should know what they are in for either way. 

    What I have noticed this first season of PVP is that the bar for placement is signicantly higher than it used to be. I used to be able to casually end up t500 for the season by playing to 900 and dropping back, usually finishing ~8k pts or so. This season, with 8130 points, I finished 1153, and the #1 player in my bracket has 37,941. If memory serves, that's about 10k points higher than it used to be for #1, but I don't watch that stuff so maybe that's not correct. Feel free to correct that, if anyone knows better.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    Full disclosure: I'm guessing. I don't have stats.

    Covers still feels down from BH.

    HP feels down. I'm noticing that I am running out and I rarely even shield hop in PvP anymore.

    That said, it's not a totally miserable slog. So, I'm kind of okay.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    RE:  Points and placement, people seem to be generally trying harder for more desireable 5* shards (in 10, etc).  And then there are the stones..... 2 players are the proud owners of Rank 5 Space Stones now.  The past year-ish has seen (mostly) 8 full season brackets with 3 partials in the top SCLs (7-9) so that works out to 11 Stones given out to those folks.  This season we saw 7 full brackets in 7-10 and then 4 more sooooo 11 players got Stones, lol.

    No more players really, just more spread out.

    I think I'm doing OK resource-wise?  I think people need to be more judicious with HP use or face possible shortfalls.  I've tried to be more selective where I use it.

    My roster is pretty advanced (half of my non-maxed-champ 4's are 344 or above) so all these 4's (other than the new ones) convert into pretty decent rewards once I apply the covers.  Which makes up a lot for them taking CP and HP out of the event rewards.

    If I was newer I'm not sure how happy I'd be.  Right now it seems pretty good for me, reward-wise.  The firstworldMPQ problem for me is as more of my 4's get into max champ territory my ROI on champ rewards drops.  That may factor into my eventual decision about when and if to stop playing.
  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,309 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm guessing too but I'm definitely much higher on 4* tokens with shards and mighty tokens than previously. I've managed to champ all 4* in tokens except Torch (who is 12.5 covers).

    CP is probably down but the rewards from CL10 have me playing PvP for the first time in about 7 months. 

    But my bonus hero rate was just under 1 in a million before so it's not really a high bar...
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker
    This is from someone who has been trying to break into 4* land for a while, so...
    I believe there is a gap in rewards between those with a roster that is fully (or mostly) populated in the 4 & 5 star tiers and those without..
    Pretty sure there is a post somewhere on how rewards were changed, but overall, there has been a net loss of HP/CP.
    Shards are generally helping me in getting 4* covers but the targeting is a little slow at that tier.
    I never played PvP much outside of the occasional lightning rounds. Now, I feel obligated to push for 40 wins in every event.
    I did take a break from purchases during the shardening and hate that I missed the Happy Holidays sale (voting with my wallet so to speak). I plan to make a small purchase this week and bonus rewards should help fill in the gaps keeping me from a full 4* transition.

    TLDR; Net gain on covers, feels like a divide in 3*/4* land.
  • argle_bargle
    argle_bargle Posts: 88 Match Maker
    4* cover gain is way up. I'm already at 8 covers for Karnak from all the placement and progress shard rewards adding up between PvE and PvP. SCL 9 being two covers worth is huge.

    Much of my HP gain is from champs, so I don't think it's suffered too much. Any loss is counteracted by me not feeling like I have to shield in PvP. The drops in placement prizes are much more gradual. it's not as bad as when you dropped from getting 3* covers down to 2*. Now I can still get 3* covers and some 4* shards without spending anything on shields.

    Putting the second CP reward in PvP more within my reach has made up for the loss in PvE, I think.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2020
    Noticing the HP is down, definitely. CP I'm not noticing the lack of it as much as I am HP, though I am kind of miffed to be playing for only one CP in any 5E required node. That's not worth it for the way the characters progress in levels in some of those nodes, especially in SCL9 or higher. I don't have adequately covered 5s to play up at SCL10, so these observations are based on SCL8/SCL9. 
    My 4 star acquisition, especially through shards rewarded and covers in PVE/PVP is definitely up, so much so that I'm only looking at one more event to get the newest 4 star to 10 covers. I've champed M.O.D.O.K. and Karolina Dean, and am working on getting the last three covers I need for Wolfsbane via shards to get her champed. That's still the slowest of the draws is getting enough for the 4-star you're chasing. My 3-star shards actually have moved three champs from about 250 to 266 in much speedier time then it takes to get even one or three covers for a 4 star. I still think that draw rate is too abysmally slow to rely on for any immediate payout, and sticking with a character being locked as new until the next PVP season starts is getting old fast. If I didn't have Wolfsbane to chase, I don't know where I'd be targeting my 4 star shards, since I don't hoard, but open tokens as I can. I got my first 5 star cover in January and am halfway to my second at the moment. 
    There were two good sales this weekend I took advantage of - the 1700 HP and 42 2-star covers for $10 and the $15 multiple covers for Iron Man 3 star and I want to say War Machine? for $15 with roughly 2200 in HP. The roster slots that bought are going to help my 2 star farm grow.  
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    all the resources I was gathering were aimed at progressing my 5* roster- I am now progressing my 5* roster faster than before (might not be like that for you, it's all case by case I know) - so i don't care if I get less HP or what not, they were just a mean to an end and now I feel like I've cut the middle man.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't really keep track most of the time. I was def feeling an HP crunch for a while, but that seems to have eased off. Not sure if that's because I've adjusted my health pack use, or I was actually down due to not pulling Legendaries until Chuck left, or what. CP/LTs and cover acquisition are up, for sure.
    The flipside is that my play time has really increased. Even ignoring Placement entirely, PvE takes a lot longer, and my previous play schedule for my preferred slices (s4PvE/S1PvP) now clashes badly, with opening clears cutting way into the good window for my climb at the 8 hour mark. Fortunately, I can afford that time, and I can be flexible with it as well, but it could have easily been a game-breaker if my situation were different.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have to agree with everyone that HP is way down. I actually ran out and had to stop my spending on the daily deals The 100HP ones, still buying heroics since that gives you shards but no more from vaults. Otherwise, I cant keep up with roster slots.

    4* covers feels about the same (increase in rewards but playing less. eg used to go beyond max progress in scl9 for top 100 ranks and now only doing max progress in scl10. Rank way below 300.  
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Currently I play cl10 pvp and cl10 pve(for 5* I have champed, scl9 for the ones I don’t)

    overall the rewards seem up from scl8 pvp/ scl9 pve.

    my iso is down overall
    hp is up
    cp is up as well

    i do notice the increase in 3*/4* covers.  The effect of the mighty tokens is real and took a few events for my farm to become predictable.

    where I notice the real difference is how fast LTs drop.  It’s a lot harder to force lts to drop.  Overall I just parked my FH on just one char at each level to realign who tanks etc.

    timewise pve play time has nearly doubled,  but I just readjust my schedule etc

    pvp play time has actually gotten lower since I don’t need a T5 finish to main my resource rates
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    The reward changes have prompted me to play PvP, really for the first meaningful time ever.
    I used to just try catch a late flip (and, if I was feeling ambitious, finish SIM progression), this season I caught an early SCL10 flip and played a decent amount (by my standards, at least) in every event after I joined. Always played to the 11 win CP, sometimes to the Mighty token if the boost list was decent.  I actually pushed to the 2nd highest season reward (7,500?), which is mind-boggling to me.

    Add in all that extra CP from PvP and I'm definitely ahead of my past accumulation.
    HP - loaded with it, like always. Hard to tell if acquisition has changed much as I still earn far more than I could ever fathom spending. Full disclosure, however, I NEVER shield and I NEVER use HP to buy daily deals. The only vault/store I EVER spend HP in is the 41-item special vaults.
    iso8 - Felling the crunch, but that is likely because I'm almost done finishing the 4*tier. Getting expensive to champ my last dozen or so chars. 5* levelling feels like it will be impossible.
    riso - who cares
    Covers/Shards - Absolute improvement here. I think everyone can see that. Even if I wasn't playing more PvP this is definitely better than before.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    I did the math, I parked my 5* shard target on Gladiathor on 1/29, and I’ve stacked 10.36 shards/day on him, up from around 9/day. I think that is strictly because I put a bunch of cp (~800) into classic waiting on Sinister to hit though. But my 4* rate is up. I put Valkyrie on favorite that same time, and I’ve gained 6 covers for her, with 345/400 at present. Prior to SCL 10 I was earning a 4* around one per 7 days, and it’s been 33 days. So before SCL 10 I’d have only earned ~5 covers to this point.

    random shard growth would be labor intensive to calculate, but earning 50% of a 5* cover every story plus whatever you get from PVP is a massive time saver compared to 0 progress until you focus on them, as we were getting historically with BHs. Assuming you want to “catch em all,” and not just go all in on a few.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    I'm a 5* player with 20 baby champs highest is level 459. When sharding started I wanted to use shards to finish 5* Thanos who had 8 covers. I'm definitely getting more 4* covers now. I used to switch to sharding the newest 4*s after I could to get them to 10 covers quickly enough for shield training but won't do that for Karnak when he's available because there will be enough shards for him soon to not worry about that. So now my favorite sharded 4* can stay Gamora along with 3* Gamora to work on Thanos covers.

    I've actually taken 5* Thanos off being sharded because I'm playing PvE in CL10 and I figure he's not great for that level. And because he's 3,5,3 and lvl 420 now he can get Thor to 1/2 health pretty quickly do I don't have to use 3* Thanos anymore. The Gamora's will finish him soon enough for me now.

    Right before CL10 came out I actually went to less than 100 hero points and I'm up to 7900 now. I get less but because shards I don't feel the need to take a chance at a 10 pack from vaults that feature a specific color cover that used to be advantageous for a better build on a new 4* because with shards that is no longer an issue I occasionally have. With new 4*s I just save shards until I can apply them to make the character 4,4,4.

    I'm trying to decide this morning on whether to start hoarding legendary tokens again until Havok enters even though my Carnage is only at 11 covers. I know the next time he's featured I'll get enough shards for cover 12 and he'll probably get a feeder at some point in the future. The thing I'm debating is because I want to champ Beta Ray Bill and he's only 2,4,3 right now.

    I used to play CL9 for top 50 and the 4* in placement. Now I do CL10 just to progression. It's sometimes still taking longer but the rewards are worth it.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I bankrupted myself down to 0hp this morning, i'm going to track how long it takes to get back up to 1k just to see.
  • DirionScrab
    DirionScrab Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Personally I feel covers are up  which for me means i have an even higher  demand for ISO  so ISO feels way too low 

    This might be a 'stage of game' effect as the main issue is I have jumped from around 10  13 cover 4 stars not champed to 27
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, that's stage of game for sure. For me, with most of my 4*s champed, the influx of covers equates directly to an influx of random champ rewards.