How to defeat Bishop

Steve111 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
Can someone post a guide how to defeat Bishop please. Am sick to death of him. For many reasons. Thanks. 


  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    It depends what event he is in, who his teammates are, and what roster you have.
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    If your go-to team involves champed 5*s, you’re on your own
  • TriSentinel
    TriSentinel Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    I’ve had a lot of success against low level champed bishops teamed with Gritty by taking Kitty-Valkyrie-GodEmperorDoom.

    If you have Doom’s black fallen favour at one cover and you can get the opponent to down Doom, he removes all Rocket’s strike tiles at the same time as activating Valkyrie’s passive strikes. It’s not a flawless solution, but it’ll give you a chance against Bishop-Gritty teams where Bishop isn’t levelled over 300.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Skip and go for wins instead of points.  I used to hit 2000 every sim no problem before bishop but now once I get to about 1500 points it's a wall of bishops and I take tons of hits because I'm one of the few teams out with no bishop. If I try to fight a bishop team even if I win I usually come out with less points than I went in with. 

    Now 75 wins is the only way I can do it. I used to be able to hit 2000 in about 30 ish wins.  Very annoying to now have to do double the work for the same rewards,  but it's the only way I can do it without spending tons on shields and trying to shield hop from 1500 to 2000.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Steve111 For Sim I used:  Kitty/4* Gamora/4* Bishop. Use Bishop to feed Gamora, stun lock enemy team and Kitty will start buffing the special tiles Gamora produces for using stun ability. Can take down almost any team provided your Bishop has enough health to take a few hits.

    Teams that have been able to defeat my team:

    Hawkeye/Coulson/Worthy Cap
    5* Iceman/Thor/Kitty (notably Iceman at level 435 and Kitty at level 390. Assuming this player used boosts to proc his Iceman stun passive)
    Okoye/5* Prof X/Kitty

    So it's doable without Bishop but I won't lie I have also gotten a lot of defensive wins. As I said before, go with your best stunner. Good luck!
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor

    So it's doable without Bishop but I won't lie I have also gotten a lot of defensive wins. As I said before, go with your best stunner. Good luck!
    For me its 2* Storm and 3* Strange. But, I have luck, I am in level when I do not encounter him that much so I just skip that few battles.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    @Daredevil217 You are not painting an accurate picture, at least not from my own in-game experience. The thing is I don't see Bishop every match. I don't encounter a significant amount of Bishop teams until I reach the end stage of my climb which makes sense.  Bishop is best used as an end stage character where his defensive value offsets his costs in terms of health packs.

    Typically, in normal PvP events I am able to climb from 0-900 and see a wide variety of teams. After reaching 900, I will usually see Kitty/Grocket, Okoye/Thor, Hawkeye/Worthy Cap and now Bishop/Beta. Occasionally I will see players with less developed rosters rocking a Bishop/4* Gamora team, Bishop/JJ and the odd Black Panther/Thanos teams for those still using that team to shield hop. Notably, I see 5* Prof X frequently during my initial climb but not so much during my end stage with the exception of those who run him above 490+  with another high level character like Iceman or Jessica Jones.  During the prime of the Thor/Okoye meta, after breaking 900 it was basically Thor/Okoye everywhere with a splash of Black Panther/Thanos.

    Similarly, in Simulator I don't really encounter a significant amount of Bishop teams until I hit about 1600-1700. So I am basically able to use any combination of characters that I like for roughly 3/4 of the progression ladder in both regular PvP or Sim if I am so inclined.  Is your experience different from mine? Are you encountering Bishop teams earlier? I know MMR can give different players different experiences.

    If your PvP experience is similar to mine, then you should have the freedom to use whatever teams you like up until the final progression goal in PvP. From there it will take some planning and effort to reach the final progression goal (if you are not using LINE to give yourself an advantage). Shouldn't that be the case? That the final progression goal be a challenging endeavor that requires you to understand the logistics of end stage PVP and utilize your best teams for the given situation?

    From a game design standpoint, the current set up of the progression rewards meta makes sense to me for a player who has a relatively wide roster but less depth (by that I mean a player who has almost all characters champed but doesn't have high level meta 5*s) :

    Initial stage 0-450: Fight teams of relatively equal or lesser strength. A player with a well developed roster should have an easy initial climb where they have more freedom to try out different teams.

    Middle stage 450-900: Fight teams of equal or slightly higher strength. A player will face slightly more challenging teams and will have to be more careful what teams they are using as players below them will hit easier teams.

    End stage 900-1200: The climb from 900 is a challenge.  Players will need to make smart use of their roster in order to reach the final progression goal. They either have to utilize shields to reach the final progression goal or familiarize themselves with that slices point flows, basically knowing when high scorers are hopping.

    Obviously there are ways to by pass this hindrance: either by having high level teams that allow you to win matches in a quick fashion so that you can gain more points than you lose or field a team that provides significant defensive deterrence that while slower fewer players will be willing to hit. The other option being joining a battle chat.

    But perhaps I have digressed a bit here so to bring it back to the matter at hand:

    During the Okoye/Thor meta, I was mainly using Okoye/Thor.
    Under the current meta I am using: Okoye/Thor, Black Suit Spidey/Thor, Hawkeye/Worthy Cap, Thor/Bishop, Kitty/Beta and Thor/Surfer.

    The reason the Okoye/Thor meta was boring is simple: they are the fastest, most efficient offensive team in the game. Players could do climbs from 0-2000 or more without exhausting their health pack supply.  They could beat anything under the sun. And despite your emphasis that a player can use any 5* team to beat them, you couldn't play that way competitively. Just imagine trying to use a Black Bolt/Cap First Avenger team to do a hop. It's highly likely you would have taken a significant amount of hits from everyone else running Okoye/Thor even doing one match because they are significantly faster. 

    If the competitive field were truly equal during Okoye/Thor's time alone at the top, there would have been a greater variety of teams being used for competitive purposes. But there weren't. Now we do actually have viable competitive options. Currently:

    *Beta/Prof X
    *Jessica/Prof X
    *Hawkeye/Worthy Cap

    So what we have seen thus far is an expansion of the competitive meta in PVP. You complain about not being able to use a wide variety of your roster but barring strange MMR you should be able to use whichever 5* you like to climb up until your MMR break point in both regular PvP or Sim. 

    This is the first time that I can recall that the meta was able to accommodate such a wide variety of teams. Furthermore, this was accomplished without having to nerf the top meta team. In that regard, the dev team should be congratulated as I think that is a great thing.And notably, while Okoye/Thor has lost some of its luster due to its inability to handle current popular meta defensive mechanics in PvP, it is now the go to team for competitive play in CL10 of PvE. So those who invested heavily in that team still are able to reap fruit from that investment.

    I could go on about why the current meta is better than the Okoye/Thor meta but it would basically be a rehash of what I have already said in this thread so I will just leave the link for anyone interested.  I will point out that your final comment "With these two, do you really need anyone else?" was more true during the Okoye/Thor meta than it is with Beta/Bishop. 

    Okoye/Thor could beat any team in the game, including older 5* at 550. They basically made any team that wasn't as fast irrelevant for competitive play. Add on top of that, the ability of Okoye to heal off almost all damage and there were plenty of players who could do a whole event without exhausting their health pack supply. 

    The same cannot be said for Bishop/Beta. They are slower and Bishop has significantly lower health. With newer characters coming up with stronger and stronger nukes, it won't be long before players can one shot the enemy team Bishop relatively quickly. And unless a player plans on building up there Beta past 490 or so, that team will struggle against high level 5* teams. 

    With all that said, I will admit that I am concerned the meta might tip into a Bishop festival with all the latest legendary 5* characters having significant Blue nuke powers. It is likely the PvP meta will continue to see an increase in his use. I am hoping the dev team realizes this and have a few characters prepared to properly counter at least his AP gen, if not more, that they will release in the near future. Otherwise, I could definitely see Bishop teams becoming overly present in PvP which I don't think is a good thing. 

    But as always, I would prefer a great counter instead of an outright nerf. That way the current latest legends will still have some relevance in PvP but can also be countered with another team, further expanding the meta. 
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    @Vhailorx I don't recall suggesting that Bishop wasn't a problem for certain players. In fact, I have acknowledged that fact many times in the past and it is even included in my analysis of the changing meta that I linked to in my argument. I am sympathetic to those who find Bishop frustrating to play against and try to help when I can because I know it isn't an easy fight. 

    I also went out of my way to make it clear it was my own PvP experience so I am not sure why you feel I was being dismissive. I am not assuming my experience is typical.

    But instead of dwelling on meaningless points of contention, what would be more fruitful and keeping in the spirit of this thread would be for you to share how you navigate PvP under the current meta. Are you able to reach the final progression goals in PvP and Sim? How do you do so? What sort of teams are you using to deal with meta teams? 

    This sort of information would be more helpful for those wanting to do well and who share a similar PvP experience to yours. I think this thread could be a valuable asset to the player community if people didn't turn it into another complaint thread about Bishop but rather focused on helping each other on how to deal with him. 
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    @fight4thedream My pvp experience doesn't quite line up with yours.  I have 12 5 stars champed mostly around 450 ish excpect BRB who is my highest at 462.

    I see bishop in pick 2 pvp as soon as I hit the 3 seed teams.  I mostly see gritty, thorkoye, and bishop plus random 5 star with some rare oddball teams like panthos or gambit/black bolt, profx/storm or ice man.  Once I hit about 500 those odd ball teams go away and after 800 ish it's all bishops I'm skipping through looking for any thorkoye or gritty team.  In the last pvp I went from about 850 to 1000 skipping bishops and hitting one guy with a 515 thor and 505 okoye.  Sorry to that guy but he was the only non-bishop team and even though he was less points I could hit him much faster with much less risk of losing.

    Does that not seem like a major game flaw that I am skipping newly champed 4 star bishops with about 14k health with some random 450 5 star in favor of highly champed 100K health dual meta 5 stars because they are EASIER????!!!   And not just mildly easier, I beat that guy like 4 times in the same amount of time I would have used to carefully fart around with newly champed bishop to not accidentally sneeze in his direction to hard and make him destroy my team.

    Does it not seem completely backwards that a lower tier character with 85k less hp and 245 less levels is a bigger threat than the 515 meta 5 star teams??

    Thank you for explaining your experience. What 12 5 Stars do you have? 
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards

    BRB, Thor, Daredevil, Prof X, Spider-Man (MCU), Ghost Rider, Thanos, Panther, Dr. Strange, OML, Hawkeye, and Star Lord.

    BRB and Thor are who I use in pick 2 and in SIM I use them plus Prof X
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    How much damage is your Panther Move or be moved doing? 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do think your experience is atypical,
    Fight. Mine is more in line with Bri/Vhail. I doubt I could run Surfer/Thor or BSSM/Thor and be successful in the same way you claim to. 

    As for the “how are you successful” question- just like others, I avoid Bishop at all costs and hit literally any other team. It involves shields/lots of skips and massive hitting of the same person over and over. 

    Your suggested counters were to play one of the broken characters yourself and hope they trigger you before you trigger them. This is Gambit all over again. You use Gambit to beat Gambit. Wait for them to fire red first. Then you fire yours and win. This is the same thing. Except way way slower, causing you to often get attacked for way more than you earned. Your worry that “the meta might tip into a Bishop festival” has already happened for many of us.  But your MMR seems to be quite different. 

    I’m still waiting for people to post counters that don’t involve having to play Bishop or Worthy yourself. If you have to play a broken character to beat a broken character, that’s a problem. This is why Gambit was nerfed. He did way way too much. At least he was a 5. This is a 4* shutting down the tier above him. 

    But I’ll kindly digress and sit silently while people struggle to post effective counters that don’t involve playing a problem character themselves. My contribution as to how to counter is the same as many others... keep skipping.