Drama averted

bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
Sinister is essential for Hearts of Darkness, not Havok.  You still get Havok shards. 

It would have been nice if they had just told us this before now.  

Anyone pulling in the Havok store out of concern for needing him right away can stop, if they choose. 


  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    This good news is too late... This forum has already stoked my rage!

  • MoonKnight
    MoonKnight Posts: 63 Match Maker
    This good news is too late... This forum has already stoked my rage!

    D3 shovels well. Very well. 
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    This good news is too late... This forum has already stoked my rage!

    D3 shovels well. Very well. 
    And why do I have watermelons on my feet?
  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Breaking communication to make players spend money is a very Sinister move... 😅 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Let's look at the timeline of what have happened:

    1. On 2/13, the sneak peek thread was updated. Players saw that new 5* shards were available as placement rewards. 

    2. On 2/26, Havok was revealed. His HP debut store will be available on 2/27.  For his CP debut store, it will be happening on 3/5.

    3. Over the few days or even leading up till 2/28 after the Sneak Peak thread was updated, some were worried or imagined the worst case scenario: the new 5* will be needed immediately in the next PvE.

    4. 10 hours - 12 hours ago, the in-game sneak preview for HoD 5* essential was revealed, and it was not Havok that was required.

    Let's suppose that Havok was indeed the latest 5* needed, players still have at least 18-20 hours to decide whether they want to whale the store. They don't have to start whaling on 2/27. I don't see why it's the dev's fault if players regret whaling the HP store. They probably whaled due to panic created by the alliance members around them. 

    Whaling on 2/27 won't give a better odds compared to whaling on 3/1. I think the takeway from this is instead of casting the blame at the dev, (for those who regret whaling), is to wait for the in-game sneak preview to be out. You  have at least 18-20 hours to decide. I think it's more than ample time for most people to decide.

    Edited for a consistent date format. Thanks halirin for pointing out.
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    Let's look at the timeline of what have happened:

    1. On 2/13, the sneak peek thread was updated. Players saw that new 5* shards were available as placement rewards. 

    2. On 2/26, Havok was revealed. His HP debut store will be available on 2/27.  For his CP debut store, it will be happening on 5/3.

    3. Over the few days or even leading up till 2/28 after the Sneak Peak thread was updated, some were worried or imagined the worst case scenario: the new 5* will be needed immediately in the next PvE.

    4. 10 hours - 12 hours ago, the in-game sneak preview for HoD 5* essential was revealed, and it was not Havok that was required.

    Let's suppose that Havok was indeed the latest 5* needed, players still have at least 18-20 hours to decide whether they want to whale the store. They don't have to start whaling on 2/27. I don't see why it's the dev's fault if players regret whaling the HP store. They probably whaled due to panic created by the alliance members around them. 

    Whaling on 2/27 won't give a better odds compared to whaling on 1/3. I think the takeway from this is instead of casting the blame at the dev, (for those who regret whaling), is to wait for the in-game sneak preview to be out. You  have at least 18-20 hours to decide. I think it's more than ample time for most people to decide.

    Please use a consistent date format. Ack! 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wasnt worried un the slightest for that.
    Mr sinister hasnt been required on any pve until now. My guess is because people were still pulling for pX and devs chosed to hold It all they could.
    So how could be posible that sinister skipped pve?
    But you too dont skip to blame devs for all.
  • killercool
    killercool Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Bad said:
    I wasnt worried un the slightest for that.
    Mr sinister hasnt been required on any pve until now. My guess is because people were still pulling for pX and devs chosed to hold It all they could.
    So how could be posible that sinister skipped pve?
    But you too dont skip to blame devs for all.
    Am I looking at things too deeply when I am worried that Bad is a brand new forum profile that seems to exclusively post in support of HoundofShadow?
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    Bad said:
    I wasnt worried un the slightest for that.
    Mr sinister hasnt been required on any pve until now. My guess is because people were still pulling for pX and devs chosed to hold It all they could.
    So how could be posible that sinister skipped pve?
    But you too dont skip to blame devs for all.
    Am I looking at things too deeply when I am worried that Bad is a brand new forum profile that seems to exclusively post in support of HoundofShadow?
    Maybe that should worry you. Im warning that Im a loving gamer of mpq. I support it buying the bundles when I can. And I play all I can.
    I played before some game called heavenstrike rivals. That was a game I loved a lot. But was shut down due to the same factors I am seeing in this forum. 
    Thats it irrational hate against devs and nerfing units and dramas and performances towards negative attitudes. 
    About houndofshadows by the moment I read on him arguments that I agree. I dont know what clases of old grudges you have against him. And I dont care either.
    Just that I will be there for to defend the game I love. On the forum that is supposed to do so.
    And for support devs who made It posible. Despite all.
  • killercool
    killercool Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I have no grudge against Hound.  I very seldom agree with his conclusions, but I am very happy that there is someone willing to put forward counter point views.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    That’s good news but I doubt anyone was whaling prior to the announcement that wouldn’t have whaled anyway. That’s a lot of HP to burn for a little patience and plenty of time to act once the preview hit.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm just a bit annoyed I have a shot at havok shards before I had a shot at sinister shards. I actually really want sinister and am not so interested in havok.
  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 328 Mover and Shaker
    They did that with PX, the resonance was... let’s say not so well

    you think they would make that mistake again? with the shitstorms of the last weeks?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2020
    They did that with PX, the resonance was... let’s say not so well

    you think they would make that mistake again? with the &%!# of the last weeks?
    I think it's clear that many people did.

    It is very unfortunate that they aren't communicating better.  Disappointing, even.

    I do assume the players who would spend lots of HP and cash for the purpose of having an essential would also have waited until some actual information appeared (in-game preview) but I suppose you never know.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm with Hound on this one too - unless you were buying multiple 40- or 10 packs there was quite literally no point in not waiting until the preview was up.  Even then -- seriously, would it make that much of a difference?  Loss of placement for one event?  Progression is still very, very doable without the essential 5* node, so you'd lose:

    3 Hearts of Darkness vault tokens
    6 Elite tokens
    9 CP

    Some placement, probably, depending on how hard you play.  And, I'll add, that you won't have to play through the 5* essential node with a minimally covered 5* at SCL10.  You also might have to pick up an odd extra node here and there if you're a "play till checks" kind of person, I'm not sure.

    General probability says that you have a 50/50 chance of pulling something if you get to the "x" in the "1 in x," so at 160 pulls you have just slightly less than a 50/50 chance of getting a Havok.  That's 4 40 packs, or $300.  As you get above that your chances go up, but damn, that's a lot of money.

    Just not worth it for some extra 4* covers, shards, tokens, and maybe a LT.
  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2020
    Seems some people take too seriously this game, you whales know this game will have an end and all your time and money will be lost? For what? For managing it like it was a corporate job? I myself stopped buying hulks of hp and spend what I would spend a night at the cinema weekly; stopped playing pvp for rank and only focus in pve to meet my alliance requirements and suddenly all the stress went off. It does not matter if communication from the game is cut (yes, it is on purpose to mislead and make you spend / stress more) or if the next 5* in game will be Sinister or havok, Just enjoy the game until no more. Peace and no drama ✌🏻😁
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