4* Trash Tier: The Nasty Nine

helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
Here I am, down to having only nine 4*’s left to champ that are fully covered (still missing covers for the 3 latest, but otherwise, this is the end of the classic 4* champing journey). So I figured, why not solicit opinions from the community on who is the least bad of the worst characters. In other words: who should get my ISO next?

in alphabetical order and shown with the current configuration and number of saved covers in case it influences your advice. All are sitting at level 209:

4* Trash Tier: The Nasty Nine 9 votes

Devil Dinosaur 5/5/3 +32
JackDeath666ThaRoadWarrior 2 votes
Emma Frost 5/4/4 +20
Howard The Duck 4/4/5 +17
Kingpin 4/5/4 +20
CNashKojubat 2 votes
Mysterio 4/4/5 +4
Sam Wilson 5/3/5 +16
Spider-Ham 5/3/5 +3
KGB 1 vote
Talos 5/3/5 +2
The Thing 4/4/5 +16
TPF Alexishelix72Beerman63Nero 4 votes


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Thing 4/4/5 +16
    Mysterio and Thing do have some uses in specialty teams. I'd give the nod to Thing because of the greater number of Saved covers.
    I actually find Howard and Spider-Ham to be pretty fun, but opportunities where they're worth using are few and far between.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Obviously the issue with all the limited characters is that they don't get a run in the boost lists so they are hampered from the get-go. However as Alexis says SH and Howard are quite fun and as I learned from last Anniversary there is sort of an unspoken covenant that you *have* to champ Dino at some point. I would probably choose SH just because I love the movie and it brings back 80's nostalgia to me.

    Of the others, this is my order:

    Kingpin despite the Devs "buff" can still be effective and I like his yellow power regardless and his purple has potential to be annoying.

    Mysterio is actually fine. I will probably never use him but he works with what he does and is OK.

    Sam can actually hit like a supersonic truck but he takes a looooong time to get there.

    Thing at one point was in a meta team! His Yellow is annoying to fight against, if his red and green weren't so pathetic he would be higher up.

    Emma Frost - maybe others have found a use for her but I can't, she is pretty terrible and her own powers hinder her.

    That leaves Talos...who should never see any more of your iso, ever.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I were you, I would champ them in the following order:

    1. Mysterio 4/4/5 +4
    2. Sam Wilson 5/3/5 +16 
    3. Kingpin 4/5/4 +20 
    4. The Thing 4/4/5 +16
    5. Howard The Duck 4/4/5 +17
    6. Talos 5/3/5 +2
    7. Emma Frost 5/4/4 +20
    8. Spider-Ham 5/3/5 +3
    9. Devil Dinosaur 5/5/3 +32

    The reasons for going with Mysterio is that he has a passive 2-turn random stun and the ability to convert 5 blue ap to 5 yellow ap. I find that yellow tiles seem to be uncommon.

    As for teammates, he works really well with IM40 and Shuri. Matching away those fortified traps and tiles will see you chomping away at opponents' HP.

    He might work well with Bishop and it will be even better if opponent had cascades. You will be on your way to stun 2 opponents once your turn begins. 

    His passive stun is great when you are dealing with Peggy. It's 1/3 chance but when it stuns her, it can be a saving grace. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2019
    Devil Dinosaur 5/5/3 +32
    I've been champing my dregs in reverse order of saved covers, so I'd have led off with Dino from this list. If you aren't using any of these characters in earnest by now, you won't after champing them either.

    I like the idea of Mysterio - he seems like a good play-down buddy for Okoye to me, but mine is unchampable so I can't really know for sure.
  • Kojubat
    Kojubat Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Kingpin 4/5/4 +20
    Kingpin will get you a Daredevil cover.

    Otherwise, just do the next one that gets featured in some way.
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Thing 4/4/5 +16
    It occurs to me I forgot one additional option-instead of champing any of them, start feeding ISO into my 3* dupe farm. I’ve got some with 60+ saved covers...
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    Emma Frost is a feeder for Kitty. That's about the best thing I can say about her.
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Thing 4/4/5 +16
    I'm pleased to provide an update.

    So far, I champed:

    Emma Frost (thanks for the Kitty cover!)
    Kingpin (thanks for the Daredevil cover!)
    Spider-Ham (he was featured in both PvP and Crash)
    Talos (wanted to try him with America for the match damage)
    The Thing (I had been wanting to try him on a few defensive team combos)

    In addition to my other champables, I also picked up a few more for new ones. Updated champable list: 

    Devil Dinosaur 5/5/3 +32
    Howard The Duck 4/4/5 +18
    Human Torch 3/5/5 +5
    Mysterio 4/4/5 +5
    Sam Wilson 5/3/5 +19
    Spider-Man 2099 5/4/4 +3

    I'm leaning towards Spidey 2099 next.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Thing 4/4/5 +16
    2099 is a lot of fun, especially if you've got a couple of the other 4* Spiderverse folks around for web tile synergy.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    I champed Flaptain yesterday - I want to say it was because it was Christmas and I felt sorry for him sitting there with his 14 saved covers but I think it may have just been that I was drunk and watching Endgame with that bit with the shield - I haven't actually used him yet...