Noob question - how do you pace roster spots with an overflow of recruits?

hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
I've now got a long queue of covers to add and obviously not enough roster spots to dole out... I know this is part of the strategy of spending/not spending of course.  At what point do you pare down your 3* covers?  I've already cut my 1* covers down to 3, and I see that some people hang onto 2* covers for a while and champion them up... I'm level 27 after a week and some spending, and I have such an overflow of 3* and a few 4* covers that it feels like I should probably ditch most of my 2* heroes now - does one ever regret dumping 2* heroes? 


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    You absolutely want to keep your 2* Characters. When they hit Max Champ, sell them off and start again. "Farming" them like this is going to be your most reliable source of HP (and thus Roster Slots) for quite some time to come. They're also Required in every PvE event, and with the relatively small selection of them, they rotate through pretty quickly, so you'll need any given one every month and a half or so.
    You do only need a single 1* Character. Juggernaut or any of the 3-colour ones can solo the 1* node in DDQ, and that's the only time you'll need them.
    The real key here is restraint. Don't spend HP on anything other than Roster Slots, don't pull Tokens unless you know for a fact you won't have to sell whatever comes out. Don't even think about CP or Legendary Tokens for now, just leave them to build up and open them once you've got most of the 3* champed. When pulling Tokens, as soon as you get a Cover that you can't Recruit, Train, or Save, stop pulling until you get the HP for another Roster slot for it. It gets frustrating, but it really is the best way to go in the long run.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Thanks, that's a great start.  I had no idea about selling for HP, that's good to know.  Also good to know I don't need 3 1* characters, I'll ditch a couple (I've got Storm/Spidey/Iron Man as a trio).
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not just selling them for HP, you get a fair amount as Champ Rewards as you cycle them, plus 125 every time you sell off a max champed 2*.
    I use all three of those 1* as well, but I'm at the point where I get enough HP on a regular basis that I can afford "wasted" Roster Slots. Spidey is my fave, but they're all pretty fun.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Thanks again.  Can you also tell me why people talk about their match lineup in terms of left-to-right?  Does the order they're in matter?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, it dictates your teams strongest colour if there is a tie for match damage/tanking. It also dictates the order in which passives go off. The order is center, left, right as far as I can remember.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Gosh, there's a lot of detail to this game... feeling a bit overwhelmed already!  Also regretting not buying Medusa as she seems nigh-impossible to beat.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Medusa is tough but she is also a pure Support character, so starve her of special tiles and she is basically just Match Damage lady. If you haven't already you can create a Gamependium account for your roster and share that here and players can try and help more based upon what you have. You have to manually update it but it probably isn't too big a chore starting out (says the man who has a hopelessly non updated Gamependium account himself). Anyway, starve ol' Snake hair of specials and she is actually no problem or stun her (but don't match her tile it still works even when she is stunned - a bug I believe).
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    hipUK said:
    Gosh, there's a lot of detail to this game... feeling a bit overwhelmed already!  Also regretting not buying Medusa as she seems nigh-impossible to beat.
    The game is very deep, yeah. That's one of the reasons it's best to progress in order: each tier gradually becomes more complex, and the subtle things like Character order become more important. Jumping in the deep end and trying to get the hang of the immense diversity of 4* Characters right away can def be pretty overwhelming, but building up to it helps.
    Medusa can get out of hand very easily, yeah. She's not unbeatable (DAZ0273 gave some good advice there), but she's still someone I tend to target first, even at my point in the game.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Thanks, here's my roster:

    Can't promise to update it! :wink:

    I'd love to finish off the Best In Class and get that Devil Dino... Can't make it past Taskmaster, Medusa or the Savage Land trio, they all finish me off way too fast.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daredevil seems like your best bet in the two one-on-one matches. I'm not sure you're going to be able to beat the Best Smile team at your point in the game. Sabretooth and Kraven have some pretty good synergy, and are strong and decent (respectively), while Devil Dino just has an absolutely ludicrous amount of health.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Sad reality... thanks for the pragmatism.

    DD's best thing is his stun, no? And it seems like the BiC villains can't be stunned.

    I also tried Doc Strange against Medusa and he never fired his reactive power against her, even when it wasn't passive.  Bugged perhaps?
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, right, I forgot about the un-stunnable thing. Against Medusa, I was also kind of thinking about DD's purple, tho, that can get brutal with enough enemy Special tiles on the board.
    Also, going back to your original issue, Bag-man is another you can absolutely toss. He's never Required (except for his PvP on April Fool's, but you can use the Loaner there), and his covers come slowly enough that you can't really farm him the same way you can with the other 2*.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Awyisss, I beat Medusa - just threw Cage at her on the offchance, and it worked. She took down Strange in 4 turns, but this time none of her timers got destroyed and with probably 1 turn left I managed to get my yellow off, taking her out.  Good times.