Future Anniversary Events



  • Sabaton74
    Sabaton74 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    As a new player(first anniversary) I've learned a lot. Save up to get first 5* cover in heroes for hire, to complete super essentials in release events... sell your ignorantly leveled 5*s due to MMR... so many passives coming out, stun game is getting a boost. I like passives btw. I've been vocal about 3*s getting the equal bump w 2*, saw a little of that in anniversary vault. They fixed load times... excited to play 99... 

     to all vets, and tired players, dont forget what brings you here. We grew up w this game, these characters. Perfection is a thing sought and rarely achieved. I'm glad to see improvements are being attempted constantly, and see devs frequently...  you already know what grandpa would say. Yall play Simon Cowell every event... yall ought to play the voice.

    longest I've ever played any game, since Descent-mine building before minecraft :o (one of few games as a kid)