Future Anniversary Events

pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
Devs, admins, and everyone who will listen:

We are once again having an anniversary event.  And I would like to preface this discussion with the full knowledge that rewards/events and (Hopefully) feeder announcements are not yet done so I will refrain from making my comments in regards to those items.

However, I feel the need to address the token errors, the Class of 201x PVPs, and general communication.

1)  General Communication (prior to Anniversary)

Kudos on informing us of some of the upcoming events/rewards.  Credit is due where credit is earned, so good job.  However, what is lackluster is the lack of communication for issues and questions that have arisen during the Anniversary events.  I know that Anniversary also overlaps NYCC.  My suggestion is that either Anniversary events be moved ahead or pushed back a week.  If the events don't happen precisely on the exact Anniversary dates, I'm sure we'd all be happy with that as long as we actually have dev engagement when things go sideways.  The community has always responded positively with greater communication, even if we aren't 100% happy with the contents of that communication.  Using NYCC to promote Anniversary events could actually increase excitement!

1a. Having someone on-hand for the Expired Tokens that were handed out is an example here.  And having a Galactus vault was kind of silly.  All event rewards gave Anniversary tokens so that vault was entirely Pay to Play.

1b. Anniversary vaults should have had way more 4s now that we have 4 limited 4* characters.  It looks like the standard anniversary vault had their Devil Dino contents stripped away and replaced with Howard and Taskmaster covers (with SpiderHam being entirely skipped).  There used to be a veritable smorgasbord of Dino covers.  Maybe have 3 separate smaller vaults over the Anniversary that each feature one limited character at a time now that we have so many.  This will allow greater cover opportunities in those vaults and people to pick and choose which vaults to drop their HP/money on.

2) Class of 201x PVPS

I want you guys to please look at these metrics closely.  For myself, at first glance, it appears that it was a huge success because my engagement appeared to have went up by quite a lot.

Unfortunately, this was due to the nature of these PVPs.  Without requiring a character, most of my MMR dictated that I saw almost exclusively Gritty/Bishop or Worthy Cap/Bishop/JJ teams.  These, as discussed elsewhere and not worth going into yet again here, are not fun.  My only option for prize progression was going wins-based.  I went from 20 to 25 fights in a PVP to 75.  This bordered on exhaustive burnout for myself.

3) New Content:


While only adding 8 extra nodes seems like not much, at least it was new and at least it required some different requirements on characters/fights.  My only suggestion for future runs of this is to make it scale to your own personal roster.  Honestly, waiting 24 hours for a node that took exactly one match to win seemed like a letdown.  Or maybe make them all wave nodes.  We've got 8 days to complete them.  Up the rewards as well as the difficulty.

4)  Increased HP/CP.

This is throwing a bone to the vets that are all post-iso to increase their enjoyment and rewards.  Everybody wins if this is implemented.

5)  HP Sales

This is the first year this hasn't happened (as of this writing.)  The Taskmaster bundle has HP (which is the first bundle in a while to do so), but 6 more Taskmaster covers and only 2200 HP wasn't the traditional sale I was hoping to spend money on.


I want to keep this positive.  Any critiques above come from a place of kindness and respect.  I want this game to be as good as it can be and I certainly don't want to give any shade for new content and things that go above regular releases.  

Thanks again for another year of gameplay!


  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been doing pretty well this Anniversary, but everybody's mileage is going to vary on what's offered so I get it if this has been a bum event for anybody. I've pulled 6-7 tokens in Fan Favs, and 2 of those have been 5*s (first purple for my 5trange (4/1/0) and a red for my OML (4/1/4) - neither set my world on fire, but still cool)

    I've pulled down a good number of Devil Ds, a few Howards, and I managed to get my Taskmaster from 3/2/2 going in to the anniversary to 5/4/4 (lucked into the taco vault Taskmaster if you can believe that). I haven't got the iso to champ him before the PVP ends, but at least I can champ him at all now. 

    I definitely agree that Ham is maybe the most limited 4* right now. My alliance can't get to round 8 in the Battle at the Basilica, so I'll probably only be able to get him from the April Fools stuff in future If I don't want to direct-cp buy covers for him. He is also possibly the least useful limited, so I guess there's at least that in the way of compensation.

    I also agree that it's weird to have side-vaults when all the events give out strictly anniversary vaults. I also kind of wish that the featured character PVPs gave out tokens to their stores as normal (dino, task, etc), though I am kind of wishy washy on that since there is stuff i'm after in the anniversary vault as well.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    The lack of spiderham is disappointing, especially when the only way to get his covers is a boss event that is rarely run. 
    And requires your alliance to get to Round 8 of said boss events, and not all Alliances get to that point.
    Or a crazy HP expensive Heroes for Hire offer for one cover that ran during that time if I remember.  This was late June of this year if I remember right.
    I passed on it because I thought he'd be available during this Anniversary...
  • Therealsmkspy
    Therealsmkspy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2019
    While it is nice that they offer HfH deals, I could never justify the price for limited characters. The return isn't worth the investment imo.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I mean, would it have been too much trouble to add the limited 4s to the Fan Favorites store? 
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    When you think back to the first anniversary event and where players were at in progression things were very different.  The double iso felt huge since so many players were in need of iso.  The HP sales were amazing becuase so many players were struggling with roster slots.  The token drop rate also felt huge since the vault only lasted a week. 20 player LR were a ton of fun and gave out great rewards.

    i bring this up since so many players who were around for the first anniversary are in such GC a different place than today.  For this anniversary I like the boss event, new daily event, and am looking forward to the new PVE.  

    For challenges for me personally 4* are an afterthought so only 5* are what I am chasing.  Double iso is nice but I have been sitting on 8 million iso and 60k HP for a while.  For future anniversaries I would like to see more mini events like best in class, Gauntlet, growth industry, Gwen Prix.  With these events give out bigger and better rewards for anniversary like double or triple CP, for the gauntlet give out the newest 5* character, for the boss event give out another 5* instead of a favorites token.

    it is challenging to go bigger and better than then the previous year and it is also a lot of work to modify the code for just 2 weeks.  Overall the player base will appreciate it though.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    So far week 1 of Anniversary has been lackluster compared to other anniversary celebrations in vault offerings, fan favorite 5* characters, and lack of HP sale.  Hopefully week 2 makes up for it.  

    Yes I recognize that this is complaining but I also recognize it is the truth :wink:
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is my Fourth Anniversary and it has been far the most...beige. The others all had their share of disastrous events, Hijinks and fun character releases but well this year it is just, sort of happening I guess. It even seems sort'a a like the Dev's aren't too fussed either judging by the lack of updates on the thread. 
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    Only said it 1000x....  where are the feeders?

    As for the rest of the anniversary....  I mean, it doesn't feel special and surely doesn't feel like any sort of "extra reward" to the players.  Double ISO is nice.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2019
    JHawkInc said:

    I like the Class of 201X PVP events, but... I ran Thor/Okoye/Sabretooth for all of them and just mindlessly clubbed my way to 75 wins. There was some mild variety in my opponents, but it wasn't super distinct. I'm going to remember MY team way more than the year-themed groupings.

    Second, replace the Class Of PVP events with Fan Favorite PVPs. Peggy, 4* Carol, Medusa, Rocket & Groot, X-Force Wolverine/Deadpool, etc. With placement and progression, that gives you more chances to earn Fan Favorite characters (beyond the LTs)

    The problem here for the devs (and this comment applies to another earlier post about class of X PvP) is there are 2 distinct sets of players. 5* PvP players and everyone else.

    As someone who is a 4* PvP player all the Class Of PvPs were just fine. I saw plenty of teams full of just those boosted characters because boosted 3*s are the same as my unboosted 4* teams (for 2013). So there was no wall of Gritshop or other usual PvP issues for me and in 2014 and beyond there were 4* boosted characters etc so I could skip one or two Gritshop or HammerCap teams I did see.

    So while I understand 5* players saw these as just annoying Shield Sim, the rest of us certainly didn't.

    In the same vein, if they replaced the Class of PvP events with pure 4* PvP events from fan favorites then all the players with 3* and under rosters (and fledgling 4* rosters) are not going to be able to play at all because they will have the same complaint they have now with regular 4* PvP events where they don't have the right characters with enough covers.

    Not sure what the answer is unless/until they split PvP into 2 or more events that run concurrently and outright ban 5* characters in the lesser events.

  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think it would be nice to have full 5*, full 4*, and full 3* PvP with no choice but to use all three characters from that tier.
  • Sabaton74
    Sabaton74 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2019
    Lots of sweet ideas here... 

    @JHawkInc I seriously read your entire comment :o 

    Your ideas about tokens gave me an idea... gwen pool event has a node that acts like a store where you can convert taco tokens into 7th anniversary vault tokens, x10, x40... BEFORE THE VAULT OPENS!? 8O
    (Throwback to deadpool stockpiled token, did anyone screenshot that vault? Pulled a 2 star danvers, shoulda left that token, the vault cover was better than the pull)

    Gwen gets her cut and that's why deadpool was so betrayed in his node... "I give you tokens you beat up the people I tell you to..." (noticed he queued up several times against us in deadpool daily month prior to gwen prix, si he had it coming)

    Ps pulled the 2900hp this year xD
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't care about feeders or HP sales but yeah I echo most of the sentiments here. As the value of a four star cover has gone down over the years the amount rewarded and value in the vaults and deals has gone down. I've emptied the anniversary vault 3 times to finish taskmaster. I am swimming in HP but don't see any value at all in continuing or buying the 'deals'.

    I had high hopes for this anniversary but so far it's been the most phoned in celebration yet. The worst yet for me, class of X isn't helping either. I'm hoping for some surprises.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    My biggest disappointment was that the vault went 6x dino at the cost of 3x other random 4*'s. That vault would have been awesome with 3x Dino 3x TM 3x Duck 6x random.

    And LT's instead of fan favorites, but whatever. I think I'm 1-11 on fan favorite tokens but didn't care to put cp into them anyway. Still curious where the metric came from that OML is heavily used - new players shouldn't have him, and old players never use him. I have no curiosity whatsoever about how often Kitty is used. Imagine that.

    I guess I use OML every day - as Thanos fodder on easy PVE nodes. I'm going to start using garbage 5*'s I'd actually like to see in the future.

    (Obviously 'worst' of anniversary is no feeders, but that goes without saying.)