Basilica event still annoying

Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
Did the game calendar bugged or something? Or are the moderators on these forums asleep? Are the elementals taking over and taking the devs as hostages? What is going on?
Because i didn't see ANY post about the event coming back in the game, and yet, there it is for 10 hours now.

Anyway, let's get to the point. When this event was released, the whole community (including me) whined and cried about how poorly, lazy and moneygrabbing the event was made. Fast forward 2 months later and guess which event do we have ? The same one, without changes to the nodes, and without changes to the bosses powers (one of them (Hydroman) still being ridiculously broken, and the other one (Fireman) still being a tanky mofo, but poor on offense(thanks God)). 
What's the point of the whole event ? Driving players to insanity ?
Also, why do you even beg us fill those alliance event surveys if you don't thing of changing anything ?

I don't know about the other players, but i have a feeling that we are like lab rats to the devs and that they are just testing how much we can endure until we collapse (or in this case, leave the game).


  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    I’m confused. You must have a pretty new roster. Post what you’re struggling with, maybe we can help.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Theghouse said:
    One thing I would like to see changed though: take away the anti-stun on the 1v1 side nodes, especially against enemies who can stun you... I can understand no stun when you have a whole team against a solo enemy, but 1v1 either both can stun or no one can.  I also remember the 1v1s being very rough in the last round due to roster scaling so we'll see how that goes when we get there.
    Also, if they're going to keep it, change the wording to "Cannot be Stunned" like the actual Bosses. "Immune to Stunned" is some of the most awkward wording I've ever seen. Drives me nuts every time.
  • Southside84
    Southside84 Posts: 93 Match Maker
    I loved this event the first time and like it again this time.   Judging from early participation, my alliance likes this event as well.  The late round fights do get rough, especially the 1 on 1, but challenging isn't a bad thing.   They aren't impossible. 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    My alliance is on round 5, closing in on rd 6, but I haven't had any problems with it yet and it's my first time playing it as a 4* player. Granted it's early since round 5 is no round 8 but still.
  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Don't find this even particularly annoying at all. Yes, you have to fight the bosses in the right way to beat them, but it's an alliance event, so surely it should be a little bit challenging?
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    My only real complaint is that it is a difficult event for the newer members of the alliance I'm in.  There seemed to be more side nodes requiring specific 4* characters than usual, since requiring "any Nick Fury variant" doesn't help if there is only one variant.
    As for the event itself, I like the challenge of the one-on-one side missions.  I am only dealing with 4* scaling though, so I can accept that they might get out of control for those with champed 5* characters though.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
    edited September 2019
    They used to make whole posts about alliance events and mentioning them in sneak peeks. Now, they just mentioned it in a sneak peek. Not everyone opens sneak peeks regularly. Therefore, the moderators failed their job this time.

    I just sweeped through a couple of pages of the previous thread about this event and I see praises all over.
    When i was searching around all i saw was negative comments.

    1) Show us your rosters
    2) What trouble are you having against them?
    3) Who do you use against them?

    Once we have these info, members can chip in to help you overcome these challenges.

    1) I wish i can. I just don't know how. Actually, i know there's a way via, but i'm too lazy to manually adjust covers and levels for each character i have. And i don't know another easier way to show my roster.
    The roster is: all 3*s championed;
    America Chavez championed, 4*prof x (lvl 110, so Charlie's Angels can work) with 5 covers in blue and with some yellow and pink covers. My second strongest 4* is around lvl 170.
    So, pretty much weak roster for the menacing Hydro-man.

    3) I tried Charlie's Angels against Hydro-man twice. The first time, Charles died in Hydro's second turn, the second game he died in his 4th turn.
    Now i'm experimenting with 3*Punisher, Storm and IM40. And it's not easy.

    2) I used 7 health packs in 5 games. And as a f2p player that also plays pvp, that's a lot of health packs wasted because Hydro's powers generate free ap whenever my strongest color is matched. So, if the RNG have mercy, i will be fine that game. If RNG decide to go wild, i will most likely get wrecked. And that's the biggest problem with that boss. On the other hand, the Fiery dude is piece of cake for me. And i really don't like that. That's not how balance is made in a game.

    I don't know. Maybe i'm so tilted that i can't see an obvious team made from 3*s and weak 4*s that can help me beat the boss without throwing health packs. Or maybe there isn't one.

    We are on round 5.

    Don't find this even particularly annoying at all. Yes, you have to fight the bosses in the right way to beat them, but it's an alliance event, so surely it should be a little bit challenging?
    I'm playing this game for 11 months. In the last 8 months, i regularly hit more than 900k. The other 2 times i struggled with an event and didn't hit 900k in the last 8 months were Civil War and the previous Basilica. The event may be easy for higher level players, but it's a real struggle for players that rely mainly on their 3* characters, because we don't have the heavy artillery, we have BB guns and slingshots. 

    Theghouse said:
    I don't remember the whole community whining.  I would have a hard time calling an alliance event "money-grabbing" considering these events give the best rewards in terms of 4* covers and LTs.
    The other events didn't have 2 nodes that required 4*s, right ? Have you seen the 2* node in this event ? I haven't, but i've seen it in other events. So, basically, the devs message to the players weaker than me ( players with semi-developed 3* rosters or player who start the transition from 2* to 3* land) is "Give us some money or get lost and don't hope for personal rewards in this event"
    Other events don't have a 1v1 node that in the later rounds needs few rounds to be passed, right ? Other events also didn't had bosses that punish you for matching the tiles you want. Other events don't have bosses with crazy ap generating that you kind of can't stop, right ? Crazy ap generating leads to spending more health packs than normally.
    Other events also give the same awards for lesser problems.

    Well, if what i mentioned  above is not moneygrabbing, i don't know what is.
    I agree with you for the stun in the 1v1 node tho.
  • peterdark
    peterdark Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    Kletvar said:

    Anyway, let's get to the point. When this event was released, the whole community (including me) whined and cried about how poorly, lazy and moneygrabbing the event was made. 
    I don't remember this. I think the only complaints I saw were on the 1 vs 1 nodes being too difficult after the first day.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
    peterdark said:
    Kletvar said:

    Anyway, let's get to the point. When this event was released, the whole community (including me) whined and cried about how poorly, lazy and moneygrabbing the event was made. 
    I don't remember this. I think the only complaints I saw were on the 1 vs 1 nodes being too difficult after the first day.
    There were comments about 2* node being replaced with 4* node. Some were for the bosses too.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2019
    3* Sam Wilson should be able to override their countdown tiles with 5 blue ap, rendering them close to useless.

    I thought a champed America Chavez will be of great help. 3* Thanos with his purple power set at 5 combined with critical tiles should deal considerable damage to him. Equip Thanos with any support that allows him to tank as much as possible. Coincidentally, these three makes a rainbow team.  :D 

    Load up on those three set of ap boost each match.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 96 Match Maker
    edited September 2019
    3* Sam Wilson should be able to override their countdown tiles with 5 blue ap, rendering them close to useless.

    I thought a champed America Chavez will be of great help. 3* Thanos with his purple power set at 5 combined with critical tiles should deal considerable damage to him. Equip Thanos with any support that allows him to tank as much as possible. Coincidentally, these three makes a rainbow team.  :D 

    Load up on those three set of ap boost each match.
    I didn't think about Sam. Thanks for that.  I already thought about America Chavez, but she'll will only make things worse, because one badly placed critical may give Hydro free ap. Thanos seems nice ( especially with rank 5 on purple and a nice support ( Pocket Radio for example)), but since you already mentioned Sam, i think that Sam, IF and LC will make a nice team. 

    Boosts will eventually run out. I don't know if there's a way to replenish them. Is there ? I rarely use boosts, and i never depleted a boost pool, so i have no idea if they can be replenished. If there's a way to do it (w/o spending gold ), that would be awesome  :D
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,562 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't quote this as verbatim but I suspect there may have been some level of mandating Nick Fury's involvement in this one due to the film. Or perhaps the Dev's just felt that he was so thematically vital that he had to be included as a prominent character - this is pretty rare for Boss Events which normally rotate a steady bunch of Iron Man/Wolverine/Hulk/Spider-man/Hawkeye/Black Widow etc. nodes for wider engagement.

    The other 2 issues I saw mentioned were scaling and scheduling. Scheduling has been fixed as it was a one-off. Scaling seems to be a bit brutal and mostly applicable to the 1 v 1 nodes. It should not be an issue in the first 24 hours. The Bosses are tough but shouldn't that be the point? They are Bosses!

    To the OP: Not to take away anything from your complaints but you seem to be doing pretty well. Also, don't take this as a "Things were hard in my day!!" type post but I fully remember heading into Civil War as a 3* player and getting battered. Progression in Alliance events is a measure of roster growth, obviously it is frustrating that some events might be tough or have a roadblock but keep playing and you will get there. This thing is a breeze compared to Places of Power or even Growth Industries - now THAT is brutal scaling...
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I remember going up against galactus with a team of 3* hulk, OBW and 2 or 3* storm. If you were lucky you could go winfinite and beat him in two or three turns that took about 20 minutes (it was sooooooo slow). If you were unlucky you’d be dead in four turns or less. 
  • Dopexvii
    Dopexvii Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    I've gotten in fine with just the boosted hero's. And I have no champed  4*s.
    And that's also at round five. Perhaps try some different combos
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can share your roster by posting your alliance name and MPQ name. People can view it in-game that way.
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    AXP_isme said:
    I remember going up against galactus with a team of 3* hulk, OBW and 2 or 3* storm. If you were lucky you could go winfinite and beat him in two or three turns that took about 20 minutes (it was sooooooo slow). If you were unlucky you’d be dead in four turns or less. 
    Was that back when the Punisher could insta-kill Galactus with his red power? Good times, good times.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* Hawkeye/Patch/IM40 is a great 3* team. You could replace Patch with Chavez and just use the other two to keep your AP pools high (every match of an enemy special from Hawk3y3 generates AP on blue/purple). Once Chavez starts shoulder-checking, even if they do get AP it won't last long.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,430 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't remember any complaining the first time other than the 1 vs 1 nodes got pretty tough towards the end, other than that this seems like the typical alliance event.  I'm pretty sure every alliance event has had a few 4* required nodes.  

    I remember Cho Hulk being needed in apocalypse and I'm pretty sure black cat was needed in either that one or an earlier boss event.  I remember the very fist time they did the Civil War event I was still in 4 star land at the time and was missing one of the 4 stars needed on team cap so when that node was up I would have to switch to the iron man team and do the corresponding node for team iron man to unlock that node on team caps side.