My anniversary wish is...



  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    A dilution solution
    PiMacleod said:
    Dilution isnt a problem to me, imo.  Sure, its harder to get any character you want.

    But does it really matter as much when only like 10 characters matter in the end game?

    I would want the rebalance of any/all characters more than anything.  If the characters were actually balanced to some extent, then dilution is the next problem in line, IMO.  But it doesnt matter when only a few characters (aka most peoples bonus hearts) are worth chasing.

    Mind you, i get a lot of people like collecting.  However, the value of other characters should raise before i really care about the odds of getting and chasing certain ones.
    Bear in mind that most players aren’t comfortably-nestled 5-star players. ”does it matter much when only 10 matter in the end” is the question you posed, and the resounding answer is it absolutely matters, and colossally to anyone who doesn’t already have any of those characters. Dilution continually means that those characters “that matter” get further and further out of reach of new players.
    Not to mention that even if all/most characters were reworked it would still take forever for a newer player to get any character fully covered so that they could even use them, meanwhile even more characters are added to the game which only further dilutes the chances of getting a character covered.
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 594 Critical Contributor
    A dilution solution
    what i think i would like is the splitting of classic tokens. you could theme them, or you could just have age be the way they cut it.

    so you could have the standard classic tokens which will have everyone, or you could use your cp to bull from the "x-men", which will have only x-men 5stars, and better odds for xmen 4s. or choose the Avengers pack which only has avengers, villans pack, etc... there could even be overlap but it would just be the bestest.

    this would make the ability to cover specific people at the current rost number would be Amazing.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    PiMacleod said:
    Dilution isnt a problem to me, imo.  Sure, its harder to get any character you want.

    But does it really matter as much when only like 10 characters matter in the end game?

    I would want the rebalance of any/all characters more than anything.  If the characters were actually balanced to some extent, then dilution is the next problem in line, IMO.  But it doesnt matter when only a few characters (aka most peoples bonus hearts) are worth chasing.

    Mind you, i get a lot of people like collecting.  However, the value of other characters should raise before i really care about the odds of getting and chasing certain ones.
    Bear in mind that most players aren’t comfortably-nestled 5-star players. ”does it matter much when only 10 matter in the end” is the question you posed, and the resounding answer is it absolutely matters, and colossally to anyone who doesn’t already have any of those characters. Dilution continually means that those characters “that matter” get further and further out of reach of new players.
    We'll agree to disagree then
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    A dilution solution
    I've been on the fix dilution bandwagon for a long time.

    Fixing dilution will make other problems go away once more players have access to classic characters.
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    Other (please explain)
    Make PvE not reliant on any particular time of time. Just one run through at 6 or 7 clears, points based on amount of time to complete. I'm sick of playing when I HAVE to, not when I want to. 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    A dilution solution
    Make PvE not reliant on any particular time of time. Just one run through at 6 or 7 clears, points based on amount of time to complete. I'm sick of playing when I HAVE to, not when I want to. 
    I've been thinking lately about how I would update pve. Maybe change it to a system where each node has five regular clears and then one bonus clear with a specific objective like win with an all female team, use five different powers, win without Hulk getting angry, two of your characters must die, boss rush, etc and you can earn a reward for completing it. Make the game mean more than just who can clear nodes the fastest. It would be more focused on progression and then the current placement rewards would be baked into the system so if you do all regular clears then you get a 4* cover, if you finish 15 out of 30 special objectives you earn another 4* cover, 25 or more out of 30 will earn the final 4* cover and then completing everything will earn a one use token to a special vault called Legends that has rewards like 5,000+ iso, three legendaries, advanced support tokens, 250+ hp, a heroic that gives a guaranteed bonus hero, etc. Oh and play whenever you want without essentially being punished for not playing "optimally" based on time. Knock out your regular clears in one sitting then play off and on throughout the day on your bonus objectives. I think it would be a lot more fun especially with the bonus objectives to spice up the game more. 
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    Other (please explain)
    I'll set the bar low and wish for double-iso.
    If I sincerely wish for anything else I know I will be disappointed.
  • IIAlonditeII
    IIAlonditeII Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Support for supports
    PiMacleod said:
    PiMacleod said:
    Dilution isnt a problem to me, imo.  Sure, its harder to get any character you want.

    But does it really matter as much when only like 10 characters matter in the end game?

    I would want the rebalance of any/all characters more than anything.  If the characters were actually balanced to some extent, then dilution is the next problem in line, IMO.  But it doesnt matter when only a few characters (aka most peoples bonus hearts) are worth chasing.

    Mind you, i get a lot of people like collecting.  However, the value of other characters should raise before i really care about the odds of getting and chasing certain ones.
    Bear in mind that most players aren’t comfortably-nestled 5-star players. ”does it matter much when only 10 matter in the end” is the question you posed, and the resounding answer is it absolutely matters, and colossally to anyone who doesn’t already have any of those characters. Dilution continually means that those characters “that matter” get further and further out of reach of new players.
    We'll agree to disagree then
    I don't think that's what this is. I don't think you're wrong - from the perspective of a 5-Star player, dilution would hardly seem to be an issue at all. But I think the issue is that the perspective of a 5-Star player makes up a very small portion of the player base, and as a result is not an issue most of us can relate to. You're not wrong from your position, but your position is not one that a large percentage of the playerbase shares.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2019
    Im getting the vibe that you think Im a 5* player.

    Thanks!  I never would qualify myself as such though.  Sure, i got most of the 4*s champed (about 10 short, i think)... But i only have ONE 5* champed.  (And its 5* Marvel, too... Not even a meta one).

    Sure, i put in a LOT of time.  But i barely put in any real $$$.  I just learned through hard knocks how to build my roster, and only within the last year or so have i been hoarding LTs and CP in an effort to grow a better 5* roster.  Thankfully i started doing this right as Kitty was hitting LTs, and so i benefited greatly throughout my time with a (currently) 12 cover Kitty.  Also a 12 cover Loki, 11 in Cable, and 10 in a couple others.

    That said, i stand by what i said.  I wish my roster was worth more.  Theres a bunch of characters in this game, but only a scant few that we all use regularly.  

    Is Black Cat gonna break the meta?
    How is Namor doing?
    Loki doesnt seem to be changing anything, despite my having fun with him...
    Talos fell flat, didnt he?
    Juggs looks promising, but to hit that meta is a hard deal... I wish him the best.

    I could go on and on.  If we had a better way to target and acquire the characters we want, we would all only select one of two things... Either
    A ). A meta character, or
    B ). A character just for Shield Training/collection purposes (its kinda the same thing at this point)

    But flip it around... What if the characters were all balanced?  What if the characters were buffed (i dare not say nerf in this atmosphere) to a point where the meta wasnt so strong?  What if more teams could dethrone Grittyshop on the regular?

    If more characters could disrupt the formula, then we (the players) would be hunting down characters more based on what we are interested in playing, and not just based on the meta or next Shield Training requirements.

    After all, i dont think theres a single player that 'loves' chasing a fan favorite character of theirs, just to bench them because they cant crack that 1800+ mark in Shield Sim.  Im a professed Nightcrawler fan, and as much fun as i have with him and 4* Prof X, its just not worth getting my butt kicked in PvP, or even just the extra time it would take me to get my progression PvE clears.  Id rather use my unchamped Kitty and Hela and 284 Rocket to clear things fast.

    Because in the end, as much as i love this game, we all only have so much time in the day to play.  So, until my favorites get that buff, i'll do like everyone else and play the meta, blatantly dealing with dilution.

  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    5* reworks
    5 reworks, ALL 5's should be super fun, or at least have a very specialized niche. 

    There are a ton of 4'sthat are flat out just more interesting than 5.

    People sit in 4 land because there's nothing enticing about being in 5 land. When literally only 4-6 are truly useful and the rest are not only not good but not fun to use.

  • IIAlonditeII
    IIAlonditeII Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Support for supports
    PiMacleod said:
    Im getting the vibe that you think Im a 5* player.

    Thanks!  I never would qualify myself as such though.  Sure, i got most of the 4*s champed (about 10 short, i think)... But i only have ONE 5* champed.  (And its 5* Marvel, too... Not even a meta one).
    I mean... if your 5 Stars are leveled to the point that theyre more useful than the 4 Stars. 

    I think it's safe to say that "5 star" and "Champed 5 Star" are entirely different tiers of play, considering how the Champed 5s scale. The 550s are monsters compared to their 450 selves.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2019
    Well, since i mostly play PvE, yes, a lot of them are more useful.  Pure match damage is great.  Its the passive that always works.  :)

    Add in the crazy 4* Rocket passive, and now the 5*s behave like gods!  Why wouldnt i play them like this (in PvE)?

    But for PvP, its not possible.  Match damage is only nice if the opposing team is easy enough to bowl over.  Otherwise, its better to bring good ol' BISHOP to the party for obvious reasons.  You know, the 4* that eats 5*s for breakfast.

    Anyways, a lot of my champed 4*s are still highly viable over my 5*s.  Theres a lot of teams that function because of 4*s, and a lot of counters to 5*s are found there (especially recently).

    If i get a few more 5*s (not Wasp) to 13 covers, then i'll reevaluate myself.  Until then, i'll try to keep climbing sim with (fun) 4* teams (with maybe a 5* like Loki for spice).

    EDIT: I do admit, it kinda sucks having a champed 5* though.  There are a few theoretical 4* teams ive tried, but cant beat these 5* teams ive MMR'd against.  I understand that im taking chances, but i also know that im missing a bit of fun by having a couple high level 5s.