New Update

0zfest Posts: 69 Match Maker
Disclaimer: there may be caps and opinions expressed here so if you are easily butt hurt over things don't read this post !
   About this "Update"
Is a giant step backwards, who thought that making everything blurry to have it fade in to clear would be faster ?
It takes (long enough for me to notice) for stuff to (fade into clarity), it used to load a clear object not a blurred one.
I will take a few MILLISECONDS longer load time to see clear images right off the bat vs waiting.
Also when a character's power is used a power an animation depicting said power is played, guess what ? It's blurry !
So congrats D3 for allowing me to play this game without my glasses !
So don't break your fingers posting here about how great this update is when it is not !
I will not get into arguments about how, what I see. I call it as I see it. If I knew how to post pics here I would prove to you what I am seeing "in game" is the truth. Like you can't see for yourself. You just have to be willing to accept our beloved game is flawed in some ways. I just don't agree that breaking a working system to make it worse is better in any way shape or form. Adding steps to computer systems doesn't make them faster, it slows them down. If you were at work and your boss just asked you to do 10 more things ... would you,  A. be leaving earlier
                                                               B. be working longer
It's called "common sense"
In short you can take your update and ... well you get it. IT STINKS !
I do also feel I should mention that my back,home,previous buttons were removed and replaced with in game controls.
At least I got to play 1000 days before the blur ! (kinda like the vanishing in infinity war and endgame, you see what I did there).



  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Don't get butt hurt when I tell you to chill out--you only see the low res images once. After they're loaded the hi res ones remain.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2019
    0zfest said:
    [...] who thought that making everything blurry to have it fade in to clear would be faster ?[...]

    I think your complaint has more than one part, or perhaps a misunderstanding of what they were saying when they said "faster." Having a low-resolution (ie smaller on-disk sized image) actually does improve the overall performance of the game. This trick is used in all games (and websites) all the time, it's a variation on Levels of Detail. What is supposed to be happening is you get a lightning fast load of a very small on disk file, which will appear to you as blurry in the way they've chosen to implement it here while the action is happening, and then during the animation the full-rez asset gets loaded in and ideally cached for next time.

    So the gameplay speed should be faster/smoother/etc with this change. Also pre-match loading events should go away, and by and large they have gone away, now that those hi rez images don't have to be pre-loaded before the match starts. But if you look at the experience of the gameplay overall, going between screens, match to match speed, etc, I would be surprised if that wasn't an overall improvement for you. I also have seen things come in blurry and snap to full-rez more than once, but I believe that's happening match to match, rather than across the same match.

    I don't type all that to tell you that your experience isn't valid of not enjoying the blurry image placeholder-to-full-rez trick, but just trying to maybe help you frame what postives this engine change does actually and measurably bring to the game experience.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    You will see the blur each time the game loads art/graphics used 1st time after update then will be normal
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    I thought the blur was kind of funny, like everything was being inappropriately censored.  First match on mobile was the last one of the deadpool daily and when I played Fury's yellow I thought he called in the team while they were still changing in the lockerroom.  I could just picture them all going "come on, can't you wait a minute before jumping out.  Gave me a quick laugh.
  • Raithe1
    Raithe1 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Mine is blurry everytime it changes screens, and when a game begins takes about 5-6 seconds to clear the blurry on the board. So no does not seem to be running faster. 
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I "pre-loaded" as much as possible by going in and out of nodes or just by entering with different characters that I commonly use then retreating.  Pretty much anything that could be clicked was clicked.  Did not negatively impact this morning's grind at all that way.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Raithe1 said:
    Mine is blurry everytime it changes screens, and when a game begins takes about 5-6 seconds to clear the blurry on the board. So no does not seem to be running faster. 
    Your device is just adjusting to the loading of the new hi res art assets any time you switch screen where it hasn't been loaded before. The Dev's stated outright that they were not going to do a "download all" for the new higher spec images, etc because they didn't want players to have to wait to play the game whilst all the newer stuff loaded. This will continue every time you need to load a screen that has art/whatever on it that hasn't been loaded before until it is all in your device cache. 
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    0zfest said:

    At least I got to play 1000 days before the blur ! (kinda like the vanishing in infinity war and endgame, you see what I did there).

    *spoiler alert
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    I know the OP says it's not an upgrade.... But I have to disagree.

    Once you play the game enough, you know that speed is everything.  I don't play for placement, yet I'm still trying to cut corners to get my clears down as much as possible.

    Panthos, Gritty, Thorkoye... They're not just effective teams... They save precious time per day.  People who want progression rewards, and/or PvP wins, use them all the time.  The quicker you can get in and out of menus, the quicker your game and experience becomes.  

    And that's what the player base wants, once they learn that's what is necessary to place, or even that it'll shave time off of their normal daily grind.  

    So yes.  It's an improvement.  Sure there's still kinks to work out.  But it's a huge step in the right direction.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Still blurry @0zfest? Shouldn't be. You were so convinced of a permanent problem, if it's gone you should post an update...
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s still blurry for nodes/characters that haven’t been used but that’s to be expected. 

    For me personally I love this. I can do my nodes in peace and let the images load in the background instead of having to wait for long load times before each match, slowing me down and likely effecting placement. 

    But to be fair this is coming coming from someone who turns animations off, so I’m likely much less bent out of shape about the visuals (especially temporary issues) than most people. 
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
    Was hoping Mindless Tile placement would be sped up as well.  Guess you can't get everything you want.
  • 0zfest
    0zfest Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Still see the odd blurry icon, character etc.
    the speed seems the same to me (its not faster)
    I never used to see blurred images ... ever ( I do now)
    where is everyone getting all the hype (it's so great "its like HD", comments I've seen)
    in truth all the great things everyone is talking about I just am not seeing
    I see no speed improvement in game play or load times.
    After the "low res image(the blurry one) loads, the normal(the one they are calling "hi res" does (looks the same to me)
    that's an extra step and an image to load that wasn't previously there before(slowing things down{"making it look silky smooth" another comment I've read})
    is it worth taking the update = not a chance
    There's your update aces

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    0zfest said:
    Still see the odd blurry icon, character etc.
    the speed seems the same to me (its not faster)
    I never used to see blurred images ... ever ( I do now)
    where is everyone getting all the hype (it's so great "its like HD", comments I've seen)
    in truth all the great things everyone is talking about I just am not seeing
    I see no speed improvement in game play or load times.
    After the "low res image(the blurry one) loads, the normal(the one they are calling "hi res" does (looks the same to me)
    that's an extra step and an image to load that wasn't previously there before(slowing things down{"making it look silky smooth" another comment I've read})
    is it worth taking the update = not a chance
    There's your update aces

    I honestly think there’s something wrong with your device, your eyes, or with your brain. I’d suggest looking into all three and seeing if there’s something there that may help you. Some of your complaints I understand (blurry images), but saying the load times are slower and there’s no difference in image quality from before once the images load... that’s just not true unless there is something wrong on your end.  I think 99% of people would say they are experiencing the opposite of what you are. I’m not trying to take your experience away from you, as I’m sure it’s real for you. But there is an objective reality out there a well, so it might be that there’s an issue on your end.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    The game runs faster and looks better on my outdated Android. In fact, it runs so much better that I've inadvertently backed out of the game once or twice because I was used to clicking a bunch of times to try to get through various menu screens as fast as possible. It moved so quickly when I did it after the update that it registered every click and sent me all the way to my phone's home screen.
  • 0zfest
    0zfest Posts: 69 Match Maker
    something wrong with my device I can kinda accept
    something wrong with my eyes ... time is my only enemy
    something wrong with my brain ... not sure how to respond to that
    take a guess what these three thing have in common ?

  • Twomp_thaDJ
    Twomp_thaDJ Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Was hoping Mindless Tile placement would be sped up as well.  Guess you can't get everything you want.
    Yes this.... so much this!!!!!!!
  • 0zfest
    0zfest Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Borstock said:
    The game runs faster and looks better on my outdated Android. In fact, it runs so much better that I've inadvertently backed out of the game once or twice because I was used to clicking a bunch of times to try to get through various menu screens as fast as possible. It moved so quickly when I did it after the update that it registered every click and sent me all the way to my phone's home screen.
    the problem I have with this is the way to scroll through the "in game menus" is at the bottom of the play screen and the button to take you out of the game is on the top of the screen
    nice try ...
    crash and burn
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't noticed any button relocations at all on iOS, did they move on Android? Which buttons specifically moved?
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,018 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't noticed any button relocations at all on iOS, did they move on Android? Which buttons specifically moved?
    The Android-specific system buttons are no longer displayed in-game. You have to swipe up from the bottom of the screen for them to display. It's the Android immersive mode.