I just want to say goodbye

zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
Today would have been day 2031 for me. Instead today is the day I leave this game behind.
Thanks for all the memories, and the good times.
Heck, thanks for all the pain and bad times as well.

It's not me though, it's you. You've become so predictable, so boring, so... lifeless.

At the start of spring I told myself that I would quit by the end of July if there weren't any significant updates to the game. After all it was back in April that you took away the support event after nerfing support drop rates and red iso from tokens saying you were going to adjust the event due to fan feedback.

Yet here we are, months later and you haven't said a word, just continued pushing out customs and a new character every two weeks.(I suppose there were a few new events with new bosses but those are minor updates not significant ones)

Characters that might be interesting in the comic form but are mostly forgettable in the game. Even if I wanted them though you want so much from me. You demand I make you a full time job in order to get any characters I want, and even then I will typically fall short. You want me to give you hours of attention each day, but I just wanted to have a quick fling with you from time to time.

I truly wish you the best, but I'm looking for something more than just new characters I will never fully cover in my life now.

I hope everyone that is enjoying the game continues to enjoy it and that you all have a great rest of the year.


  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have fun. I may join you sooner rather than later.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2019
    If the fun has stopped absolutely quit. 

    Game takes up so much time, you don’t even feel you could have a two week family vacation put the game down and not fall behind, so when a game dominates that much free time and you have stopped enjoying it quit.

    Far better than waiting for this game to become remade into something you think the game should be. Especially at this point in its life. Communication has all but dried up, even on discord, I have no idea why people bother putting so much effort now into xyz is wrong with the game, over and over.

    Like what it is or quit.


    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    Wish you all the best
    I think shortly could join you. The only thing that keep me playing, as of today,  is that if I should quit, I would admit to myself that I wasted 4 years of my life putting a game before everything.....for nothing  :'(
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    WEBGAS said:
    Wish you all the best
    I think shortly could join you. The only thing that keep me playing, as of today,  is that if I should quit, I would admit to myself that I wasted 4 years of my life putting a game before everything.....for nothing  :'(
    It’s not for nothing. For a large portion of that you were enjoying the game, you hadn’t fun and probably chatted all sorts of **** and giggles with people on the line app. 

    Its far far more pathetic to keep playing a game that doesn’t make you smile because of previous time invested. 

    I played way to much cod4 and don’t look back on it as wasted time when the game became something I no longer enjoyed. I had my fun and then I looked elsewhere for more.

    life is only wasted when you keep on doing something that doesn’t make you happy.
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    theomen said:
    Beware the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
    Ssshhh.... The whole game economy is based on that. Can’t let the word out.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    I think I'm there.  Trying to play the shield supply mission enjoying taking 5 tries thanks to either getting mowed down by whats her name because she has to get 20 match 5's on the first turn or ghost going invisible non stop and wondering why am I doing this so I can be told screw you if you want to participate because the "for veterans players" event that is actually "Only for those with no life outside of the game or who want to shovel a bunch of cash to get the near impossible to get new character because it would be too much work to even make a half hearted attempt at dealing with (even though we had a good system that made most happy but apparently hate our customers because we could reach into their pockets enough and had to dump it because happy customers suck)

    All this to try and get a really ugly juggernaught tied to an 8 year old event?  Was anyone asking for this?

    Game's become a joke.  Devs have fun running the game the rest of the way into the ground, you now have one less enabler for your ****
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    Games in a holding pattern, same thing over and over again. Dilution is getting worse and worse with no fix or anything in the foreseeable future.

    Idk the burnout is real right now, the game has become too tedious.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's like being with someone that is completely content with who they are even though you wish you could get them to change something. If only she wasn't overweight, or didn't smoke or wanted to go out more and do things instead of staying in all the time. But they just don't want to change so you need to accept that or move on to something else. And instead of thinking of the time you spent with MPQ that was wasted think of the good memories. The friends you made, the times RNG went your way and you got that 13th cover for a character you really like, placing high or even 1st place in an event.

    Honestly at this point I doubt we will ever see any big changes again. Who knows if they even have the resources to do something big. Don't know why they can't bring back the gauntlet though from time to time. It would help with people getting burned out.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm on Day 1785. The last two seasons I haven't gotten to 4,000 for the Heroic 10-Pack, and I can't even complete Deadpool's Daily anymore — I do three nodes in it and stop. Unless there's a significant update soon (revisiting champ rewards, letting us reboot max-champed characters, a way to address dilution, etc.), I'm out as well. I'm giving it until around September.
  • TriggerTime
    TriggerTime Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Is 'Mad about MPQ' the alliance with the motto, "What, me worry?" :D

    ...Where do I sign up?
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    JSP869 said:
    WEBGAS said:
    Wish you all the best
    I think shortly could join you. The only thing that keep me playing, as of today,  is that if I should quit, I would admit to myself that I wasted 4 years of my life putting a game before everything.....for nothing  :'(
    If you did not play, I would not have found Mad about MPQ, and I probably would never have transitioned to the 5* game. I may have even quit playing myself by now, too.

    I know you don't play PvP, and that Actarus and I tease you about that all the time, but Daiches used to always say that what kept him playing the game was the community. It was not the game, but the people. After joining Daiches in his PvP Line room I understood what he meant. And even though I was now playing PvP a lot more seriously, while still keeping up with the PvE side for Mad about MPQ, instead of feeling burned out from playing the game even more, I was actually starting to enjoy the game even more.

    This is NOT me saying (yet again) that you should play PvP :wink:

    I'm saying MPQ is not just the game. It's the people you meet and the relationships you form while playing it.

    I stayed with my old Alliance for years, which negatively impacted my roster growth, because the other players in that Alliance became like old friends to me, and I didn't want to leave them even though my in-game progress was suffering. But I'm glad I eventually did because I met you and Actarus :smile:

    Since I started playing PvP a lot more seriously I've been "head hunted" by Commanders for Hybrid alliances. But even though I expect I could ask for and probably get a spot on a T10 Hybrid Alliance, when I merc at Season's end, I still return to Mad about MPQ, because of you, Actarus, and my other Alliance mates.

    MPQ is more than just a game to me. It's how I stay in touch with the friends I've never met. But I know I will one day :blush: as Italy is on my wife & my bucket list. So there will come a day when I'll meet you guys for lunch or dinner, and while we may not be playing MPQ by then, I like to think we will still have maintained our online friendship.

    If you ever do stop playing though, you need to find your own replacement :wink:  

    life is only wasted when you keep on doing something that doesn’t make you happy.

    This seems more of a "love declaration" my friend  ;)
     but you're right : If I haven't stopped to play yet is because of our alliance. I think I will miss you all very much, so I keep pushing myself even if I hate the way D3 is ruining the most attractive 3match game ever! Mine is a sort of Cry for help, in hope that developpers will focus on revamp and give new life to MPQ.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel your pain. I feel that this anniversary will be very important for the future of this game. MCU is done for a bit and all they have to follow is comic book releases like House of X.  We will see what they have for us soon enough. 
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    My alliance was the main thing keeping me playing, and I just left it. So I think I am done too. No regrets or bad feelings here tho. 
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can you provide a link to said video? 

    Definitely sounds like it was the right choice for you!
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I popped the behind the spoiler button.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's amazing how much more free I feel now that at 9pm I don't have to wind down what I'm doing to do an hour long grind in PvE followed by a finishing of PvP. I don't come back from work Tuesday night to do PvE, DDQ, PvP, open tokens, update Gamependium etc and then realise it's too late to play something I *wanted* to play.
    The free time is what shocked me the most when I quit. I now have so much time to play more variety of games on my Xbox. The last couple of months since quitting have been amazing after 4 years of MPQ filling my free time. I dont miss the game at all.