Juggernaut Smashes His Way In At Non-Limited 4* #83

pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
We've talked ad nauseam about 4* dilution, but let's use this Juggs release to revisit Crash of the Titans.

This, our 83rd non-limited release.  There are four limited 4*s to date.  Which means we are probably only a couple months away from our 90th 4*.

So let's revisit the idea of making Crash of the Titans a daily node.  I don't even care if it rewards an LT anymore.  I'd rather have the featured 4* reward at this point anyway, much like The Big Enchilada gives out the featured 3*daily.

A daily 4* challenge would still cycle about every 3 months.  It would only take 39+ months with this feature to fully cover a given 1-cover 4*.  Doesn't seem game-breaking at all.



  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    90 4*... Wow...

  • MrBowers
    MrBowers Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Maybe just have the daily crash reward cp then the player can decide whether to spend on classic or latest leg tokens
  • captainheath
    captainheath Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with much of what has been said, as inflation hits the game it should adjust.

    Every day crashes each for both 4 and 5 stars that reward cp just makes sense.  And would be fun.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2019
    I think that it may be time to consider it, or if we're going to have the same 4-star for five days, offer opportunities to replay the node for different awards every day, like 5 CP per play the last 4 times and a LT the first time. It helps all rosters replay, pushes people to champ their 4 stars higher than 209 if they find the fights too challenging for their hero at that level, and if we're stuck with a repeating 4-star, we at least get two pulls for an LT or an LT and more CP we can save for rewards we want down the line.
    We're getting to a point where it takes more than a year just to run the 4-star heroes in Crash as it is. Might as well make dilution work for everyone and add more heroes to the mix.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    1v1 5* crashes would bring back that magic of trying to scrape by on a 4* crash with a 2-3 cover character lol. I'd probably hate it more often than not depending on how it scales, I have a lot of 2-5 cover 5*s. If it changed daily and gave out 5cp/day, that would put you on the same reward structure as the current crash giving out 1 LT every 5 days, but let you dip into your roster more fully.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    1v1 5* crashes would bring back that magic of trying to scrape by on a 4* crash with a 2-3 cover character lol. I'd probably hate it more often than not depending on how it scales, I have a lot of 2-5 cover 5*s. If it changed daily and gave out 5cp/day, that would put you on the same reward structure as the current crash giving out 1 LT every 5 days, but let you dip into your roster more fully.
    Yeah, how it scales would be an issue! Would be a fun challenge though probably a disastrous one for my roster. It is clearly way past time to give the 5* players something DDQ related to do though with their 5* characters, crazy that after this long they have nothing.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2019
    CT1888 said:
    A daily 4* 1 vs 1 node that gives out a cover and a 5* 1 vs 1 every 5 days would be great. 

    Really don't see it happening, sadly. 
    I 'liked' your suggestion too.

    But I agree there is no way a daily 1v1 4* is giving out a cover because that would cheapen PvE progression (1 cover per event) and even PvE/PvP placement.

    I think the best we could hope for with a daily 1v1 4* is a few CP (say 10 cp so you get a classic LT every other day).

  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every one asking for 1 vs 1 daily 5* node knowing full well that they will not allow any worthwhile rewards that often. i suggest cranking up the difficulty to limit the amount of rewards earned. I recall when Clash was first introduced and it was fun and challenging to play those with undercovered roster. Something similar, perhaps 1 vs 3x 5* where we 're meant to lose would be refreshing.
  • ursopro
    ursopro Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker

    Body is 7 characters too short.
  • RentedPanda
    RentedPanda Posts: 95 Match Maker
    How about adding Crash days that reward support tokens?  Two birds, one stone...
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    1) Why maintain status quo in PvE progression? That HAS to be addressed in the dilution talks as well. Just cuz PvE rewards are total rubbish doesn't mean that we can't dream for reasonable solutions via Daily Clashes.
    -see also 900/40 wins=too much
    meaningful progress would look something like one cover of each color per featured event. It may seem way to much but only because of the miserly rewards we are used to- Which is insufficient to deal with dilution so please don't jump in and defend how little we are awarded. Inflation is real even with IGC.

    2)Let's bring back daily HfH too. That's a chance to gain 4 covers per character a year. 

    3) that Ronin clash was NOT fun having only 6 Covers. now give me 90 days and I will be in a better place and I will look forward to it. If I have to wait 450 days to try I will maaaaaaybe have him champed and I won't even care, there is no challenge and no accomplishment.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2019
    IF they are going to leave the Crash as a 4 day event I'd like to see them offer 4 potential battles and rewards like so:

    1st Battle: As now, face off vs L270 opponent for a 4* cover reward.
    2nd Battle: face off vs L300 opponent (same one, just +30 levels) for 5 CP reward.
    3rd Battle: face off vs L330 opponent for 5 CP reward.
    4th Battle: face off vs L360 opponent for 10 CP reward.

    There is only 1 battle per day so to do all 4 battles you need to win the crash each day (ie can't do all 4 on day 1). If you miss a day you would be limited to a max of 3 battles (#1-3), miss 2 days you are limited to 2 battles etc.

    I realize the CP rewards are less than the day 1 LT but I doubt they would give a daily LT so the CP rewards add up to 1 more classic pull per 4 day cycle (effectively doubling the reward).

    Now players have a challenge again in the crash for your champed 4* characters because of the increasing levels of the opponent. That's the one thing I (and many others miss) about having a champed 4* is that the difficulty becomes trivial. This helps alleviate that.

  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd prefer a new daily 4* node like TBE that gave out a 4* cover to another Crash-style node.  A 1v1 4* node only rewards people who already have that character pretty well covered.  DDQ's purpose, excepting the Crash, has always been to help developing players, so gating 4* covers behind a 1v1 node is counter-productive in that respect.

    I’d support a required 5* node (either crash style or team), but I doubt my lack-luster 5’s would actually help against a node geared towards 5* players.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    The above is a very well made point.

    I was thinking myself that if they did it based upon the 4* Crash with the enemy being a baby champ level it would have disastrous consequences for my own well developed 4* roster if I started having to level my 5's higher and higher. It would definitely be a deathblow for 1 or 2 cover 5* rosters attached to a mainly otherwise 3* troop.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2019
    83x13=1,079 4* covers. 

    Just do something. 
  • Kevmcg
    Kevmcg Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2019
    One "easy" solution to dilution is to cut the 87+ characters at 4* level in half for rewards. One of the 44 older and also one of the 43 newer can be offered at the beginning as an option for which you want. Just like picking your end time and SCL.  This way players can choose which of 2 options they want to go after. Stingy developers don't have to give out more, but each character cycles through twice as fast since 2 are shown every event.