What SR is it where it's no longer beneficial to farm 1* covers?



  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I couldn't be bothered with maintaining a 1* farm, so I setup a 1* window-box garden.  Any 1* cover that had two colors got instantly sold.

    The three color one stars would just get their powers cycled for the xp (all powers were always kept at two 4, one 5).

    If I had a color that was already at 5... Sell...

    I managed this way until my SR was way higher than it should have been before just outright selling, so I am back to that.
  • Twomp_thaDJ
    Twomp_thaDJ Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Hello my name is Twomp and I’m here to be weird and quirky.. so I do still farm 1* .... sorta

    heres what I do.. which probably only works well for me because of my slight OCD.. I use 1* Iron Man and Juggs for my DDQ.. so they are maxed.. when ever I pull those two cards I sell them for the iso

    I have the four max Blue cover only Modern Black Widows and one max purple cover 1* Spidey.. so I sell all covers of these two cards for iso also

     now Venom Hawkey and Storm are basically the only ones that I farm. Well and Yelena

    so I know this isn’t efficient for either argument.. but it’s what I do for my MPQ experience  B)