A Mess or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Quit the Game



  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Marvel heroes is a diablo like on the PC. It actually doesn't have very much 'required' monitzation, and the Money purchases actually are at a pretty good rate. You can buy a whole hero for only a bit more than a single cover upgrade here (like $10-20 for packs, less for just the hero itself). Without prestiging a character, you can still get a good 20-30 hours of gameplay out of each one, which is enough to collect enough Splinters to get a new one for free during that time.
  • Art Flash
    Art Flash Posts: 47
    Yeah, it's getting a bit much for me too. The only times I seem to notice the developers come out and communicate on an issue is after the situation has gone critical. While some patches are posted in advance and they did let us know what characters were going to be adjusted, the past couple of changes, like with Daken and Falcon, came out of left field, at least for me.
    To me, it's not as much about agreeing with the minute details in various updates or that a server goes down, as that can happen to any game, it's really about the communication.

    When a game heralds itself as a social game, that wants alliances, puts up a forum, has a Facebook page, has a twitter feed, brings in moderators for these things, it essentially implies that the developers, or some representatives of them, want to have a communicative medium with their audience. Now sometimes this means just a one way street, them telling us what's going to happen. Arguably one could say that's what happens here.
    But if I go to the MPQ twitter page, where it should be expected to have actual updates on situations that are affecting so many people, I see absolutely nothing on the situation. What do I see?
    I see 14 announcements on events in a row, an advertisement for a sweepstake, and then an article of interest. Following that its just more event announcements.
    That is not even one way communication, it's just posting advertisements. The Facebook page does have a post on the issue, as of yesterday, before that I had been checking there for any news and saw nothing.
    While I understand that the people checking the forums and whatnot are not a large representation of the game's user base, people do check the Twitter and Facebook pages for basic information. If a game fails to work as intended, if people lose out on rewards, the most basic structure in the game, or if access to the game is brought down for hours, then those that paid into the game either through money or time deserve to be kept in the loop.

    In short, most people here are reasonable. Everyone just about understands things can go wrong. But, to the developers, treat us as adults, respect us as your consumer base and get someone to pull away from whatever needs fixing for five minutes just to post, "Hey, we know, we're working on it," at the absolute least. When you don't it not only invalidates us as having your respect and attention, it makes you look like you don't have your act together because you can't coordinate even basic update information for us on a regular basis.
    To the moderators here, I sympathize with you, I imagine many of you are not kept in the loop all the time yourselves, and I hope that you can work something out with the developers so that these sorts of issues don't have to keep repeating again.
  • Sorry to see you go, Emeryt. Many of us share the same frustrations at this point, and all our alliances are beginning to bleed players due to unresolved issues. We each have our own 'countdown timers', and D3 aren't doing much to remove them from the board.

    You were solid here. Thanks for your time and the good work as a mod. Best wishes.

    founder, Ace of Blades
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been trying to think of what to write in this thread, but in the end it just makes me sad and I can't really come up with the right thing to say. To me it's a somewhat big deal when a pretty vocal member of the community resorts to taking this step. I suppose we're all going to reach our breaking point sooner or later (or just move on to the next game addiction), but it's still sad to see it happen. Anyway, Emeryt, you will be missed by quite a few people here I'm sure, and I hope you move on to something less stressful and more enjoyable (and come back and let us know so we can join you!).
  • T_REZ5000
    T_REZ5000 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    what a coincidence, I just quit today too. Just let my alliance know that I was done and they could kick me as soon as they found someone with more season points to help them out.

    Pretty much the same reasons as you (except the epilepsy and forum concerns).

    It's a shame really, I used to enjoy this game very much.
  • T-REZ5000 wrote:
    what a coincidence, I just quit today too. Just let my alliance know that I was done and they could kick me as soon as they found someone with more season points to help them out.

    Pretty much the same reasons as you (except the epilepsy and forum concerns).

    It's a shame really, I used to enjoy this game very much.
    I just think it's important, especially as there is no warning about it. I can imagine someone in the US suing them one day for causing epilepsy attack.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    I can imagine someone in the US suing them one day for causing epilepsy attack.

    Sadly, I think it could really happen. And they might actually win.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    You guys should read about the Italian antitrust lawsuit against Google for deceptive freemium games.

    As it right now with so many changes involving skip tax (pay again to skip same player) and shielding in order to progress ( they changed MMR and bracketing), there will be a day where someone in the EU say enough is enough and lodge a formal complaint.
  • optimiza
    optimiza Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Yeah, I burned out too. Just officially left my alliance today and uninstalled the game from Steam. To be honest, the game was still fun here and there when I played it. My scaling was never out of control, and as far as strategy goes, this game has a lot of it. However, the general lack of balancing between characters and the constant pressure to push with the alliance was were the things that finally made me say "enough."

    I do have to say my quality of life seems to have improved. Not having to worry about a schedule, not having your team decimated in PVP when you're not looking, and in general having free time to do other things and play other awesome games is worth it. My girlfriend also gets mad at me less now icon_e_smile.gif .

    I might come back some day, just to see how much the landscape has changed, but for now I've had enough. Shoutouts to Super Friends and Superfriendsjr for being awesome alliances while I was in them. For kicks, I've made a new alliance called Retirementhome. I'll be hanging out there.
  • Hey Emeryt, I must confess that I'm a F2P player, and I truly agree with everything you said.

    But I don't think you should leave right now. I just took the hit and realized that I'm much happier playing only a few matches per day and not being THAT competitive anymore (at least in PVP).
    So take your time, play casually, fortunately new characters are released on PVEs, that are right now much cooler and diverse than PVP.

    And maybe... just maybe, they end up adressing some of these issues and turning the game fun again.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    They are still unwilling to release non-competitive PVE that gives decent rewards and ISO. I think that will solve a lot of problems people have with the game.
  • kensterr wrote:
    They are still unwilling to release non-competitive PVE that gives decent rewards and ISO. I think that will solve a lot of problems people have with the game.

    I completely agree. That is actually my latest suggestion.
  • I don't know what too say as i'm a man of very few words so this will have to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4KjKHr37bA
  • I've spent waaay too much money including all my alliance slots and I'm a push away from giving the alliance to a friend who plays a lot and quitting myself. I have a solid roster and I can place top 10 easily when I want the reward but for what point? I was under the impression this was the game to invest in and I'm glad I haven't spent much more. It feels like we're making advancements but its all a scam. Make the purchase screens look fancy and noone will even notice it no longer says guaranteed 3*. Lol? I can't even get a guaranteed digital print of my fav looking char for 50$? I'll pass haha I'd rather spend it on bull **** apps I'll prolly just delete when the novelty wears off.
  • Emeryt: You used to have a signature that included a line from one of the developers talking about how he was unhappy with the unreachable nature of the progression rewards. Ever since I saw that signature line, I've been a fan. Anyway, it's a bummer to see you go, but that's kind of a theme these days. Enjoy having free time and a life and stuff.
  • I've been here for 208 days according to the daily reward and so far i was relatively happy with the way things are. I'm not a hardcore player. I have 0 characters in lvl 141, but i have collected all of them and i have several 3* in pretty decent shape in the lvl 100 range. With that said, i'm not oblivious to the problems in the game. Sure, scaling bit me in the **** a couple times, spending hp in shields was mandatory, the skip tax, the nerf to the corageous and diabolical tokens, and all the little things that make our lives miserably as players of mpq (and now I have to add the destruction of spiderman to the list). To me, all this was compensated by the fact that i was able to put some reasonable effort to get to top10 in pvp and get some covers (nevermind that i got screwed by the alliance system and now i was getting 2 instead of 3 covers). This gave me a sense of progression in the game. If I can put effort and play smart, I can get the covers i need to improve my roster a bit. To me, that was enough to keep playing.

    When the devs implemented the "gentle push" to group people in shards, my sense of progress went to hell with it. I got to #1 a couple of times with about 850 points and generally was able to get top10 with ~750-850 points. For the last couple of tournaments i've only seen top10 with 1100points or more!. Yesterday's attempt at getting some covers for lazy thor were my last attempt at getting some decent rank to get dropped out of the top 50. During the last few weeks, I feel i have had ZERO progress and with that my desire to play the game has gone to the floor. Why play if i can't get rewards to improve my roster? What are my options? Grind lightning rounds like crazy in the hopes to pull a lucky draw? Play to amass a ridiculous amount of normal tokens and pray for a luckier draw? Pay an absurd amount of money to buy a single cover?

    As long as I don't feel like I can progress I don't see a reason to play and I know several friends who were playing with me are feeling the same. I feel D3 is alienating an important group of players that are not new but are not hardcore either and for no good reason.

    Sorry about the rant, just felt the need to say it icon_e_sad.gif
  • bigbadrat wrote:
    Sorry about the rant, just felt the need to say it icon_e_sad.gif
    I think that's one of the most important testimonies. From a long time player, who isn't as hardcore as some of us. I think You and players like You suffer the most due to recent changes.

    "Gentle push"...


  • noobprime
    noobprime Posts: 403
    bigbadrat wrote:
    (nevermind that i got screwed by the alliance system and now i was getting 2 instead of 3 covers).

    this was a very well written post, not much of a rant just what most people have been experiencing.
    as a piece of advice to make the hell more bearable, seriously, join an alliance if you haven't. find one that complements your playstyle and it will help with the progression-stall.
  • I wonder if the devs will say anything? They've been strangely silent while all these legacy players are in mass exodus.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    CptNoraa wrote:
    I wonder if the devs will say anything? They've been strangely silent while all these legacy players are in mass exodus.
    Why would they bother? They've scored a full load of cash from the vets that are leaving now. The publisher has now set its eye on a batch of fresh meat to exsanguinate.