***** Doctor Doom (God Emperor) *****



  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    RickOShay said:
    Vs: Kitty/Grocket, run near-dead Doom, Thor, IW-Cap. Ensure Doom dies early so he will remove all enemy specials. Let Thor gain yellow for Cap's revive. Bring Doom back anytime before you win. Repeat the process next match since Doom will have minimal true health to start again. 

    hmm lumbercap is a good partner for doom,  but probably choose a different third than thor because

    Dooms team heal is more likely to heal 1/2 thor past the health trigger.  But lumbercap is worth testing out once Doom is released.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards
    On paper, he looks useless to me. 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:
    RickOShay said:
    Vs: Kitty/Grocket, run near-dead Doom, Thor, IW-Cap. Ensure Doom dies early so he will remove all enemy specials. Let Thor gain yellow for Cap's revive. Bring Doom back anytime before you win. Repeat the process next match since Doom will have minimal true health to start again. 

    hmm lumbercap is a good partner for doom,  but probably choose a different third than thor because

    Dooms team heal is more likely to heal 1/2 thor past the health trigger.  But lumbercap is worth testing out once Doom is released.

    Except you'd be using the yellow to revive Doom instead of team healing.  It's an active power, so you can choose what to do with the AP.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:
    RickOShay said:
    Vs: Kitty/Grocket, run near-dead Doom, Thor, IW-Cap. Ensure Doom dies early so he will remove all enemy specials. Let Thor gain yellow for Cap's revive. Bring Doom back anytime before you win. Repeat the process next match since Doom will have minimal true health to start again. 

    hmm lumbercap is a good partner for doom,  but probably choose a different third than thor because

    Dooms team heal is more likely to heal 1/2 thor past the health trigger.  But lumbercap is worth testing out once Doom is released.

    Doom's team heal is his active yellow, which you don't have to use. You'll want to be saving it for IW Cap yellow to revive Doom anyhow. 

    And I would imagine once he's revived, any black or yellow matches the AI makes will replace the burst heal, so depending on when he's revived, he might get true healed up some before the next match. Which could be a blessing or curse, depending on how you want to use him. 

    Y'know if they wanted to take him from ho hum to meta threatening, his black should have been an AoE (though not that damaging), not a nuke. Would have been able to catch camping Thors that way. 
  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    thorrium said:
    Utterly disappointing that we get another reskinned character.
    He seems interesting enough with true heal, but why did it have to be doom?

    Eh, I mean that also guarantees that Namor is going to be a 4* character...    I guess I just don't follow what makes the characters viable to get 5* vs. 4* ratings. 
    We have two of the founding members of the Illiminati as 4* when Namor comes out.
    Still holding out hope that Namor is a 5.  When it became apparent that both were incoming, there was no way god emperor doom was gonna be a 4.  He has too cool of a look, like Black suit Spidey. 
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    Phumade said:
    As an aside,  if the devs didn't know.  Kitty Pryde actually has a PhD in Astrophysics from university of chicago.  That actually means she's a doctor.  at least as much of a doctor as banner.  and way more dangerous...
    As an alum of the u of c, this makes me want to champ kitty even more.  I would also be pulling a bunch if she were in the store instead of banner...as it is not so much.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2019
    Thoughts on Doom: 
    Yellow: Horrendous. 10 AP for lackluster levels of burst healing to just your other allies.  This is awful value for the AP and its burst heal to boot.  I don't get the balancing at play here when offensive skills and general match damage strategies can just vastly overwhelm the effort required to build up this much AP. 

    Black: Excellent.  Not much to add here as this is a straightforward damage skill.  Impressive damage numbers and a small AP drain on your side is probably minor enough to not be a major issue.  At 23,000 damage and 9AP this skill is on par with Green Goblins black but without any downsides and the 1AP difference is made up by the blue passive.   This is probably the best black spender at 5* tier now.

    Blue: Solid.  Passive true heal and AP generation is nice.  This will unreliable of course and its tough to really judge because I don't have a clear idea of how often this would trigger in a typical match.   I'd like to think that in a typical pvp style match it will trigger twice on average.  If that's true that's a nice little pesky bonus.

    Overall: 3/5/5 build. Upper low tier or at best lower mid tier.
    Doom is essentially Infinity War Captain America.   A one color character whose character is arguably best in class (definitely best in class for Cap) while the other skills range for 'meh' to straight up bad.  This quality of character is simply not enough to make an impact on the meta.  Honestly the best thing about Doom is that he compliments Thor/Okoye quite nicely.  Generating yellow AP for Okoye while giving an outlet for black and being a true healer.  This doesn't make him your best 3rd for that team as there are plenty of options to consider...but he's among the many good options.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2019
    Thank you, D3!

    But our Doom is in another castle!
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jeesh the movies can't do Dr. Doom right and now this game! Smh
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    babinro said:
    Thoughts on Doom: 
    Yellow: Horrendous. 10 AP for lackluster levels of burst healing to just your other allies.  This is awful value for the AP and its burst heal to boot.  I don't get the balancing at play here when offensive skills and general match damage strategies can just vastly overwhelm the effort required to build up this much AP. 

    You're forgetting the board shuffle part of his Yellow, which can cause matches and cascades. Sure, it's unreliable, but it still gives you first dibs on the newly-shuffled board, and can help you deal with a crummy board. It might still be the ability players set at 3 (although I think 5/5/3 is also viable, or even a 4/5/4 compromise), but I definitely wouldn't label it "horrendous".
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    His match damage is lower than the newer batch of five stars, which could be due to his passive true heal ability.

    His 10 yellow ap burst-heal his teammate for 1/5 or 1/6 of an average five-star characters, and does a board shuffle, which set up cascades potential.

    His 9 black ap nuke hits for 23,245 damage while draining up to 1 of each non-Doom colours. I think the draining of ap is not over the top.

    His blue passive true heals him for ~8% of his hp.

    I think Domino could be a good partner for him to fuel his black. Domino can easily hit 30 black ap with her cascades. Unfortunately, his strongest colour is yellow. Of course it would be pretty broken.

    He's definitely an anti-SPA tiles maker, meat shield. 3/5/5 for me.

  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    RickOShay said:
    Brigby said:
    ZeiramMR said:
    Can the board shuffle from his Yellow cause cascades, or is it like Quake's green power that does a shuffle with intentionally no cascades?
    Yes. It can cause cascades!

    Vs: Kitty/Grocket, run near-dead Doom, Thor, IW-Cap. Ensure Doom dies early so he will remove all enemy specials. Let Thor gain yellow for Cap's revive. Bring Doom back anytime before you win. Repeat the process next match since Doom will have minimal true health to start again. 

    I was going to suggest Doom and IW-Cap myself as something to try once, but that's a better full-team composition. Not sure how well it will work in practice, especially with the variety of 3rd characters being used with Kitty/Grocket.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    His match damage seems to be lower than the newer batch of five stars, which could be due to his passive true heal ability.

    His 10 yellow ap burst-heal his teammate for 1/5 or 1/6 of an average five-star characters, and does a board shuffle, which set up cascades potential.

    His 9 black ap nuke hits for 23,245 damage while draining up to 1 of each non-Doom colours. I think the draining of ap is not over the top.

    His blue passive true heals him for ~8% of his hp.

    I think Domino could be a good partner for him to fuel his black. Domino can easily hit 30 black ap with her cascades. Unfortunately, his strongest colour is yellow. Of course it would be pretty brokem.

    He's definitely an anti-SPA tiles maker, meat shield and good for transitioning. His true heal is great for players of all levels.

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2021
    bbigler said:
    I can understand that 5* players are not excited because he doesn't appear to be top tier.  Nevertheless, I think people will find that he's more useful than first anticipated.  True healing, passive AP stealing and a cheap nuke is nothing to ignore.  As usual, he's more useful to 4* players than to 5* players, but that's probably a result of having a million 4* characters and many possible combos and counter-combos.  I don't see any synergy with Kingpin, Cable or Kitty, so perhaps we'll get someone else that pairs well with him in 5* land.  If you paired him with Loki and Phoenix, your opponent would have a real pickle deciding who to kill first.  

    Oh, I'm definitely excited for him. Largely because the only other Blue/Black/Yellow user in 5* land is Wasp, and we all know how awesome she is. As @DarthDeVo and @Rick_OShay have pointed out, he has good synergy with Thor/Okoye/BeardCap. He makes a great alternative to Jessica in those Thor/Jess/Okoye trios, especially because Jess is a health pack suck, given that she tanks Red and Blue in that trio.

    He might even pair well with Thanos due to his healing. I believe Thanos' Purple won't affect Doom's Yellow either, since the latter shuffles tiles rather than changing them. Round up that duo with a Red/Blue user like Surfer, Jessica, Peter Parker. I can see Thanos/Surfer/Doom being irritating on defence, alongside Doom/Thor/Okoye.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2019
    So will his passive on death activate if he's stunned (like Phoenix)? From the wording of the ability I assume not?