Feeders - timeline for payouts



  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    abenness said:
    So here is the question:
    Do people want feeders for 5* just so they can target that feeder and know they will cover the 5 through guaranteed rewards?
    Or do people want feeders because there is a chance they will already have the 4* at a high level, so they are essentially being gifted the 5* covers as a double-dip.
    For me the answer is "Yes."

    Just...yes to both. I'm in 5* land and have some older 5*s at 8-12 covers that I'd really like to champ and can't, really. Not if I want to also keep up with the new 5*s

    They're such a rare drop as it is that it's hard enough getting the new ones, never mind spending CP on opening classics to hopefully get a usable older 5* cover. So I have a bunch of good older 5*s that languish without covers and are kinda useless. There are enough 4*s to limit the possibility of people going ham on them to get massive 5* gains. I mean you only get 6 covers in a whole 4*s life, that's not exactly going to accellerate someone to a level 550 5* in a couple of months or something.

    My current strategy is to have the undercovered 4*s as a bonus plus one of the 4*s who has a feeder for a 5* I haven't champed yet. Currently I've got Chavez as my bonus because I want once and for all to get that last damn Jessica Jones cover I need.
  • Drlex
    Drlex Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    People generally want feeders for a couple of reasons.

    1) It is because the only way to get 5*s  once they have entered classics is through CP. With only a 14% that you will get a random 5*. Chances are it won't be a 5* but if it is then chances are it won't be the one you want. This gives a guaranteed cover of the 5* you want. It may take a while but it is guaranteed.

    2) People want the retroactive reward. Everybody does. The only people complaining about it are the people that aren't there yet. It is a reward for those that have stuck with the game for so long, or have paid lots of money. I myself was not around at the start but I made my jump into 5* land with Gambit. But I have no sure way to get all the 5*s from before. This helps me to do that.

    3) It can help people to continue their interest in the game. Look I just a couple of covers for this 5*. Let me see who I can pair them up with. Will they make my progress better? It is an individual question to which some people will answer yes, and it will help them.

    4) It doesn't hurt the company. I haven't heard anyone quit 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are many ways to link feeders to five stars. There's no link between America Chavez and Jessica Jones but she feeds JJ. The only link is they punch hard. Many are fine with this because America Chavez is a top 4* and many have been chasing after her.

    Calling myself a veteran will probably earn the fury of many others. The devs called their team of playtesters vets or experienced and look what happened back then.  :s

  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I don't care about the "double dip" at all. The one free LT is not breaking the bank.
    I do like the immediate 5* when the feeder is announced, mainly for the new releases. But its mainly just that it takes so long to get a specific 4 to any champ level over 280, that if its not immediate it almost doesn't matter. If its a classic 5* that you have low covered, one or two covers far in the future doesn't do much. I didn't have Jubilee covered when she was announced as a feeder, and still haven't gotten her first feeder cover.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think that's great for those of us (you?) who are positioned with feedable 5*s, but I'm looking at somebody moving into 4* play, and eventually 5* play, and wondering how they go about getting a meaningful shot at Black Bolt. Are they supposed to set Medusa and Kamala Khan as their bonus heroes for 2-3 years? Hoard for Family Favorites (or similar) and hope they have enough when it shows up? I guess so, but man, that's a big ask in my opinion. At least Medusa is a valuable 4*, whereas if I set Ghost Rider as my 4* to get him those 35 levels he needs, he'll be way out in front of all my other characters in the tier just being kind of...middling.

    They are still useful overall assuming those people keep playing.  Would you rather not have them?  I didn't complain about 3*s that feed 4*s when I was still working on 3*.  I appreciated them because I knew who to focus and who not to when possible.  4* BH's are much less rare then 5*s, focus the 4*s you know feed a 5* you want.  Profit.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2019
    I don't disagree they are overall useful, just not a complete solution.

    Yes, nobody is transitioning to 4* play just from growing 3*s up and collecting feeders, and one assumes nobody expects to do that with 5*s either, but 5*s are super hard to get (on purpose) if they aren't in Latest Legends. I suppose that's as it should be to an extent, but if you weren't playing hard when some character you like was in Latest to get 6-7 covers (in the right distribution), you may never get a playable version of them and that stinks. A player who says "Oh man I loved that Inhumans show (lol), I really want Black Bolt! How do I get him?" can't receive the answer of "Set him, Medusa, and Kamala Khan as your bonus hero for the next 1-2 years and hope for the best." or "What you need to do is go back in time to when he was released and pull as hard as you can..."

    I mean I guess they can ask you to do that first thing, but that seems wild to me. Partially it's a player psychology thing - this game has an IP people are passionate about attached to it, and someone's favorite character might be one they want to have on roster and use even if they aren't part of the current meta. Forcing everyone to just start in latest and give up on "back issues" and think about mechanics first before the character involved doesn't feel super cool to me.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2019
    I suppose that's as it should be to an extent, but if you weren't playing hard when some character you like was in Latest to get 6-7 covers (in the right distribution), 
    Again, it's still much better than without feeders.  Also the cover acquisition rate snowballs as your roster improves.  
    • If you have one you really want that has a 4* feeder, BH them solely ASAP.  In 3-6 months I've gone from ~280 to ~350 on 2 different 4*s,  This means if you really wanted a particualar 5* you can max champ them twice in a littler over a year depending on RNG and bistro rate, what will give 4/4/4 only needing once cover.
    • Use CP on the special stores featuring the character you want.
    • If your primary goal is champ them all, stop spending LTs and CP as soon as you've champed that character about to leave latest.  This can potentially leave you with a lot of CP to wait for the special stores or try you luck at classics (I'd recommend the specials stores though)
    It is literally the easiest it's ever been to champ a particularly 5* (providing they have a feeder currently), getting them all champed is, always has been, and always will be exceeding difficult by design. There are a lot of competitionist type players that if they ever had them all champed at once would say "I'm done, getting out before they add more" which is obviously not what the devs want.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    abenness said:
    So here is the question:
    Do people want feeders for 5* just so they can target that feeder and know they will cover the 5 through guaranteed rewards?
    Or do people want feeders because there is a chance they will already have the 4* at a high level, so they are essentially being gifted the 5* covers as a double-dip.
    I don't particularly care about double dipping or having the 4* already championed. It's more the fact that there is a progression path to 5* rather than relaying on RNG.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    It's not like 4* champ rewards are an expressway to getting a 5* champed. Surely it helps, but I have an account with over 1000 days into it and my highest 4* isn't even level 300. It takes a while to get 20 4* covers for another 5* cover.
  • marshall
    marshall Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    One of the main reasons I play the game is to cover all characters, but at the moment the classic ones I have at 7-8 covers are very, very long shot. So, yes, I'd like feeders, particularly, I want two feeders per character at least.

    There's a few on the 3* to 4* world, why not here?
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    I suppose that's as it should be to an extent, but if you weren't playing hard when some character you like was in Latest to get 6-7 covers (in the right distribution), 
    Again, it's still much better than without feeders.  Also the cover acquisition rate snowballs as your roster improves.  
    • If you have one you really want that has a 4* feeder, BH them solely ASAP.  In 3-6 months I've gone from ~280 to ~350 on 2 different 4*s,  This means if you really wanted a particualar 5* you can max champ them twice in a littler over a year depending on RNG and bistro rate, what will give 4/4/4 only needing once cover.
    • Use CP on the special stores featuring the character you want.
    • If your primary goal is champ them all, stop spending LTs and CP as soon as you've champed that character about to leave latest.  This can potentially leave you with a lot of CP to wait for the special stores or try you luck at classics (I'd recommend the specials stores though)
    It is literally the easiest it's ever been to champ a particularly 5* (providing they have a feeder currently), getting them all champed is, always has been, and always will be exceeding difficult by design. There are a lot of competitionist type players that if they ever had them all champed at once would say "I'm done, getting out before they add more" which is obviously not what the devs want.

    This is some pretty good advice here.  I'd add a caveat - if you're not looking to champ any particular 5* but instead want a scattershot distribution then Classics are actually quite a good deal - the 20% discount means that it will improve your overall 4* Roster, at the cost of getting a drop in the bucket on the 5*s.  Improving your overall 4* roster has an inherent value, though - the CP from 4* champs ramps up pretty quickly, and since there's a "Legendary" reward of some kind at every even level the draws tend to amplify each other.

    I did the math this morning - every ten "Legendary" draws (regardless of Latest, Event, or Classic,) on average nets you more or less 2 more draws.  How much more or less depends on your average 4* level:

    270-279 - about 33 CP worth - so a bit under 2 classic or 1.25ish latest

    280-289 - About 37 cp worth - so just under 2 classic or 1.5ish latest

    290-309 - About 41 cp worth - 2 classic, under 2 latest

    310-329 - About 45 cp worth - 2 classic, just under 2 latest

    330-349 - About 53 worth - 2.5 classic, 2 latest

    350-359 - About 57 worth - Just under 3 classic, 2 latest

    360-370 95 worth - just under 5 classics, 4 latest.

    Yeah, those last 10 levels are ridiculous.  Of course, this assumes most of your draws get you a champ level of some kind, and 5* draws kind of throw a monkey wrench into this, since 5* champ levels get you a flat Legendary draw (in a token or CP) every other level.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been playing the game as it wants to be played for just under 1100 days, so i know the "right" way to get into 5*s. I just think it's crazy that we've all agreed to spend years working on a single character like this lol.