***** Kingpin (Spider-Verse) *****

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited December 2018 in Character Details
Hi Everyone,

"Wilson Fisk is New York City's king of crime, known for his incredible strength and brilliant tactical mind. With an army of Maggia at his command, Kingpin is no idle threat. His influence as a crime boss is boundless--his power, massive.

Can Spider-Man defeat this goliath?"

Check out the brand new 5-Star Kingpin, and find out how you can recruit him onto your roster!

5-Star Rarity (Epic)
bluetilepng blacktilepng greentilepng

(Abilities listed at level 450, Power Level 5)
57,701 Health
bluetilepng 713 | blacktilepng 634 | greentilepng 555 |  353 | purpletilepng 91 | yellowtilepng 84 |  77 |  4.3x

Forced Hand -  7 bluetilepng AP
Kingpin makes the enemy an offer they can't refuse. Choose a friendly Strike, Attack, or Protect tile to give to the enemy team. In return, take up to 5 AP in your strongest color from the enemy. If the enemy has less than 5 AP in that color, take all of it and deal 13868 damage.

The Harder They Fall - 11 blacktilepng AP
Kingpin undercuts an upstart opponent. Destroys up to 8 AP of the opponent's largest AP pool and creates a Fortified 6-turn Countdown tile. While on the board, this tile reduces all enemy match damage by 50% plus an additional 5% for each AP destroyed by this power. This power cannot be fired while a friendly The Harder They Fall tile is already on the board.

Break Their Will - 9 greentilepng AP
Kingpin loses his composure and launches into a relentless wave of pummels. Creates a Fortified 2-turn Repeater tile that deals 8316 damage. If you have more AP than the enemy in your strongest color, this power also creates 3 strength 127 Attack tiles.

Recruit Kingpin!

Big Bads - Special Legendary Store
  • Starts: 12/13/18, 12:00pm EST
  • Ends: 12/18/18, 12:00pm EST
  • 15% chance to get Kingpin (Spider-Verse), Thanos (The Mad Titan), or Doctor Octopus (Classic)
  • Additional tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points
Wilson Fisk - Special Limited Vault
  • Starts: 12/13/18, 12:00pm EST
  • Ends: 12/18/18, 12:00pm EST
  • 40 Items: 
    • 1x Big Bads Legendary Token
    • 1x Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) Cover
    • 3x Random 3-Star Covers
    • 6x Heroic Tokens
    • 4x 2,500 Iso-8
    • 6x 1,00 Iso-8
    • 5x 500 Iso-8
    • 14x 2-Star Covers

Event Schedule

Sinister 600 - Alliance Event
  • Starts: 12/13/18, 12:00pm EST
  • Ends: 12/17/18, 12:00pm EST
  • Rewards tokens to the Big Bads Legendary cover store

***** Kingpin (Spider-Verse) ***** 36 votes

YasuruDyingLegendtherightwayeIronLad 4 votes
LoosieKGBthatgyemartinZolom 4 votes
SpoitErikPetersinnerjflburrichwhitecat31rdevil32actarus76rdvargas1Malcrofzodiac339KjeldbjergRedLionthechairmanbbiglerSpace DwarfPolly_P1HoundofShadowkk3thessScofieShowdere 21 votes
TrilateralusPongieSpudgutterJackDeath666MirrorKnightBrigadierbleufurbear00000 7 votes


  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 644 Critical Contributor
    Sinister 600?! They have been recruiting!
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks decent 
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the Blue power, what happens if there is not Strike, Attack or Protect tiles?   Can this power still be used?  
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lots of AP destruction, the possibility to just nerf all of the enemy match damage, looks like fun stuff.

    I like the fortified 2-turn repeater for the green, after Thor it felt like they were giving us lots of greens (Ghost Rider, Loki, Cable) that just couldn't compete, but Kingpin's looks interesting the way other greens haven't.

    That store would be exciting if they'd get around to fixing Ock. At least Thanos is excellent.

    REALLY interested in what a Sinister 600 event to tie into Into the Spider-Verse is going to look like. Strange sights multiverse hopping shenanigans, maybe? (we could totally use another PVE event, and one that takes advantage of Spidey villains would be rad)
  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 644 Critical Contributor
    JHawkInc said:

    That store would be exciting if they'd get around to fixing Ock. At least Thanos is excellent.
    hmm you might want to read the Winter Holiday thread...
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    @Brigby Whats his lvl 450 health?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,562 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kingpin seems pretty groovy.  
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    For the Blue power, what happens if there is not Strike, Attack or Protect tiles?   Can this power still be used?  
    If there aren't any Strike, Attack, or Protect tiles, then players will see the "Power cannot fire" prompt appear.
    Brigby you have his health at on 13k.  That feels light for a 5* at level 450
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Thanos said:
    Brigby Whats his lvl 450 health?
    Woops! Posted the wrong level health. It should be 57,701 hp at Level 450
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    That store would be exciting if they'd get around to fixing Ock. At least Thanos is excellent.
    The other news article explains how they're rebalancing Doc Ock.  Tentacles now fire passively on match 4/5s and offer stun immunity rather than making matches while stunned.  The reactor tile is now a repeater rather than countdown, and early stages cost less.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do like how this thread has the best build poll incorporated.  Thats actually a useful change for once
  • thorrium
    thorrium Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    I can share what my thoughts are.
    1) another kingpin?   Really...
    Give us the last sinister 6!
    2)  he aint looking great visually.
    3) his powers are not good/fun enough to be a contender for the meta.

    I was hoping for Rhino...   Or any new character...  Not another reskin.
    And not of Kingpin when we are hoping for a proper Jugg...   Charles, Mag...   Just to say a few.

  • marshall
    marshall Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    Just echoing above comments:
    - A 5* with a wildly conditional power - will benefit from supports on PvE at least

    - A  match damage reduction power that costs 11 AP - so much potential here if this was a passive, could have been greatly defensively. Surely it shouldn't be worse than Rogue's abilities. Perhaps it could be better the more black AP you have, like a reverse America Chavez.

    - A green power that needs to create more respectable attack tiles and damage - it's outclassed by Thor by 3:1

    I miss back when 5*s changed the game in fundamental ways. While that's hard to pull off every time, surely it shouldn't take that much effort to do minor adjustments to damage to make characters more viable?

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Brigby  Will The Harder They Fall reduce TU AP, or only colored AP?
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the sound of putting him with Goblin and Kitty. Give enemy a tile, then let Kitty get rid of it. Let Goblin Glider use your black AP. Kitty makes Protect tiles on the cheap, and maybe attack tiles with the red power. Honestly, her red is the only particular weak point besides having to actually make matches to get your AP going. Kingpin’s Repeater can stick around potentially forever with Goblin refortifying it, and by its wording, you can make more of them too. No, he won’t dethrone the various meta characters, but by no means sounds bad.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    bluewolf said:
    Brigby  Will The Harder They Fall reduce TU AP, or only colored AP?
    Yes. It can reduce enemy Team-Up AP.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    It would be cool if Fisk was a reverse-Rogue.  Rather than tanking, he should have other people on the front lines tanking for him.  It'd be cool if he could choose another character to tank everything and he gave that person a damage reduction.  It's more comic accurate to boot.

    I think people are sleeping on blue.  I think it's his best power.  13k seems like a lot for 7 AP.  But I don't know how that compares to other 5* powers.   I like that you choose the special to give because you can pick one that is easily matchable and never experience the drawback.  It's cheap so you can keep spamming it to keep the enemy suppressed while doing big damage, and stealing some AP along the way.  Problem is the other two powers do not seem too great to me.