Surprising Synergy

eddidit Posts: 86 Match Maker
We all know or have encountered some popular team up at some point, and there is plenty of conversation around that, but I want to talk about the oddball and unusual.

Are there teams that for whatever reason surprisingly work well together?

Mine is
3* Magnento, SW, and Quicksilver 

Just out of curiosity I paired this family together and they just work I don't know if it was by geeky design or just happen stance but I love them. 

1. Every color is covered in some way. 
2  SW feeds herself pink
3. Since QS blue is passive it leaves it for Magnento.
4. QS green is more effective than SWs green and he also picks up black
5. Magnento picks up red which can cause a lot of dmg depending the build and yellow just gives an added bumper of protection. 
6. Add in SW massive team dmg on top of a powerful stun and matches are surprisingly over fairly quick and turns out to be a fun combo as well.

Any surprising teams you've encountered? 


  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Waaay back in the day it was XFW, Magneto, and Loki. I didn't 'stumble' onto this team as I remember someone mentioning it here on the forums, but at the time XFW was my first and only champed 4-star and I wanted to use him so was on the lookout for any good teams. The post I read didn't dive into any how-to or strategy, just that they made a good team. I had to learn for myself exactly how it worked.

    And wow... did it work. That team carried me through my late-three/early-four star transition back when roster-based scaling was a thing in PvE and I quite often needed to punch above my roster's weight.

    The trick is to have enough AP in the bank for one cast of Magneto's red followed by a couple casts of Loki's purple. The absolute cascade-chaos and board destruction that would cause would often fill up my AP totals enough to go winfinite. XFW's black will destroy the board and cause massive damage, Magneto's blue has the ability to cause more cascades as well and is another nuke. Loki's purple is cheap, so is XFW's green, and both will scramble the board and cause more cascades. Once the train gets rolling, there's no stopping it. But the key to igniting the whole thing is Magneto's red and clearing all the TU tiles off the board first.
  • eddidit
    eddidit Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Brigby said:
    I use the following 2-Star team to clear Deadpool's Daily Quests all the time:
    • Magneto (Marvel NOW!)
    • Storm (Classic)
    • Hawkeye (Modern)
    You collect Purple to fuel Magneto's Polarity Shift, then use it to create 5-tile Blue matches, which both fuels Storm's Wind Storm and triggers Hawkeye's Speed Shot.
    Oh I will have to give this a shot I use Polarity Shift to fuel Storm but totally forgot about the Hawkeye aspect. 
  • eddidit
    eddidit Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Dormammu said:

    The trick is to have enough AP in the bank for one cast of Magneto's red followed by a couple casts of Loki's purple. The absolute cascade-chaos and board destruction that would cause would often fill up my AP totals enough to go winfinite. XFW's black will destroy the board and cause massive damage, Magneto's blue has the ability to cause more cascades as well and is another nuke. Loki's purple is cheap, so is XFW's green, and both will scramble the board and cause more cascades. Once the train gets rolling, there's no stopping it. But the key to igniting the whole thing is Magneto's red and clearing all the TU tiles off the board first.
    Oh nice, my XFW is getting dust from not being used but this looks fun enough to dust him off for.

    I want to keep experimenting because the game gets quite repetitive using the same teams every node. Haven't been in a competitive mood but still enough playing so it's nice to see unique teams. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 2-star team I use in DDQ is Wolverine/Daken/Fishnets.

    Wolvie and Daken have crazy synergy (match green, get strikes, use Wolvie's green, make more strikes, use Daken's blue and put all them strikes to devastating effect). Widow's just there to use her purple and get more AP. Usually by the time two of the opponents are down Wolvie's got enough red to lacerate the third and end it.
  • Persephone
    Persephone Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    Several months ago, 3* Gambit was required PVE character (I don't remember which story event).  Squirrel Girl and Doc Ock were boosted.  I was surprised how much I enjoyed using those three together during the 3* essential nodes.  
    I don't use this team on a regular basis because I can't stand how Gambit hurts his teammates.  However, if those three are on the boosted list together, I will play them.  
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Surprisingly, the 2* Dark Avengers have solid synergy.  
    Daken (3/5/5)
    Ares (4/4/5)
    Moonstone (3/5/5; respec to 5/5/3, if they don’t create special tiles)

    Rainbow coverage with only red having competing, active abilities.  Ares green & yellow, Daken’s blue and Moonstone’s red all hit hard, plus you have enough tricks at your disposal (true heal, strike tile creation, tile theft) to keep things interesting.  

    I always assumed the DA would be a boring team, but not so.   ...or perhaps i’m a little biased, as my first top 100 finish in a release event was on the backs of that boosted trio in Prodigal Sun back in the day. 
  • Mrcl25
    Mrcl25 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2018
    Several months ago, 3* Gambit was required PVE character (I don't remember which story event).  Squirrel Girl and Doc Ock were boosted.  I was surprised how much I enjoyed using those three together during the 3* essential nodes.  
    I don't use this team on a regular basis because I can't stand how Gambit hurts his teammates.  However, if those three are on the boosted list together, I will play them.  
    3* Gambit works very well with Kamala and 3* Iron Fist. Gambit damage to teammates becomes irrelevant with Kamala. I sometimes use this team in DDQ big enchilada just for fun.

    In this list (originally posted in another topic) there are a lot of teams with good sinergy:
  • IceyOne
    IceyOne Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Several months ago, 3* Gambit was required PVE character (I don't remember which story event).  Squirrel Girl and Doc Ock were boosted.  I was surprised how much I enjoyed using those three together during the 3* essential nodes.  
    I don't use this team on a regular basis because I can't stand how Gambit hurts his teammates.  However, if those three are on the boosted list together, I will play them.  
    Same. His black skill makes no sense to me. :neutral:
  • Tensuun
    Tensuun Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Good synergies specific to boss events:

    - Teen Jean, Valkyrie, Blade in that order works quite well against Apocalypse. Since TJ is the only one who gets "powered-up" for the event, your strongest color will almost certainly be Purple. That means Ol' Pocky _won't_ drain your red. Once you have enough red to make Blade feel bloodthirsty, each turn Valky will make a Bounty tile and Blade will immediately trigger it. You are thus guaranteed to earn Purple AP faster than the Horsemen can drain it, and once you have ten, you can fire it to remove enemy special tiles and do a nice chunk of damage, thus defeating all the Horsemen at once. Just make sure you can get enough Purple to fire the move a second time so you can also erase the Death tiles.

    TAHulk and Captain Marvel together do a good job of taking out the Sinister Six. Carnage's ridiculous matching frenzy is a lot less fun for him when Captain Marvel can turn every couple of matches against him (bonus points if Cho is a level or two ahead and can make you have the same "strongest color" as Carnage). Venom and Dr. Octopus are easy to punch through since Cho can target their respective special tiles, and the Goblin and Vulture have such low health that Cho can usually down either in one or two hits from his green. Sandman is occasionally a nuisance, but he is kind of a nuisance to everyone, and at least these two are packing some nice nukes. I usually throw in Agent Coulson as my third here, and am occasionally able to trigger the "yellow match-5" bonus damage with Phil's tile swaps.

    - Back when the "Boss Rush" was a thing, Black Widow (Grey Suit) was amazing against Bruce Banner. "The sun is getting real low...."

    Team synergies that are a little "weird":

    3* Loki and Agent Coulson have 5 colors between them, plus when the enemy matches 4, Loki starts spamming countdown tiles. While they're out, Coulson can activate his blue to steal a lot of AP; then, when the countdowns trigger, Loki also steals AP, and Coulson generates AP because countdowns triggered. Suddenly you have a lot of AP. You just need a way to spend red/green/black..... Ghost Rider, perhaps? Unusual because in the movies, Loki killed Agent Coulson, and in the TV show, Ghost Rider arguably killed Agent Coulson again.

    Deadpool and Agent Coulson. Similar deal here; if you pick the three-star Deadpool, he makes a countdown whenever the enemy uses a nuke on someone other than himself, and immediately triggers it on his turn to gain both health and AP, plus he has a dirt-cheap red that Coulson can spawn extra CDs with for mild damage and AP gain. If you go with the four-star one, Countdown For What is now a move that costs 7 AP to make 7 CD tiles; the tiles are more likely to expire since Coulson might accidentally make them count down, but the ones that get matched away deal damage, while the ones that count down will eventually gain 2 AP back. Toss in Drax, and you're dealing some damage either way. Unusual because in the comics, it's Deadpool who kills Agent Coulson....

    3* Daredevil can ambush for days when 3* Cyclops is there to paint the board red. I guess it's true what they say about the land of the blind.

    - The Doctors Doom, Octopus, and Strange form a somewhat interesting trio, since purple is usually Strange's worst power but Doom's best, and Doom's black gives Ock's green something to do besides be a random off-color stun. All three use blue, but to accomplish very different things, so you can spend it at your discretion to deal with whatever the enemy happens to be doing.

    Hawkguy and Bullseye work quite well together, in or out of the purple suits. Right now I'm thinking of the 3* variants in particular, but anyway, Bullseye works best when he can easily down an enemy with Lethal Improvisation and get Contract Killer going. Hawkguy sets that up perfectly with a passive that usually does a pretty good job of generating purple AP. Hawkguy's purple isn't bad, but his blue is even better, so I generally like to run him 3/5/5 anyway. Several of Hawkguy's cheap arrows make SAP tiles, too, in case the enemy isn't making anything for Bullseye to target. Deadly Precision can often force matches in Hawkguy's favor as well, either making it impossible to match away his CDs, or triggering cascades of AP income. Patch can bring red and yellow match damage to round out the team's colors, plus his active powers make some unfriendly tiles for Bullseye to erase or Hawkguy to match away, but I don't have a good reason why that's interesting, unless... eh, something about how all these flying projectiles could put someone's eye out?
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    Tensuun said:
    Hawkguy and Bullseye work quite well together, in or out of the purple suits. Right now I'm thinking of the 3* variants in particular, but anyway, Bullseye works best when he can easily down an enemy with Lethal Improvisation and get Contract Killer going. Hawkguy sets that up perfectly with a passive that usually does a pretty good job of generating purple AP. Hawkguy's purple isn't bad, but his blue is even better, so I generally like to run him 3/5/5 anyway. Several of Hawkguy's cheap arrows make SAP tiles, too, in case the enemy isn't making anything for Bullseye to target. Deadly Precision can often force matches in Hawkguy's favor as well, either making it impossible to match away his CDs, or triggering cascades of AP income. Patch can bring red and yellow match damage to round out the team's colors, plus his active powers make some unfriendly tiles for Bullseye to erase or Hawkguy to match away, but I don't have a good reason why that's interesting, unless... eh, something about how all these flying projectiles could put someone's eye out?
    The other thing I like about this pairing is chaining Hawkguy's black into Bullseye's purple.
    Valkyrie and America was one I stumbled into. Make sure America is ahead of Valkyrie, so after she triggers Bounty Hunter, Valkyrie will immediately make a new one, and you can rotate that target in front for America to hit next turn.
    EDIT: Almost forgot. Patch/Vulture. Patch gets the green, then Vulture uses his blue to get rid of the enemy Strikes. In 3* land, Daredevil can also combo well with Patch, using his purple to clear out the enemy Strikes, but he doesn't have the AP generation that Vulture does.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    I use the following 2-Star team to clear Deadpool's Daily Quests all the time:
    • Magneto (Marvel NOW!)
    • Storm (Classic)
    • Hawkeye (Modern)
    You collect Purple to fuel Magneto's Polarity Shift, then use it to create 5-tile Blue matches, which both fuels Storm's Wind Storm and triggers Hawkeye's Speed Shot.
    Yep, I use this team twice a day, every day...
  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,318 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    For the predecessor to the big enchilada where it was 3(?) waves, I used to use XFW, 2*BW and Ares. Build up AP through the first waves with BW and XFW heals and increasing goon countdowns then in the last wave use Ares green then BWs purple to steal it back and use it again. Finish with XFW black.Took forever. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cloak & Dagger + C4ge & 4 Fist.

    Start C&D on Dagger's power set to generate black for Fist and attack tiles, then switch to Cloak's power set to create yellow which C4ge can then use to fortify the attack tiles and any protect tiles he may also have created. C&D will also heal making it a tough team to take down between that and the shields C4ge creates. Fist & C4ge also both have nukes and C&D can take out enemy specials. C&D's purple can switch power set depending on how the fight goes and does cheap damage.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I think it would be cool if the comics gave a little nod to character pairings that are great in game but make no sense in the lore. Like Hawkeye/Coulson makes sense, but I don't know if Medusa/ Carnage ever met in the comics.
    5* Daredevil and 4* Gamora
    Black bolt and Gambit
    Antman and Drax

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    Shuri/P4nther/C4ge overlap on yellow and red pretty hard across all of them, but once you flood the board with fortifications and defend tiles, you are doing mega-match damage all over the place. That's a really fun wave node team.

    Similarly Shuri/P4nther/Flaptain have lots of overlap, but synergize very well.

    IM40/Shuri/Peggy share loads of important colors, but have some cool synergy. Peggy's yellow keeps enemies from using powers as quickly at the beginning, then you do recharge->Vibranium Virtuoso X2, Twin Blasters for the stun, Do as Peggy Says for the remainder of the stun, then just make that match damage until everybody dies. Recharge goes down to 3AP/use and enemy powers cost 8 more AP since Shuri's and Peggy's abilities stack.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    3* Team for Wave Nodes:
    Beast, Blade, Switch - This uses all colors except red.  You don't want to match red anyway because blade needs them on the board to make strikes.  Match blue first.  Use Blade's black and Beast's Green.  The green does AOE damage because Switch always has a blue tile out.  You can heal with Beast's yellow and the pink that Switch creates can be used for Blade to create attack tiles.  

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Waaay back in the day it was XFW, Magneto, and Loki. I didn't 'stumble' onto this team as I remember someone mentioning it here on the forums, but at the time XFW was my first and only champed 4-star and I wanted to use him so was on the lookout for any good teams. The post I read didn't dive into any how-to or strategy, just that they made a good team. I had to learn for myself exactly how it worked.

    And wow... did it work. That team carried me through my late-three/early-four star transition back when roster-based scaling was a thing in PvE and I quite often needed to punch above my roster's weight.

    The trick is to have enough AP in the bank for one cast of Magneto's red followed by a couple casts of Loki's purple. The absolute cascade-chaos and board destruction that would cause would often fill up my AP totals enough to go winfinite. XFW's black will destroy the board and cause massive damage, Magneto's blue has the ability to cause more cascades as well and is another nuke. Loki's purple is cheap, so is XFW's green, and both will scramble the board and cause more cascades. Once the train gets rolling, there's no stopping it. But the key to igniting the whole thing is Magneto's red and clearing all the TU tiles off the board first.
    When Boss Rush was introduced, this was the team I discovered because I had no other options, and it went winfinite! The concept I wanted to try was color reduction to create cascades and XFW + 3Mags + 3Loki works. You have to build up some AP to get it going, but it can go on endlessly with some careful play. The key is really Mags red and XFW Black, the other powers just shake the board. 

    But I have a new color reduction winfinite team I want to try when I get Quake covered, it's Quake + 3Mags + Taskmaster.  Gather red, blue, black AP which is used to clear green, purple, yellow and TU which creates red, blue, black cascades. Should go winfinite easily, start with AP boosts or AP supports if needed. 

    I also want to try Domino + XFW + Quake/Kamala. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    Nightcrawler/Switch/Professor X is a great team, particularly if you can arrange it so that Purple is your strongest color. You need to get Bamf! going, and all the match-5s will cause Professor X to use his bonus damage and creating more purple in the background, which should help you keep moving in the inevitable case where you dont' have a purple board.
  • CyberStank0
    CyberStank0 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2018
    I have several that I use for PVP only. Medus4a, Carnage and 4* Wasp. Wasp is a sub for G4mora in that you get a stun if your blues are high enough when you use her sting. With Carnage making strike tiles and Medusa creating AP with enemy strike tile matches and health for your strike tiles, it's hard to down them. 

    For infinity health, use 4* Fantastic with Medusa, and Carnage and this team can't be beaten. 

    I also like Wasp and Hulkbuster. Her yellow will swap shields into strike tiles. His blue creates shields, once swapped fire his red power. If you need the defense switch the strikes back to shields.