Worth using stash on Fan Favorites ?

tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
Given the info below would you bother spending CPs in Fan Favorite store or hold off ?

I'm a 4* who's been trying to transition to 5. Plan was build a stash and get 300 or more pulls for latest legends to cover three 5s. With Wasp being one of the 5s in LL I was going to hold off until LL had 3 viable 5s or a decent limited time store popped up like this Fan Favorite.

Currently I have 3230 CPs, FF store is 25 per pull. The 5s are Logan, Jessica, Strange. My Logan has 11 covers, Strange only 3 although he is one 5 I'd like to cover, my Jessica has 1 cover. Can't decide if I should bother pulling to try and cover Logan, and hope I get quite a few for Strange who I like, or keep my stash growing for something else. Also thought about blowing the CPS in classic store and holding for the best, even know odds are slim with 5s and the amount pulls I'd have.

I play casually now after leaving my alliance last month, so my CP and token generation has slowed down a lot. I don't play through most of the events as I've been taking a break after getting MPQ burnout. 


  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I'd say hold off. Loki, Kitty, Cable might be a decent 3 overall, but definitely better than the Fan Favorites. Probably more fun to play too, since OML is very slow and Strange is a one trick pony.  I also feel like you'd quit MPQ soon if you blew your stash now.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, at the very least I'd wait and see what other announcements are coming about further Anniversary plans and Cable. They're not a terrible three but they're not great, either. The game's pretty much passed OML by at this point, although his healing can still be useful occasionally as a meat shield. Jess is good, but you'd need some luck to fully cover either her or Strange with only 3230CP (yeesh, 'only'. Sometimes I hate this game).
    So yeah, wait a little. Also make sure you've set your Bonus 5* to whichever one in particular you're chasing for whenever you pull.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd wait to see what happens with the 5* Cable release on 10/18. He could get a similar store with better characters. If not, the Fan Favorites store will still be running until 10/22 and you can pull from it then.
    Waiting to see the Cable store is what I am doing too. My OML and Strange are champed, and while JJ is 5/3/3, I also have 4* Luke at level 311 so I have a good chance at finishing her via feeder eventually. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I personally did, thought I didn't have much to speak of, barely over 100 CP.

    I did it because 2 of the 3 5*s are unchamped and very close and my primary goal is to champ them all vs pick and choose the best.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    I planned on only using tokens pulled during anniversary for the Fan Favorites store and cp hoard on the Cable store coming up. However, the increased odds for certain 4s that I'd like to max champ makes it tempting
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    My hoard is probably going to wait even longer and see who comes after Cable. I don't like Loki and I'm not sold on Kitty yet. Maybe Kitty/Cable/??? will be a good time to pull.

    As for this store, while I'd like to cover Strange I don't care about OML and I've already champed Jessica. So... pass.
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I busted my hoard, I have enough 5's champed and I wanted some 5trange covers.  Had a little over 1000 cp.  

    Pulled three 5* covers, 2 JJ and 1 OML.  Nothing wasted, but a poor pull rate and none of my desired Strange.  

    Still, c'est la vie.  I'll start saving again.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    The "300 pull" number is depressing. Thats 7500 CP. It takes me about a season and a half to get 1000. Yikes. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    '300' gets thrown around a lot but it can be done with less. 300 is a conservatively high number that should overcome RNG, but I covered two fives and got another one to 12 covers on less than 200 pulls.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    '300' gets thrown around a lot but it can be done with less. 300 is a conservatively high number that should overcome RNG, but I covered two fives and got another one to 12 covers on less than 200 pulls.
    300 was back when cs allowed swaps. Without swaps, the number to confidently cover all 3 is now closer to 400. But yes, the number of actual pulls could be much less (or if you’re unlucky, much more).

    i saved up close to 7k and was tempted to pull for strange (only have 2 covers). I already have jj and oml championed though... probably best to see what cable store is like
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    I'd like some Strange covers as well to help out my 2/4/1 but with JJ already champed and OML one cover away (which'll come eventually from XFW rewards) it just isn't worth it. They should be running these 'special' vaults constantly, with the three 5*s changing every week. Eventually they'd hit a group that would appeal to everybody, and you could skip this one knowing Strange would be back around in a couple of months, hopefully with more convenient sidekicks.
  • nippy
    nippy Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2018
    For some reason, i though Fan gave better odds of 5* so pulled 15x.  Got 3 OML, 1Strange, 12th 5Thor (BH).  But no JJ :disappointed:  Still 5Thor BH makes up for it.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm just opening any free ones I get, hoping for a Doctor Strange or JJ cover. Nothing yet, sadly.

    I'm not going to use my CP on it though. I want to see if Cable's good. I kinda hope so. I'm frustrated that I have 13 covers for Wasp but she's 3/8/2. I know she's not good, but I wanna champ everyone anyway =/

    I'd be happy champing Loki and Kitty. It just feels bad passing up on a 5* I get a bunch of covers for but don't manage to champ before they fall into the classic oblivion.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    I pulled about 300 cp trying to finish my 12 covered JJ with 2 saved covers. Ended up finishing my 11 cover OML with one pulled saved cover and 300 XFW cover that would have been saved anyways.

    Pulled another 6th black JJ for 3 saved covers.

    It's cool to finish OML just because, but now I'll hold off on the vault with Hopes of a JJ feeder being announced during the anni.

    Don't regret pulling though as it would have taken my xfw to hit 340 to finish OML.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    None of the 3 are top tier, although JJ and strange are pretty good. I don’t see how these 3 are ‘fan favorites’ unless it’s D3s terrible interpretation of stats at work again.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    A champed 5-star Strange makes the Strange Sights event a breeze, and chews through any non-Ultron goon node amazingly fast.  I would say if you're close to having him champed, use up your CP until you get the 13 covers you need for him.

    I've got Strange and OML both champed (two of the five 5-stars that I've got champed) so I'll be passing on this token, even though my Jessica's only 2/2/2.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    None of the 3 are top tier, although JJ and strange are pretty good. I don’t see how these 3 are ‘fan favorites’ unless it’s D3s terrible interpretation of stats at work again.
    Actually I suspect these 3 *did* win fan favorites. Maybe not 5* player fan favorites but overall fan favorites across all tiers (given we just voted on this a few weeks ago).

    For 3* and 2* players, OML and Strange will be hugely valuable for their yellow (and to a lesser extent for their other colors). The same goes for JJ's Blue in PvP or against tile movers. Even 4* teams can benefit if they have those characters at 5-6 covers in the right covers.

  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    I agree with OML, but kinda disagree with 5strange. For a 2 or 3 star roster, they've already got 3strange which vastly superior just because he can actually be build up.

    Moving into 4 star territory, 5strange is a just your typical classic graveyard 5.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2018
    smkspy said:
    I agree with OML, but kinda disagree with 5strange. For a 2 or 3 star roster, they've already got 3strange which vastly superior just because he can actually be build up.
    But people playing at a lower tier may well not realise that. They could just think "My 3* Strange is pretty damn useful. Imagine how good a 5* Strange must be!"
    Something like Okoye/Thor/JJ or Okoye/Thor/Thanos would've been a hell of a lot more useful for anyone wanting to make the leap to the 5* tier, though.