What would be a 5* power that would change the PVP meta?

wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
so with the last Wasp, Loki, Kitty Pride they all have interesting powers, but nothing meta defining.  Loki’s purple is great but his green is meh.  Wasp is just underpowered but i like the concept of swarm tiles.  Kittiy has a great passive for PVE, but PVP not so much.  The meta right now in PVP is Thor Okoye/JJ.  The main reasons is Thors passive being able to generate AP.  Okoye tanks heals and buffs Thors active powers to the moon.  If you were to design a 5* power to either counter this team or power creap this team what would it be?

my first thought would be a passive that generates special tiles combined with a passive that does damange when a special tile is matched.  So for the special tiles if one does not exist would generate a strike, attack, and protect tile.  Of one gets destroyed the character would deal XXXX damage.  Now this combination might be too strong, but it could also be aranged between 2 characters.

whatvare your ideas what would be a power that would power creep or change the meta?


  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anything that steals or destroys a large amount of AP would probably be a problem. That's the main thing that cheesed people off about Gambit, even if they didn't know that was the reason. 

    A 5* version of G4mora's insta-kill would probably be game changing, too, assuming it wasnt turned into a 10-turn CD tile or something silly. 
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* Rogue.
  • Rockwell75
    Rockwell75 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    A power that allowed teammates to run at 5-5-5
  • marshall
    marshall Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    Two main ways to do it:
    - make your matches faster
    - make matches slower/riskier for ppl attacking you

    Some ideas:

    Attack powers:
    - Powers that accelerate AP gain, deny/steal AP from the enemy (e.g. 4* Wasp, Rogue)
    - Powers that frontload your AP gain or damage (e.g. MEH hulk,  4* R&G, some supports)
    - Powers that greatly enable others'mechanics (e.g. X team dmg on character death for PHX+Thanos combos)

    Defense powers:
    - Powers that prevent healing vs Okoye/DD
    - Powers that target weakest enemy vs Thor
    - Powers that prevent AoE damage or force targeting (e.g. Nightcrawler, Rogue)
    - Unpreventable damage (e.g. 4*RG, Medusa)
    - Powers that make AP gain unreliable, changing colour gained

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    A power that allowed teammates to run at 5-5-5
    You can already do that with a black bolt yellow ty.  Although restricted to 1 char
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    tiomono said:
    Maybe a passive that generates ap for your team every turn while destroying ap from your opponent every turn. 
    I see what you did there...   >:)

    Borstock said:

    A 5* version of G4mora's insta-kill would probably be game changing, too, assuming it wasnt turned into a 10-turn CD tile or something silly. 
    And I see what *you* did there as well.

    To counter Okoye:
    Passive - If at the start of the turn, there are more than X team up tiles on the board, convert one to your teams's strongest color.  X goes down as your covers go up.  Maybe convert 2 tiles at LVL 5?  It can also do some damage, if you'd like...but not much.

    To counter Thor:
    Thanos's Infinite power already stops all the fancy board shake.  If you want something more permanent, maybe drain a random AP from the enemy team each time a passive or active ability is triggered?  This character would be immune from that effect, so you wouldn't have infinite recursion when they faced off against each other.

  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe a passive that deals a little bit of damage to the opponent (or enemy team) when tiles are destroyed? Not matched tiles, but stuff destroyed by powers like Thor's passive, or Okoye's red, or Black Bolt's green. Something akin to Strange's yellow, but with a different trigger slightly more suited to countering the top current meta.

    Or, when thinking about Bolt's yellow mentioned above, what about a 5* power that boosts characters of lower tiers? A 5* character designed to pair with 4*s and bring them up to the 5* power level? It'd need some fine tuning, you'd want enough of a drawback that it doesn't stop people from advancing to the 5* tier at all, but having a 5* that has the sole job of making all of your 4's viable again could be a game changer. It could also be a broken mess, but it's fun to theorize.
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    A CD tile, while it's on the board when the enemy destroys a tile they get random AP except for the color of the tiles destroyed, or worse their lowest color in their AP pool.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    A CD tile, while it's on the board when the enemy destroys a tile they get random AP except for the color of the tiles destroyed, or worse their lowest color in their AP pool.
    That's basically what I've suggested as a power for Mysterio. I was thinking traps (so it's hidden, to fit his theme of illusions), opponent matches it and they get a different color of AP. So a match-3 yellow where one of them is a trap gives 2 yellow, 1 non-yellow, to screw with opponent's AP gain rates.
  • kk3thess
    kk3thess Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    A change of colors, kinda like Cloak and Dagger mechanic.

    A character has a combination of color that's red/yellow/black. Red and yellow deals certain amount of damage for 6 AP. Black changes the colors for, let's say, 16 AP. Now the character has a configuration of Green/Blue/Purple. You maintain the AP that you gained before and can fire it for the same cost. 

    Not exactly game-changing, but it would be cool, I think.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    A power that destroyed all the enemies strongest color on the board AND destroyed their AP, AND gave you that AP. 
  • Hadronic
    Hadronic Posts: 338 Mover and Shaker
    a passive that deals damage for each AP gained
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    While not meta changing, I think a passive that would trigger upon matching an enemy trap tile could be interesting too. Like, instead of triggering the trap, avoid the effect and turn it into a special tile of yours.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Passive: If Thor (Gladiator) is an opponent and at or about half health, at the beginning of the turn heal him for 25% health.

    Passive: At the begging of EVERY turn destroy all team-up tiles (does not deal damage or generate AP).

    5* Paste Pot Pete

    Blue (5AP) - Nobody is as sticky as the master of paste! Using his amazing paste gun and living up to his other Nom de Guerre - The Trapster, Pete glues shut any enemy trap or repeater tiles. If Pete glues 5 or more, deal 15,867 damage and stun any characters that make traps for 5 turns.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    kk3thess said:
    A change of colors, kinda like Cloak and Dagger mechanic.

    A character has a combination of color that's red/yellow/black. Red and yellow deals certain amount of damage for 6 AP. Black changes the colors for, let's say, 16 AP. Now the character has a configuration of Green/Blue/Purple. You maintain the AP that you gained before and can fire it for the same cost. 

    The pure color switching abilities is already in the game, with 5-star Hulk/Banner.  He starts out Blue/Purple/Black, but once a certain threshold is reached, he turns into the Hulk, and uses Red and Green.

    I suppose they could try putting it on a *good* character, and see what happens. :)
  • Rogue4Lyfe
    Rogue4Lyfe Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    How about a unique ability in the game?

    Adding some new elements to the game may help. I guess?
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Speaking on Mysterio and Illusions:
    What if there was a power that changed the colors the opponent sees? So they think they are matching green but actually black. It could have a JJ type threshold if you have 9 ap in a color you can "see" how it's truly represented on the board. Thor's APgen would be affected so he might generate AP that you don't need

    To challenge Okoye: a passive power that stuns when YOU have enough TU. When you have 9 TU the next charcter who fires a power is stunned for x amount of turns, destroy x amount of TU from your pool and the board

    I think we need a passive neutralizer power. Emma should have had one (but alas they decided to give her Banner/Ock level kit: expensive, slow, uncharacteristic)  
    - Something that drains AP when a passive is fired,
    - Something that adds an AP threshold to enemy powers- unless you have x ap in the passive color they don't fire,
    - make Faltline trigger off passive triggers(cap so you don't have dueling doctors or only on opponents turn)

    Mr. Sinister could have a power that neutralizes an enemy power- passive or not. mechanic like C&D but straight removes it outright. no more traps. no more wakanda forever

    A power that generates ISO/Riso/HP when you match 5. The meta would shift as players put up teams to capitalize. Giving Win based players motivation to keep grinding.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    I don't think it would be a meta-changer, but we don't have a power that reduces the strength of attack tiles in the same way that BSSM does strike tiles and Brock Venom does protect tiles.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    5* Rogue.
    Underrated post

    A 5 version of the exact same 4 rogue would shift the meta a lot, she would have even been a counter to gambit to a certain extent.

    Right now strike attack and protect tiles in 5 land are pretty meh. 

    But as far as a power to specifically shift the meta, one that makes characters under a certain percentage take damage (think yondu) each turn or lose AP (think the hood) each turn or both

    That would kill the coming in at 50/40/30/20/10 percent thing. Although I don't think thats a problem, but it would force a meta change

    Which would just shift things to okoye and JJ and that's a bit harder to shake up as they are pretty well rounded.

    I guess a character that did those things and prevented healing (think kate) would kill/ thor/okoye combo.

    JJ... I don't know she is one of those characters that will probably always be good in 5 land unless some BIG meta shift happen.

    She doesn't have to do anything and gains AP and does good damage off other peoples matches, while have damage abilities of her own. 

    So JJ over all is the meta, unless the meta  speeds up even more so and she just doesn't cut it.