Crash of Titans help : Valkyrie v Rogue

LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
Short of bringing in boosts, which I may have to do, how are people defeating Rogue in CotT?  Rogues' red negates the only real offense that Valkyrie has (red).  I have her at 5/5/3 so maybe my spec is off?  I'm probably missing something obvious.  Any help is appreciated.


  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    I had to pull in red/yellow and all color boosts along with 100% match damage to set off Val's black.

    Very difficult match if the board doesn't fall your way.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is really a boost requirement short of a very lucky board or very high level champion. 11 AP before 5 AP shuts you down, and Rogue is trying to match Red as well. My Valkyrie is just over 200 and without damage boosts her Black is not going off without using her Red power, which is already enough to practically guarantee the match.
  • Xavier_Mc
    Xavier_Mc Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    If your Valkyrie isn't champed you are going to have a hard time.

    5-5-3 is the best build as her yellow won't do anything.

    The only thing to do is to prevent her from gaining 5 green before you get 11 (or 22) red. If she gets 5 green before you've done enough damage, you are screwed. Her feedback will proproby kill most underleveled Valkyries.

    On my first try where i failed to do that, it did about 8.9k damage. I didn't really pay much attention as I was dead.

    If you are underleveled . Red ap boosts and damage boosts are a must. You could also try to change her highest damage with a support to yellow or black
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks all.  Yeah, I have a champed Valk.  Should have mentioned that in initial thread.  Looks like I'll try a few more times and then just use boosts.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went all in on yellow for the match damage boosts. Which helped pop a bounty which let me hit red. Won on the first try.

    Keep at it you will win. My valkyrie is not even 280 yet.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Boosts are essential.  I have a champed Valkyrie and denying 5 green over the course of the match is all but impossible.
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    Got a 278 Val.  +2 red, +2 all, 50% match damage boost for red/yellow.  Maybe I got a little lucky but I fired her red real early.  But I made sure I fired her red when she had a countdown on the board, so it reloaded 4 red.  Couple turns later I fired red again.

    If the board is heavy green.... well...............................
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    Do not undervalue valks yellow at 5 covers. The extra match damage on any color rogue has less than 8 in helps to trigger bounty. Which gets your red faster.

    Edit for numbers: my valkyrie is 275. Her yellow at 5 covers does an additional 340 damage on any color you match that rogue has less than 8 in. That pretty much guarantees you get bounty to go off within the 5 turns. You only need one red then it's pretty easy to finish up with match damage. That's slightly better damage than being able to make 2 red matches in one turn. It seems like a lot of the newer 4's are getting boosts to match damage in one way or another.
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    I won pretty handily in one try, but the board was kind at putting all the green in places where I could vulture it before Rogue got there. I used boosts, too, because CotT is the only time I ever do, so I'm not stingy with doing so there.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pretty standard "race to the red" + "deny green" match-up. Not much more to it, really.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hmm...this is an interesting one. The colour I need to be able to champ Valk is the H4H one on offer but I had originally planned to let it pass figuring a Lvl 230 Valk would be fine for her Crash.

    I guess I will see how it goes, I don't mind champing Valk but was hoping to save HP for Anniversary.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    I have a 4/5/3 Valkyrie at 209, and was able to do it on the first try unboosted. Deny green if you can, chase red, match black in a pinch. One of the quirks of Rogue's green is that ap collected with a Match-4 line clear is still accrued, as is the AP you get from Valkyrie's bounty, so even if she does manage to get green going like she did for me, you can still get lucky and accrue some red for dragonfang without actually matching the red directly. i was able to fire it off twice, and had to match-damage the rest of her health away. A solo Rogue isn't eating nearly as much incoming damage as a Rogue with bros on the side too, so don't be too scared of that power of hers.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went in without thinking to check how she was set up and won first time at 3/5/5 - I had dragged her health down about half way before she fired off green, (and used her red before hitting 14), so yellow and black let me get enough red to hit her with the Fury and a couple more matches for the win.

    To be honest, I didn't even know what yellow did until I read this thread... 
  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    I lucked out with a red heavy board.  I was able to get off my red before she siphoned and knock her down to less than 2k health and chipped away at that until I won.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had an easy time, but I have a champed Valkyrie. Deny green, and make sure you get red first — its your only attack and her only attack. You'll want her at 5/5/3 since her yellow is useless in a one-on-one match.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrimSkald said:

    Hey all, don't forget that they released Valkyrie-specific match Damage boosts - every time they did that I collected 30 of them and forgot about them completely.  They're great for these matches.

    In my case that's what I did - I boosted yellow/red ap, yellow/red match damage, and Valkyrie match damage.  I was puttering along when Rogue got a match 5 on green and fired it.  At that point I kind of avoided red but managed to trigger Valkyrie's black, which gave me enough red to use it and down Rogue.

    Tough match, definitely.

    Yeah, I always check for character-specific boosts when I'm going into a Crash. In this case, those let me get a Bounty off match damage alone relatively quickly, and since the board had a lot of red and almost no green, the Dragonfang Fury that Bounty gave me enough red for was enough to end it.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    Well that is a very finely margined Crash, kudos to the Devs. First go round I just could not deny green and so Rogue inevitably shut me down and exploded me to death. Second time, totally different - I was able to deny green and got Valk's red off which gave me my bounty, ended up finishing Rogue with match damage. I finished with 10k health. Both fights I used +2 r/y AP and + 50% r/y damage. My Valk is 5/2/5 lvl 230.
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    My Level 152 1/4/3 Valkyrie is very nervous for this fight.

    A 1-cover Dragonfang doesn't hit very hard at all.
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,018 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you have any Valkyrie boosts from her introduction?