So I just noticed something about supports



  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    jamesh said:
    There's two reasons I could see for why they haven't been added yet:
    1. laziness.  They just haven't gotten around to updating the old tokens yet.
    2. it makes the release tokens more enticing: rather than just having one new support, it has a large number of supports you can't get anywhere else.
    (2) seems more likely, since those tokens are only available for HP: I doubt anyone is actively spending to get the beginner or advanced support tokens available through PVE/PVP.
    It does seem weird that they're effectively only making these supports available for two days out of every fourteen though.
    I hope it's not 2, because some characters feel like they're not just improved by their support, but they're completed. Wiccan in particular feels like he *needs* his support to be fully viable.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    Not cool flagging posts just because you don't like what the person is saying, MarvelPuzzlers.
    Absolutely this! I dont agree with the people that criticise supports but they are still entitled to express their opinion. Its time people, that flag posts for the wrong reasons, start getting forum bans. 
    I think banning would be too much. If you abuse the flagging system then get a warning, abuse it a second time and get jailed, abuse it more than that and lose the ability to flag someone if that's possible or indefinite jail time until mods have decided that you've changed and can be trusted to use the flagging system more responsibly.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    abmoraz said:
    Shintok17 said:
    Wow. So agreeing with someones viewpoint or having your own opinion in a Discussion gets flagged. Some people need to stop abusing this function.

    Anyways. I believe that the new Support releases should be added to the pool of supports in the store once the HFH offers and Vault expires. This will give us more of a chance of actually earning these supports. I do agree with the OP that most Support tokens give out Duplicates. The good thing is that the amount of Red Iso you get from duplicates is the fastest most efficient way to get large amounts of it.
    Not to derail this topic further, but that could probably be solved quite easily if there was a "dislike" or "disagree" option at the bottom of a post.  As it is, there are only hive-mind options, forcing anyone who wants to disagree to either quote-and-post or to abuse the Flagging system.

    It's almost like the forums own rules about having a positive, negative, and neutral options for polls would be useful here :)
    They used to. It ended up with posts disappearing because people would gang up on a post they disagreed with and thumbs-down it into oblivion. It fed the toxicity, it didn't help dilute it.

    They got rid of ratings all together for a while and only brought this system back with the new boards. Even then they had a "lol" option for funny stuff, but people used it as a way of laughing at anyone they disagreed with.

    Stone walling people is a better way of dealing with the situation. Don't make a comment, don't leave a reaction..just do nothing. If you simply disagree, then debate away! But if someone's being angry and insulting or whatever, the lack of acknowledgement from the community they're trying to engage with sends a stronger message of "We don't want what you're selling" than actively engaging them or reacting to them.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I agree with you @Dragon_Nexus but it’s hard to resist when you’re being trolled hard. It only takes one person responding to validate the behaviour. Trying to face this type of behaviour down is remarkably hard as it requires a really strong united front from the forums as a whole. 

    This existing set up, with no down-votes, may be the best option we have. I certainly don’t envy the moderators their job having to make the type of borderline behavioural calls we see on the boards. While I don’t read many message boards, the little experience I have suggests this one is a bit of a tinder box. 
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Please keep all comments on the topic of supports. If you wish to discuss the Flag/Report features, then please start a new discussion thread. Thank you!
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would make an argument that this thread is supposed to be about the availability of supports (particularly in how newer supports are not being added to tokens, despite having a schedule where new characters are added to tokens that moves like clockwork), and that posts saying "I do not like supports" are off topic, and only serve to provoke other forum users, and are thus against Rule 7.

    No one is saying that this opinion is invalid, but going out of the way to bring it up in threads where it isn't the main topic of consideration is detrimental to the quality of the forums.

    So when someone says "Why does this behave this way?" and someone else says "Because it's garbage," proper course of action is to flag the second post. It's possible to have disagreeing opinions without being obnoxious about it.

    That said, it appears to be another symptom of the "beta test" phase we seem to be stuck in. Ideally, if they ever fully implement supports (making these tokens actually available in game modes in a reasonable fashion), they would get to a regular schedule of when new supports are added (dropping them in when 4*s enter tokens, at the start of the new PVP season, would be a good way to do it). Until then, the vaulted tokens (and those ones from PVP most of us have no hopes of ever acquiring) are only valuable for acquiring older supports. The tiny upside is that this increases the odds of dupes, and dupes are worth way more Red ISO than what you see elsewhere in the game. So if you do get a support you want to use, those tokens are more likely to help you level it up than if all of the newer supports were available in the tokens.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2018
    ZootSax said:
    Alfje17 said:
    How is someone agreeing with somebody else flagged up as 'abuse'? Do we have support-apologists?
    I’m convinced there is someone who flags any post that even mentions broll in support threads.

    This should be a bannable offense. Abuse of the flag button is the poorest forum-citizenship imaginable... (At least by me, anyway.)

    Edit: I see someone else said a similar thing, first. Just trying to be a good citizen  ;) Though making off-topic comments isn't really the best citizenship. Sigh.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thing I noticed with supports is that I can't equip two star web shooters to anyone other than spider characters, yet can equip wasp stingers to anyone.

    The restrictions really are unnecessary especially the villian supports since there are way too many of them and villian use/available characters is way too low.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want to love supports. I honestly do. I initially thought like Broll did that the whole thing was garbage and it should be rolled back so we can get our Steam UI back. Though...I do still want our Steam UI back and can't understand why they couldn't have just put a big button on that screen that took us to the supports equip page, but whatevs.

    The problem is each support, even the most basic of tokens, is given more rarity than a legendary token. And since the basic 1* or 2* is all you get from vaults that aren't support specific, pulling the one beginner support token from a vault feels like the roulette wheel landed on 0.

    I have darn near all of them, so each one I open is a dupe. I don't have anything over 3* because I don't think I've ever pulled one of those gold support tokens. Think I maybe got one or two for free as a promotion? But they don't seem to do those anymore...

    Getting supports and levelling them up is harder than getting and levelling a 5* character. This is what is killing the entire thing. We need a way to earn them through progress or placement, not just by spending money.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy said:
    Thing I noticed with supports is that I can't equip two star web shooters to anyone other than spider characters, yet can equip wasp stingers to anyone.

    The restrictions really are unnecessary especially the villian supports since there are way too many of them and villian use/available characters is way too low.
    I've got my Wasp Gauntlets equipped to my OML.  They don't interfere with his claws, either. :)