5* latest legendaries. Which goes first?

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
Just a quick question. Who's going to drop from the latest 5* to make way for Loki? Is it Okoye or Lumbercap?

Just wondering how long I have before I need to give up on Okoye and start hoarding.


  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lumbercap is the next one out. Then it's Okoye and after that, Wasp will finally leave (thats not for another 14 or so weeks sadly).
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    So would you suggest it's worth pouring all my CP and tokens into latest legends to try and get Okoye champed? Or are Wasp and Lumbercap THAT BAD that it would be a waste to try?

    And if so, am I better off hoarding or half hoarding? (as in, spend CP on classic legends and hoard tokens, or vice versa?)
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    That depends on how many covers you have for Okoye, what her covers distribution is and how many CPs  you have currently. 

    Alternatively you can wait for Okoye's feeder to he announced. With the celebration of Marvel's 10 years anniversary, you might be able to champ Okoye through her feeders and wait until Wasp is out of Latest.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cap would be good for boss busting. I would not call him terrible. Wasp is bottom of the barrel though. So it comes down to Loki or cap. It seems like both are about equal.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    So would you suggest it's worth pouring all my CP and tokens into latest legends to try and get Okoye champed? Or are Wasp and Lumbercap THAT BAD that it would be a waste to try?

    And if so, am I better off hoarding or half hoarding? (as in, spend CP on classic legends and hoard tokens, or vice versa?)
    I halted my current process of opening Classics as they come in a few weeks back so I could hoard for Okoye when she comes out.  She's very good.

    I don't think LumberCap is as bad as his rap.  He's slow, but powerful.  He speeds up PvE when boosted more than most IMO.  He's also very useful for speeding up boss kills with his super nuke.  His yellow is rarely useful, but might useful as a 3rd if you regularly run Thor or DD and keep them dangerously low health, outside of that it seems pretty useless.

    Wasp I can't really speak to, mine has 1 cover, but she looks pretty bad.

    Loki seems decent to me, but certainly not game changing.

    I would based your decision on the following:
    How likely am I to finish Okoye before she leaves (in ~6 weeks unless something unexpected happens)
    How bad do I want her
    If I can't cover her am I willing to BH her and a 4* if she gets one to finish her off quickly
    If you decide to pull, determine if you want Loki or LumberCap more.

    If it were me I would wait for Loki to come out before you pull unless you LumberCap is already really close to champing.  You won't miss him not having him and I'd rather champ Loki and get more cycles of him boosted while in Latest.
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    Go for Okoye. The key is having a true heal at a low AP cost. She also has bonus damage for TU, which is a huge added bonus. Something that would be a nice change to 5* BP and something I’d to see on Green Goblin for green matches, as well. 

    Cap is good, so it just depends on how well covered you have him. Either wait for Loki to get a couple covers for him as an essential, or try to get Cap a little higher.

    i’m starting my small hoard for the last day Okoye is in Latest. That way I can try to get a couple more covers on her before she hits classics. Then I’ll wait for when Loki is almost out, etc. best way for me to build up the latests.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    So would you suggest it's worth pouring all my CP and tokens into latest legends to try and get Okoye champed?
    Yeah. Okoye's made a bigger difference to me than any other character in my MPQ tenure. The developers hit a home run with her in that she's fantastic without being overpowered. The last time they achieved this was with Dr. Strange and Okoye is even better.
    And if so, am I better off hoarding or half hoarding? (as in, spend CP on classic legends and hoard tokens, or vice versa?)
    When I hoard I go all-in on LTs and CPs. I spend all other tokens daily but hang onto those two resources. Knowing your roster from my (wonderful) time in your alliance, I would avoid Classic Legends and focus instead on Latest Legends. My reasoning on this is to allow the best possible chance of fully-covering a set of three latest 5-stars that look attractive. The 4-star pulls aren't going to differ between the two.

    Yeah, you miss out on fully-covering duds (like Wasp) but I don't care about those. Other people will tell me that champing Wasp will help me in 5E nodes and I just shrug. I can take unboosted Okoye and Medusa into any 5E node and beat it - it doesn't matter if Wasp is Lv 255 or 450 because she's not a participant either way.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    So would you suggest it's worth pouring all my CP and tokens into latest legends to try and get Okoye champed?
    Yeah. Okoye's made a bigger difference to me than any other character in my MPQ tenure. The developers hit a home run with her in that she's fantastic without being overpowered. The last time they achieved this was with Dr. Strange and Okoye is even better.
    And if so, am I better off hoarding or half hoarding? (as in, spend CP on classic legends and hoard tokens, or vice versa?)
    When I hoard I go all-in on LTs and CPs. I spend all other tokens daily but hang onto those two resources. Knowing your roster from my (wonderful) time in your alliance, I would avoid Classic Legends and focus instead on Latest Legends. My reasoning on this is to allow the best possible chance of fully-covering a set of three latest 5-stars that look attractive. The 4-star pulls aren't going to differ between the two.

    Yeah, you miss out on fully-covering duds (like Wasp) but I don't care about those. Other people will tell me that champing Wasp will help me in 5E nodes and I just shrug. I can take unboosted Okoye and Medusa into any 5E node and beat it - it doesn't matter if Wasp is Lv 255 or 450 because she's not a participant either way.
    You may change your mind on wasp and other "weak" characters when clearance level 10 hits. I know it's not here yet but we have no reason to think it's never coming.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    If Wasp is of no use against my current enemies, why would she become more useful against stronger enemies?

     The whole point of hoarding around characters like her, for me, is to get characters that can translate into wins. I totally understand the open-as-you-go philosophy in Latest Legends to get them all covered. For the players who earn that kind of CP - more power to them. I am not one of those players.
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Okoye is absolutely a game changer. You've got some time before she leaves so I would suggest getting a little mini hoard together for just before she goes. She's a miracle. 

    I wasn't that excited about Lumbercap initially but having champed him I can say he's actually quite nice. Granted, my only champed 5*s are Okoye, JJ and Cap and Cap definitely sees the least amount of play among those 3. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, Lumbercap is worth having. His red will definitely finish things decisively and his purple can cheaply derail what an enemy has going on.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think Lumbercap is underrated a lot, I'm happy to have him champed, I use him regularly even with 10 5* champs.

    That red is amazing with 1 enemy left and purple really offers you control of the enemy's AP/powers.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2018
    Go for Cap/Okoye/Wasp, Cap is better than Loki and you don't want to let Okoye slip away if you have the option. She is totally worth having to suffer Wasp being in the mix.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks fairly decisive that I should pour all my tokens and CP into latests to try to get Okoye. Having no luck with her, honestly...I think she's 1/2/3?

    Guess I'll go for it and hope to get 13 covers before the end. honestly I'm having better luck with Lumbercap at 3/4/2. Maybe I should start pouring ISO into him, too.

    I still desperately want to get that last cover for JJ, too =/
  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    tiomono said:
    You may change your mind on wasp and other "weak" characters when clearance level 10 hits. I know it's not here yet but we have no reason to think it's never coming.
    Are there gonna be enemies that are immune to all damage except swarm tiles?  What do you think is going to change in scl 10 that's gonna make weaker characters useful?
  • bobby_2613
    bobby_2613 Posts: 83 Match Maker
    @Dragon_Nexus If I'm correct, JJ still need a feeder and looks like you're in the right time of the year to get one for her soon.  Only hope her feeder will be a char you have over L300.  ;-)
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Dragon_Nexus If I'm correct, JJ still need a feeder and looks like you're in the right time of the year to get one for her soon.  Only hope her feeder will be a char you have over L300.  ;-)
    Meaning Luke Cage would be a fantastic choice ¬¬
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Personally I had LumberCap at 3/4/1, Okoye at 3/4/1, and Loki at 2/2/4. Comments here and elsewhere finally convinced me to just crack into the hoard now rather than wait for Loki to push LumberCap out. But as it turns out LumberCap may never end up getting champed anyway. I now have a lvl451 Okoye, a 4/5/1 LumberCap with three extra purple covers destined to be saved, and Loki obviously still sat at 2/2/4. Cap just isn't good enough to keep pulling, so I'm back to hoarding until Wasp is gone. If the next two 5*s are good (or at least one of them is) then I'll crack into it again with Loki/X/Y and hopefully finish him off.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    If Wasp is of no use against my current enemies, why would she become more useful against stronger enemies?

     The whole point of hoarding around characters like her, for me, is to get characters that can translate into wins. I totally understand the open-as-you-go philosophy in Latest Legends to get them all covered. For the players who earn that kind of CP - more power to them. I am not one of those players.
    I wasnt thinking more useful so much as less of a deadbeat with more covers and or levels. Harder hitting enemies may actually be a challenge if you do not have 5's champed.

    At least I would hope scl 10 would actually challenge the tippy top players a tad.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wasp will get a rework before she leaves latest and there will be a scramble to cover her. It will be a pain for me already having Loki from new release vault as I really don't want to add more covers to him.