Murder not triggering [Fix in 2.9]



  • techmarine5
    techmarine5 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    DBJones said:
    I have not seen this bug when the opponent casts creatures with haste, possibly because I almost always use my Murder when I have the option. It does fail to trigger when my opponent summons a creature without haste though. Also, even though it worked against Radha for me, he still gave 3 mana to my opponent despite being killed before attacking.
    The first part is because your opponent doesn't get a combat step if he can't attack. As for Radha giving Mana, that's a bug.
  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    I think I just saw why it sometimes doesn't work on haste creatures. If the board is empty, your charged murder card will have the red icon because there is no possible target. This doesn't get updated until after the combat step for hasted creatures and prevents you from using it because the game still has that card in the 'no targets' state. If you have a creature on your side it doesn't get disabled this way because your creatures are also possible targets for it. I think the game just needs an 'update state' step between the casting step and the combat step. @Brigby
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    edited September 2018
    @stikxs Thanks for the heads up! I'll pass that analysis along to the team to review.

    Update: This issue should be fixed in 2.9