A New Age of Hoarding Starts Tommorrow

broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm a hoarder.  I generally enjoy hoarding.  However, with the advent of the save covers feature and the removal of the somewhat hidden option of swapping Latest Legends I abandoned my hoarding ways in favor of chasing Classic Legends.  However, a new day of hoarding comes tomorrow:  Farm Hoarding

With the new system you will be able to save every single cover required to max champ at every level.  Crazy right?  I still pinch myself fearing I may wake up from my fever dream.  The way I currently operate my farms is as follows:

I generally have 2 of each character, one champed and one at 13 covers (or farm clone).  Once I max champ, I sell and champ the farm clone, then next 13ish covers go to replacing the farm clone before I start leveling again in earnest.

I was starting a farm clone at ~247, I'm currently not starting the farm clone until I hit 266 with baby save enabled.

I'm not there yet, got a while still.

How I envision my hoarding working after Wednesday;

Have 2 copies of each a max champ and a farm clone.  The farm clone will sit at L15 13 covers until it's acquired 50 saved covers  At which point sell the max champ, champ the farm clone, call the pit boss as your jackpot spits out, then start a new farm clone.  Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

Pretty much the same, however I don't know if I'll wait all the way until they have 100 saves, that's a long time.  Instead each max champ with a farm clone will be a little piggy bank.  Oh what, you need a lot of ISO in a hurry?  Sell a max champ (ideally one whose farm clone has a high number of saved covers).  Boom, instant income and you didn't have to limp through having a L166 again.

Will likely work the same as 3* above once I get there.

What do you think?  Will you become a farm hoarder?  Are you cackling maniacally at the sheer thought of it?  Have I gone completely insane?  Are you just hoping I'll shut-up?  Tune in next time for Broll's Stupid Ideas!



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's hard for me to seriously plan a long-term 3* farming strategy; i just sold my first max-champ the other day chasing a 4* champ, and just got my second today. I'm kind of already regretting selling it too without a champion behind it, so I think I'll probably start dupes from now on if I can. I'll happily save covers on a pre-champed dupe until i have a little iso around, not sure i'd call it a hard policy or anything though.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    So the main change I'm seeing is that you will always have a 2* max champ where before you'd only have a regular champ.
    I would be a little tempted to try this strategy just to see all the rewards pop up, but I don't know how intuitive applying saved covers vs accidentally swapping them.  I feel its more trouble than its worth, especially since I am not hurting for iso ever anymore
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    broll said:

    How I envision my hoarding working after Wednesday;

    Have 2 copies of each a max champ and a farm clone.  The farm clone will sit at L15 13 covers until it's acquired 50 saved covers  At which point sell the max champ, champ the farm clone, call the pit boss as your jackpot spits out, then start a new farm clone.  Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

    Pretty much the same, however I don't know if I'll wait all the way until they have 100 saves, that's a long time.  Instead each max champ with a farm clone will be a little piggy bank.  Oh what, you need a lot of ISO in a hurry?  Sell a max champ (ideally one whose farm clone has a high number of saved covers).  Boom, instant income and you didn't have to limp through having a L166 again.

    Will likely work the same as 3* above once I get there.

    What do you think?  Will you become a farm hoarder?  Are you cackling maniacally at the sheer thought of it?  Have I gone completely insane?  Are you just hoping I'll shut-up?  Tune in next time for Broll's Stupid Ideas!

    Perhaps you've already bought all the slots and its a non-issue, but keeping a copy of EVERY 2-star character seems rather HP costly. I only keep 1-2 extra slots for dupe building at any given time, and covers for the other 144 guys sit on the vine until a slot opens up to roster the next dupe. I did at one point have about 5-6 extra slots for this because I was also farming XP out of 1-star covers, but it didn't last long as I would decide I would rather sell off a 1/2-star than to drop 1K HP for a new roster slot as  new characters came out. 

    That aside though, why the delay on applying champ levels and gaining those resources? I don't see how that does you any favors. I can sort of understand the desire of a big lump sum resource pay day, but you're essentially bottle-necking your daily iso income. Then again, if you're in "Post-Iso" status then it's unlikely that your daily reap of 2-star rewards is anything major. 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Will you still get XP for every cover when you get your “one lump sum”?
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    The only thing I'll say is that you are delaying your returns. That may not be a bad thing, if you like your returns in one lump sum, but it's kind of like overpaying on tax deductions every paycheck. Yeah you get a nice lump sum of cash in April, but in essence you were borrowing the government money all year that you could have been using yourself to do things (like, at the very least, earning interest).

    So whatever acceleration you're gaining by farming is put off, when you could be using the CP, Heroic Tokens, HP, etc, to achieve that growth sooner.
    While I agree with you (which is why all my efforts to hoard have failed miserably), the counterpoint is that by delaying current returns, it raises the possibility of some more favorable solution to the current 4* dilution being introduced, which may make the lump sum future payout of rewards dip into a more favorable system than we have today.  Of course, the future system could also be worse, so there's really no guarantees to say either path is "better".
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    Will you still get XP for every cover when you get your “one lump sum”?
    This is the one thing saved covers feature haven't shown me has been adequately addressed to make me embrace it wholeheartedly. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    if you like your returns in one lump sum, but it's kind of like overpaying on tax deductions every paycheck. Yeah you get a nice lump sum of cash in April, but in essence you were borrowing the government money all year that you could have been using yourself to do things (like, at the very least, earning interest).
    Good analogy and yes I do that. Lol
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Will you still get XP for every cover when you get your “one lump sum”?
    This is the one thing saved covers feature haven't shown me has been adequately addressed to make me embrace it wholeheartedly. 
    I don’t see why you wouldn’t. You get the xp now.
  • Tensuun
    Tensuun Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I imagine I'll do something like what you're describing, too. However, I don't really see the point maintaining two max-champed 2*s at all times. I will want a max-champed 2* for DDQ, for PVE Essentials, and sometimes for Combined Arms or Balance of Power if those ever run again. Even if there is some overlap, I think I'm OK with the possibility of having to spend a health pack or wait a few minutes for my character(s) to heal up.

    So, I think what'll happen is, instead of having a lv144 OBW and two level 15 max-covered OBWs like I have right now because I couldn't get the iso together in time to spend the 26 OBW covers I had expiring in my queue, I'll just be saving up to 50 covers on OBW B, sell OBW A to champ OBW B as soon as she hits 50 saved covers, then do the same with OBW C. I don't really see a purpose in having more than 2 OBWs on my roster at any given time, going forward.

    I think the only change to 3*s going forward is that I'll use covers to add levels to my lv250+ 3* characters instead of rostering them early, then I'll wait until I have about 10 Saved Covers on a 13-cover character before I bother saving up and then spending the iso-8 needed to champ them.

    I can't imagine having such a bounty of 4* covers that I actually have to worry about what happens after I max-champ a 4*. My best guess is I'll treat them more or less like I currently plan to treat 3* characters.

    5* characters will just get covers applied to them whenever I can get them. If I ever get a 13-cover 5*, they'll still just be softcapped to ~lv400ish, partly because I probably still can't spare the iso-8 to get them higher, and partly because whatever my first 13-cover 5* characters happen to be, they probably won't be The Best, and it'd suck to get triple-tapped by The Best 5* champs in PVP every hour.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    Dormammu said:
    if you like your returns in one lump sum, but it's kind of like overpaying on tax deductions every paycheck. Yeah you get a nice lump sum of cash in April, but in essence you were borrowing the government money all year that you could have been using yourself to do things (like, at the very least, earning interest).
    Good analogy and yes I do that. Lol
    I was thinking the same thing.  Delaying steady rewards for a large lump sum could be fun, but mathematically, you're better off getting the steady rewards, plus it takes less roster slots, whose HP could be used for HFH.  The initial ramp up time to collect 63 x 2*covers for 1 character would be at least a month, maybe longer.  To collect 113 x 3*covers, that could take a year, maybe longer. 
  • maltyo9
    maltyo9 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    It gives you the xp immediately, but the covers apply individually, so be ready to put your device down for a while...
  • Tensuun
    Tensuun Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I'm finding it much easier to properly hoard DDQ tokens now that I don't have to hoard all the other tokens.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't really see the point, tbh. I certainly enjoy seeing a huge pile of rewards come crashing in all at once, but this doesn't seem to afford any actual advantage over just adding covers as they come.
  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 507 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2018
    With saved covers, I no longer feel the need to sell a 2* or 3* for a quick bump in ISO. So for me, it's more like I'll focus on rechamping lower tiers (2*s and 3*s) before champing a 4*, especially since I only have 14 4*s left to champ and I'm not planning to jump into 5* land anytime soon. Like the OP, I plan to have two copies of each 2* and 3* with one copy as a max champ and the other as a farm clone, except I'll champ them as I get the ISO as opposed to waiting until I've hoarded the max number of saved covers. 
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    This means I won’t have to spend Iso on rechamping 3*s any more I can just save covers until I don’t have better things to do with that Iso. 
  • Raud
    Raud Posts: 74 Match Maker
    And we can stay in 4* realm almost forever :-)

  • Steve111
    Steve111 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Sorry, I dont see the point of it other than torturing yourself lol.

    I realistically only hoard now for the new 5* release vault & to skip unworthy 5* on the LL vault (like the awful Wasp).