Any tips on how to defeat MPQ Boredom

LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
I seem to be a weird place with this game.  All 4*s champed except for last five.  Three 5*s champed (Gambit, JJ, GladiThor).  I am neither fully in the 5* world but my team is too strong for the 4* pond.  The game is a bit, dare I say it, boring right now.  Seems to be the same game over and over and over.  But I can't get close to champing any other 5*s unless I play a lot.  Which is, as I mentioned, very boring right now.

LTs are not even fun as it usually gives me an extra level for a 4* that I don't use.  Oh, and I hate hoarding.

Anyways, is anyone else in this boat and getting a bit bored?  And, what are my options to get un-bored?

Sell my 5*s and go back to 4* realm?
Uninstall game?
Start game over?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm in the same spot roster-wise. Just champed my first two 5-stars and in doing so rendered the rest of my roster obsolete. Of course, I knew this going in and did it anyway despite all the horror stories of players making the 5-star transition and hating it.

    Since Civil War ended the most enthusiasm I've been able to muster is completing 1-3 nodes in DDQ and then I'm done for the day. But my interest wanes back and forth. I'll go a couple of weeks where I ravenously complete every node in every event, but then I go a couple of weeks where it's DDQ-and-done. It's been a good way to uphold my long-term interest in this game rather than burning out entirely.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hard to say.  I wouldn't start over... You'd just be pissed or upset when you get around to 'needing' a character again, and realize you're at the mercy of RNG all over again.

    Maybe set some personal goals?  Like, I wanna hit this particular set of PVE awards this time, or maybe I wanna hit this place or higher in PVP this season.  

    Just a thought.  Good luck!
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I'm a step or two behind you. My 4*s are about the same, but I haven't champed any 5*s yet.  I use whatever 4*s are boosted most of the time. I have three 5*s fully covered, and all of them rostered, but only leveled to about 290-320 range. I'm waiting to have enough ISO to champ the ones I have and max level a few others all at once.  Shooting for 3 million, and about half way there right now.

    As far as your options, if you want about a week they will be offering increased sell back rates and guaranteed 5* tokens for selling Gambit.  Maybe you can sell him then and get some other 5*s moved up instead.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great insight so far.  Forgot about selling Gambit.  May just do that so I get some tokens and see what happens.  Also love the idea of just doing DDQ each day for a while and not worry about PVE or PVP.  Also appreciate the thoughts about personal goals.

    This forum is one reason I will definitely NOT quit MPQ.  Love the camaraderie here.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    So here is the thing.  You are in the transition.  In every transition from 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 you go through this feeling where it feels like your previous tier is obsolete and the only thing you can play is your new best 3 characters.  The challenge is with the 5* tier is it can take a while to get the next 5*.  The question is how do you get the next 5* you want so you can progress in the game.  Hoarding is the best option.  If you can do really well in PVE and get as much CP as possible in PVP you can get a championed 5* every 6 to 12 weeks through hoarding.  I personally get 125-135 pulls every 6 weeks (no $$ spent) and that has let me champion latest covers.  I get a 5* character I can level and help me in PVE and possible PVP when champed and it can keep the game fresh.  

    I don’t think I will ever get a level 500 5* but I do have 17 championed 5* with 2 more with 12 covers using this strategy so I have a deep roster so I can use lots of characters in PVE and my gambit team in PvP.  Once you get a 3rd and 4th 5* the game will start becoming more fun!!
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only answer I can really think of once you hit 5* land involves voluntarily opting to use non-optimal characters to do your clears in PvE. You won't be competitive, unless you count top 50 as competitive, but you'll have a lot more fun if you simply choose to use your other characters to clear nodes.

    In PvP, there's nothing you can do without selling your 5's, because match-making won't allow it.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've barely played at all for a couple months now and am in roughly the same boat, except I've got more 5* champions - 8, currently. Predictably, the only ones that have seen any use recently are Gambit and Black Bolt, though that's about to change what with Gambit being hit with a tactical nuke.

    I pretty much play the DDQ minus the 1 and 2 star nodes, and enough PVP to get the first CP reward, with an occasional push to 900 every few events. I haven't been able to convince myself to play a PVE event  in ages. It's just such a massive time sink for relatively little of the only reward that really matters anymore (CP). I do make exceptions for Strange Sights and Simulator in that I'll at least play those enough to get the big chunk of ISO at the end of the subs.

    My current plan is to save up around 300 LTs' worth of pulls and grab a set of Latest 5*s whenever I get there - which, at my current rate, will take quite a while. I might also sell Gambit since it looks like he'll be pretty worthless post-nerf. If something hasn't changed to make the game interesting again by the time I get that next batch, I'll probably just be done.

    Things that might get me back into it:

    - Full-time 4* PVP events. Three-star PVP is stale as butts at the 5* level, as you're generally just playing with two characters while the third sits around being dead weight. In 4* events it actually feels like a full team.

    - Return of Heroic PVEs (you could only use the weekly boosted characters, for those who don't remember these)

    - Supports actually being a useful, accessible mechanic that appreciably alters gameplay

    - A new mode that somehow breaks up the monotony of grinding the same nonsense over and over and over. No, I don't really know what this could be, though I've always liked the idea of an endless wave mode where the enemies just get stronger and stronger until they overwhelm you.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    I recently moved to 5*s after champing almost all the 4*s. I champed Thor and Jessica Jones about three weeks ago and Daredevil during the PvE where he was boosted. 

    Who knows what my future holds but for now I’m enjoying CL9 PvE (played in 8 before). I still really don’t like PvP much. I have I have five other fully covered 5*s so in a couple more months I’ll have several more options for teams. 

    I’m in a fun alliance so I enjoy that aspect of the game as well. I’m sure I’ll miss the massive variety in 4* play. But wow these 5*s are so powerful and fun as well. 

    I have had times when I only did the DD for a bit when feeling burnt out. There’s always that option. Good luck. 
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Borstock said:
    The only answer I can really think of once you hit 5* land involves voluntarily opting to use non-optimal characters to do your clears in PvE. You won't be competitive, unless you count top 50 as competitive, but you'll have a lot more fun if you simply choose to use your other characters to clear nodes.

    In PvP, there's nothing you can do without selling your 5's, because match-making won't allow it.
    Depends on your motivation for playing. If the moment to moment is boring, absolutely play around with your 50+ 4* champs. Pour some iso into 5*s that aren't well covered but maybe have 3+ covers in a decent power.
    If the overall time commitment is boring, then blazing thru pve on 1/2 health Thor autopilot might burn you out less.

    For me, in nearly the same spot, I basically just play less pvp and switched back to opening classics after Wasp entered. Probably dumb, but opening tokens is where the fun is for me, so I choose quantity over quality. So far I've been lucky that my 5* pulls come from LTs not cp so far.
    If you just can't get motivated to play pve either, join a pve alliance. I am in an alliance that keeps me playing for full progression at least.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Play nothing but DDQ until something excites you again. If this never happens, it's ok to quit (temporarily or permanently.) A game that has no end isn't sustainable for most players.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,221 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:

    - A new mode that somehow breaks up the monotony of grinding the same nonsense over and over and over. No, I don't really know what this could be, though I've always liked the idea of an endless wave mode where the enemies just get stronger and stronger until they overwhelm you.
    To add on to your wave node idea:
    - your strongest team vs endless wave 
    - your strongest x# of characters vs endless wave, where your next in line pops into the match after one of your characters dies.
    - endless number of matches (until you die), where after each match you have to use a new team, but you can't use the same characters again

    I like the last option myself.  It forces you to use your whole roster and come up with new synergies for your teams.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Play nothing but DDQ until something excites you again. If this never happens, it's ok to quit (temporarily or permanently.) A game that has no end isn't sustainable for most players.
    Yes, this.  Know that you will probably never go completely back onto the hamster wheel.  Once you jump off and realize how little all those rewards you're missing actually matter it's hard to get the motivation to go back.  

    Only thing I'd add is remember to at least join every pvp & pve event even if you don't play them.  You get a little extra iso and help fill the brackets.  
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Borstock said:
    In PvP, there's nothing you can do without selling your 5's, because match-making won't allow it.
    I'm not sure if there's a fundamental change in 5* MMR that sinks this, but in 4* land, I can get a bunch of lower level play by getting in early and taking on the seed teams with the loaner and a couple of 1*. It doesn't change the targets I'm offered, but it does mean I'm visible as a target to a lot of lower level rosters. Then I work through the Retals using the lowest-level team I can manage for each.

    It worked OK even in pure points-based PvP, but it's been fantastic in wins-based, because way more people are willing to hit an easy team with an easy team of their own, without worrying about the Retal they're leaving for me. I can reliably get the CP at 16 wins without using anyone over Lvl 100 or so, and occasionally manage it with just the 1*. Or start gradually moving up through my roster as long as the Retals hold up, and switch to big targets if my points overtake my wins.

    It's really helped keep my interest going by letting me use so much more of my roster
    Everything was fine for me up to and including one champed 5*. I still got great variety in PvP with my champed Gambit and 4* roster. Once I champed Jessica, that was it. All 5* rosters, all the time. So, if the OP decides to sell his 5* characters to improve matchmaking, they might want to see if they can keep their favorite 5* champ and see what happens. Might be helpful.
  • professorplum9
    professorplum9 Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Try to champ Okoye. I've heard she can make a lot of characters in lower tiers viable with her TU boosting powers.
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    As many have said...  Gotta play with boosted 4s and have some fun finding synergy.  But if you've been playing so long it can be tough.

    Since I am under 1 year, just getting into 4* land, i'm still having fun finding what works.  Now having champed Gam/Groot and a 229 3/3/5 Medusa, I can see how I am going to ride the hell out of that META for quite some time.

    I'd take the off season off.  DDQ and collect each day, that's it.  Don't even have to do DDQ honestly.  Just take time away from the game.  
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hear mainly two sides to the 5* transition. 

    1) It’s great! In any tier transitioning is tough. Once you get through the transition part and have a wide variety of 5s to choose from it’s awesome!

    2) It sucks. Because even if I have 17 champed 5s I’m only ever using my top 2-3. Every. Single. Event. The 4* tier was the most varied and fun time of the game. 

    What I don’t think I’ve seen (through I’m sure it’s had to have happened) is someone selling their 5s and returning to 4* play. I would like to know if that improves the QOL of this game. I think the sunk cost is what stops more from doing it because they are such a heavy investment.

    For me, posts like this affirm my choice NOT to enter 5* land. I still chase the big meta 5s (currently Okoye) like everyone else. I just don’t level them. Some play great with 4s even underleveled. My level 255 max-covered Thor fueling Riri/Sandman was able to net me an easy top 10 (albeit CL8). 

  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    While taking time off is probably the correct answer, I also recommend "PVE vacations" in lower SCL's where you make no effort whatsoever at placement (to both avoid "stealing" placement from lower-tier players working their way up and because it's hardly a vacation if you're still doing sorta-optimal play).  If you choose your SCL wisely, you can get some challenging matchups for the 1*, 2* or 3* game, plus you still have the option to steamroll annoying nodes with your 4*'s & 5*'s if you just can't take seeing the Dark Avengers again, yet want to unlock the nodes following them.  Personally, as a solidly 4* players, it's interesting to see how some of the newer events pan out if you're restricted to lower star level characters (Honor Among Thieves, for instance, is deceptively difficult for 2*'s, as you really don't have answers for a lot of extreme tile spammers, like the mindless ones, who seem to have been designed assuming you were running Dr Strange). 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2018
    Oh and as for your main question (“beating boredom”). I’m constantly setting small goals for myself that keep me on the wheel. Currently I want to rechamp all 3* without selling any originals. I’m ALMOST to the halfway point and since they level so much faster than 4s and 5s, you can see substantial progress in a short amount of time while still working on your long term goals (for me it’s hoarding for Okoye). 

    Another thing I did last night was I wanted to see if I could get to 2K in sim in one push and not use any health packs. If someone died I just had to use someone else. I figured with all but the lastest 2 4s champed it should be easily doable. Ended up going 40-1 to get there. Lost Carol/Switch/Crawler in the sole wipe. Played at least 36 4* on my journey (I just looked at the complete list of 4s and there are some I may have forgotten that I did play) and I also played two level 255 5* in Gambit (fueling Blade) and Thor (fueling every character under the sun. This game can still be tons of fun. Especially at 4* play!
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, the only meaningful progress at that point is to hoard for 6 months to add 3 more 5* champs to the roster.

    As for the boredom, I find fun combinations to use. Sometimes I'll still use 4* combinations just to break the grind. 5*Hawkeye, Coulson, Shuri is currently my favorite. Sometimes I'll play the Nightcrawler/ProfX mini-game of "can I purple them to death?". Using Nico to buff Grocket/Gamora tiles sky high. I even still bust out 4*Cyclops/KK/3Storm winfinite every once in a while.

    Even though all of that is useless for PVP, it keeps everything else fresh.