This forum has outlived its usefulness



  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Never give up Never Surrender!
    There's a ton of life left. The forum is full of positivity! It's a trap to perceive everything as negativity or conversely  the comical pro-dev cheerleading. It's got some great help in Fun Tea combinations, character discussions are useful, Known bugs, 'dronic maffs/pun scripts, the wry one liners, etc
    It's also got whining and trolling and sniping in heaps and mounds.
    If that's all you'll see and can't/won't acknowledge either the reasons why someone is upset about dilution :( or acknowledge the upside of supports :) your mind isn't in a healthy place and I worry that you are spiraling. 
    OP:I mostly enjoy your postings and value your contributions. It would be a shame if you thought the forum was a waste and never returned but I dispute your assertions in this thread. 
    I know I have been wrong and through respectful discourse I changed my mind and am a better player for it. Isn't that one of the main pillars of purpose for having discussions? I have seen tremendous amount of encouraging response when someone asks for help. Well reasoned opinions exchanged about champing priorities. The forum gives high fives on the positive thread when someone has great RNG and are commiserative on the negative. These are living up to the ideals of a forum.
    I don't think ALL of the burden to bear for 3:1(that's a 200% better conversion rate!) should be shouldered on forum outcry. Remember when the great outcry's of: OML, Vaulting, WinBased did nothing? One of those threads was like 60 pages long. Level of outcry does not equal speed of change. Sometimes they react really fast like with Carnage and other times Bammer Banner. In this case they went faster than I've ever seen a change get instituted; so there is some other motivating factor for the devs, and/or just a crazy freak singularity where the right team members were at the right place at right time and were able to just make it happen. 
    but if as you posit; that they heard and reacted I think you should take encouragement from knowing that at some level the forum is listened to. If The Devs were able to change from 5:1 to 3:1; then they can work on an autonomous 1:1 and free up CS. They have shown they are able and willing, just go out there and convince them! Don't be disheartened by the naysayers and negative Normans, Things are good right now, and they are getting better, with your help.
