Season 2, Part 3: D3/Demiurge Meeting – Quality of Punishment

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2018 in MPQ General Discussion

Last time we met:

Advisory for “D3/Demiurge Meeting": The events depicted in these forum posts are fictitious and completely satirical. These events are loosely based on the forum player’s perception of the game and are for entertainment purposes only. The discussions in these meetings are not real and the characters that represent D3, Demiurge or the Forum are not the real people. Any similarly to the actual employees in those companies or potential upcoming in-game features/characters/events are merely coincidental.


Punisher: ::Wakes up in an open field:: Where am I? ::Looks around and sees a city down below::

Punisher: ::Starts walking around:: How did I get here?

::People start looking at him strange::

Punisher: ::Walks past a convenience store with a TV seeing the Punisher War Zone Chat:: Who is this guy dressed like me? D3/Demiurge.. why does this sound familiar ::Shakes his head:: Something tells me I need to see them.

::At the D3/Demiurge office::  

Director: Good Morning everyone. It’s been quite some time since we had a meeting and we have a lot to discuss. No thanks to Marketing for insisting us to do that dreaded Talk Show.

Marketing: I had no idea that Jon Bernthal was going to act in-character as the Punisher nor did we know he actually played our game.

Director: Nonetheless, what is the update on the Supports?

Developer 2: Well we just rolled out a new Spider-Man support and before that a bunch of Wakanda supports for the Black Panther movie

Player Advocate: And nobody cares..

Director: Excuse me? The team worked very hard on creating Supports

Player Advocate: I am sure they did but the reality is no one is really using Supports

Analyst 1: That is not true. According to our statistics, over 90% of the players have a Support equipped it and they use a character with a Support every day!

Player Advocate: That’s because the in-game Support instructions forced us to equip a Support and most of us put it on our favorite character. For instance, I have a Vintage Shield on Medusa and I use her everyday.

Analyst 2: I bet you’re enjoying that extra 165 health!

Player Advocate: Uh it’s not enough to even notice

Developer 1: You would if you leveled up the Support! The health will increase to at least 267!

Player Advocate: Sure, if I had Red Iso but I barely get any despite playing 4hours a day, every event and earning all the rewards possible.

Director: At this time Supports are a slow rollout but we do plan to address this and our developers are working hard on a new system.

Developer 2: We’ve been working on a system for a couple of months called SHIELD Special Ops. Each time you open a Support token, increase a rank for a Support or win a match with a Support you gain XP. As you gain XP, you will increase your SHIELD Special Ops rank that grants you thousands of Red Iso that can be used to level your Supports!

Player Advocate: Sooo.. basically it is the current SHIELD Rank we have now but for Red Iso? Why couldn’t you just have used the system we have now instead of creating a new one?

Developer 1: Hmm.. we did not think of that.

Player Advocate: This brings me to my next question, we’re now getting a Cover Save system. We’ve been asking for this for a long time but I do not understand why you could not use the current Power Shift system that is used to move covers around when we’re at 13 covers. It could have also been used to allow us to apply covers to abilities that are less than 5.

Developer 3: I’m getting alittle tired of you players complaining. ::Starts to raise his voice:: We spend a lot of time and resources to improve the player experience but you still find things to complain about! ::Stands up:: we can’t make everyone happy!

Human Resources: Please relax and sit down.

Developer 3: I cannot relax! We’re overworked, and we’re constantly asked to do things that we either cannot do or not allowed to do. I did not sign up for this ****! Good bye! ::Walks out::

Human Resources: That was our second Developer to walk-out this month!

Director: I’m not worried. Just like the players that quit, the developers always come back.. ::looks at his glass:: looks like my drink needs more Ice

Player Advocate: I’m sorry. We do appreciate everything your team does. We realize you cannot make every player happy. We’re just as frustrated as they are. If you think about it from the player point-of-view, we’ve been asking for colorless covers for over 4yrs. Now we finally have a system in place but we also lost the cover swap ability with Latest.

CFO: We were wasting tons of resources on cover swaps. There is nothing more to discuss. You were lucky to have had this temporary service for the past two years. I should have a new BMW by now with all the money we lost..

Player Advocate: Meanwhile we need a faster a way to cover Latest 5*’s because Gambit is still running around causing terror. He’s making the game boring. Why hasn’t he been nerfed yet?!

Director: Blame Fox. We cannot rebalance a character more than once without Fox’s approval. Fox does not want us to nerf Gambit because it may affect the upcoming Gambit movie. Now with the Disney-Fox deal in limbo, there’s nothing we can do.

Player Advocate: Fine, but why has the rebalance initiative ended? 5* Hulk could use a major buff, among many others.

Developer 1: That’s why we have Supports! You can rebalance your own characters.

Player Advocate: Enough with the Supports. It’s bad enough that you released Infinity Stones Supports but only ONE player can win ONE per PVP Season. It’s ridiculous.

Developer 2: What is so ridiculous about gathering game changing stones like the actual Thanos did. It took him 10-years of movies to achieve his goal. We wanted players to be able to step in the shoes of Thanos and eventually gather all the stones! After we release each stone, we’re creating an Infinity Gauntlet support for them. More details to come.

Player Advocate: I’m so excited to hear about a Gauntlet that 1 player can use out of the thousands of players. Just because it took Thanos 10-years, it does not mean we want to play MPQ for another 10yrs.

Staff: ::All turn and look at the Player Advocate::

Lead Developer: What do you mean? This is part of our new 10yr plan. Once 1 player has all the stones and the Infinity Gauntlet, he or she will be able to face all the players at once! It’ll be all players v 1 in the ultimate Boss Event! Whichever player lands the final blow, can pick up the Gauntlet and become their version of Thanos. It’ll be so much fun!

Player Advocate: That sounds awfully familiar.. but realistically you cannot expect players to play this game another 10yrs. It’s getting boring and Supports is not the answer. No one asked for Supports.

CFO: Many players did not want 6* characters so this was our best solution in order to continue to generate revenue.

Player Advocate: You’re saying Supports are really 6*’s in disguise?

Director: We’re not confirming anything. Listen we’ve made a lot of quality changes such as the recent decrease of enemy cascades. This will help players who feel ‘cheated’

Player Advocate: We asked for this like 3yrs ago. Too little, too late at this point. How long has this been worked on?

Lead Developer: We’ve actually been working on it on-and-off for 3years but we kept being forc.. uh I mean.. asked to do something else such as new character releases. ::Passes a note to the Player Advocate::

Player Advocate: ::Reads the note – “Help us”:: What is going on around here?!

Director: Wouldn’t you like to know ::Lights go out::

Punisher: ::At the D3/Demiurge office:: The lights are flickering, there must be something going on in there! ::Starts to run::

::Lights turn back on::

Player Advocate: You’re the.. Red Skull!

Punisher: I knew something brought me here. ::Breaks down the door:: Time to end this.. again!

Staff: Nooo, wait!

::Lights go out again::


To be continued..


  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great as always!!!  Missed these!!  
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    There’s been so many changes since your last article. Really would have liked to see you tackle dilution returning. Maybe in part 2? Maybe some foreshadowing here?

    ::looks at his glass:: looks like my drink needs more Ice

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    There’s been so many changes since your last article. Really would have liked to see you tackle dilution returning. Maybe in part 2? Maybe some foreshadowing here?

    ::looks at his glass:: looks like my drink needs more Ice

    I know. I had missed so much since my last meeting that there was too much to tackle at once. I've been so busy with work and I created this one quickly because I've been receiving so many requests for new ones. I'll definitely include dilution in my next meeting.