Events are too easy

Thésée Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
edited June 2018 in MtGPQ General Discussion

I tried to beat 4th encounter of Journey through History with a Chandra 1 pauper deck (commons only)

deck :

result :

Stupid land supports didn't show up in time and a missed an objective :/

Ok ok, I failed a few times prior trying with Nissa 1, and I was probably lucky on this game (two other tries with same deck : one loss and a victory turn 12).

But ... the point is that the new events are incredibly easy. I'm not even talking about the fact that you can play 1st node as many time as you want to get the rewards, I'm saying that Journey through History part 1 and A World Reborn offer very low challenge.

We get more rewards now, this is great, more cards is always cool. But it seems we are now playing super easy events just to collect them. What happened to the puzzle part of the game ? The long deckbuilding time to find the right card and solution ?

I understand it is good for new players to get rewards and have not impossible-to-beat events, I don't forget about that, but :

- there are probably more than 6000 active platinum players in this game (there was apparently a 3rd bracket last Race to Orazca) and a few thousand more Gold players that don't have too much difficulties to win all those games. Am I the only one missing the challenge ?

- In a few months the players who join now will have a few dual coloured PWs and a pool of cards that will allow them to overcome easily those events. Will it be interesting for them ?

[MOD NOTE]Edited to embed photos. [//]



  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    The infinite-try PvE events were never super hard, except for the last couple fights.  With the decrease in number of nodes it appears that's really all we're losing.

    That being said, I do wish that events were harder.  A World Reborn is a total joke.  The final fight has a really cool mechanic and ability, and then wastes it by playing nothing but 2/2 Origins commons.  Why is a Dominarian region playing origins cards?  Why is a boss fight only using commons?  I'm just as confused as you are.
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mburn7 said:
    The infinite-try PvE events were never super hard, except for the last couple fights.  With the decrease in number of nodes it appears that's really all we're losing.

    That being said, I do wish that events were harder.  A World Reborn is a total joke.  The final fight has a really cool mechanic and ability, and then wastes it by playing nothing but 2/2 Origins commons.  Why is a Dominarian region playing origins cards?  Why is a boss fight only using commons?  I'm just as confused as you are.
    I'd like another challenging event boss like Avacyn.  Powerful but manageable with a variety of well-built decks

    But not like Bolas...never like Bolas
  • Thésée
    Thésée Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
    Mburn7 said:
    The infinite-try PvE events were never super hard, except for the last couple fights.  With the decrease in number of nodes it appears that's really all we're losing.

    That being said, I do wish that events were harder.  A World Reborn is a total joke.  The final fight has a really cool mechanic and ability, and then wastes it by playing nothing but 2/2 Origins commons.  Why is a Dominarian region playing origins cards?  Why is a boss fight only using commons?  I'm just as confused as you are.
    I'd like another challenging event boss like Avacyn.  Powerful but manageable with a variety of well-built decks

    But not like Bolas...never like Bolas

    I remember first time I suceeded to beat Avacyn and it was a great moment. Yes it was a great fight. Not sure people will remember first success in AWR 2.3

  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    It's way too easy these days. That last boss of AWR could have been super difficult if the deck wasn't filled with junk like Auramancer.
  • Blazer
    Blazer Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Thought I would give my lvl 38 Jaya a challenge and played A Thawing World in TLCD but beat it with all objectives and full life, did have 4 mythic's in the deck but way to easy for a lvl 38 walker.
  • AdriA
    AdriA Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    Agreed, both AWR and Journey Through History has no challenge and no creativity. It offers nothing but rewards.

    Also, when a PW has enough loyalty points to use any ability it's hard to see it using its second and third ability in PVP events. Sometimes it makes me feel dumb.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is an important point. 

    On one hand, I appreciate the devs making events that even newer players can succeed at -- however the vets are  content starved. 

    At some point there needs to be some balance -- the game is growing increasingly boring for top players -- the only challenge is in PvP and we barely get those events (even individual) anymore. 
  • Furks
    Furks Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    I think the fact that you can complete progression by farming the first encounter is good. It allows everyone to get the rewards.

    The problem is that the final boss isn't challenging. 
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Furks said:
    I think the fact that you can complete progression by farming the first encounter is good. It allows everyone to get the rewards.

    The problem is that the final boss isn't challenging. 
    Lore-wise, the zombie hordes from the Ice Age were supposed to be one of the big bads, which might be why they gave the zombies 3 abilities and the final boss was a piece of cake.

    Not saying it justifies the final boss being debatably the easiest.  Perhaps this event really was made for beginning players to get started in the game with an easy rare + 1 real booster.
  • tfg76
    tfg76 Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    I think the event was there to prime players for disappointment in opening boosters. All commons and uncommons? Yeah, on par with my experience.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    tfg76 said:
    I think the event was there to prime players for disappointment in opening boosters. All commons and uncommons? Yeah, on par with my experience.
    Yes, this was not a welcome discovery.

  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    bken1234 said:
    tfg76 said:
    I think the event was there to prime players for disappointment in opening boosters. All commons and uncommons? Yeah, on par with my experience.
    Yes, this was not a welcome discovery.

    you have...significantly more runes than I do

  • DumasAG
    DumasAG Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    bken1234 said:
    tfg76 said:
    I think the event was there to prime players for disappointment in opening boosters. All commons and uncommons? Yeah, on par with my experience.
    Yes, this was not a welcome discovery.

    you have...significantly more runes than I do

    All dat hero quest grinding
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    DumasAG said:
    bken1234 said:
    tfg76 said:
    I think the event was there to prime players for disappointment in opening boosters. All commons and uncommons? Yeah, on par with my experience.
    Yes, this was not a welcome discovery.

    you have...significantly more runes than I do

    All dat hero quest grinding
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2018
    bken1234 said:
    tfg76 said:
    I think the event was there to prime players for disappointment in opening boosters. All commons and uncommons? Yeah, on par with my experience.
    Yes, this was not a welcome discovery.

       Wow, didn't notice that little trick ... That's kinda ugly to see ...  I'd definitely rather have a single booster with regular droprates instead of these shameful ersatz.
  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    Only the 10 point booster had the stupid droprates at least… Also, I have around that many runes, just because I always have trouble deciding which Planeswalker to level. Right now, it's also because I know I'll want to get Tefari to a high level whenever he showed up in the vault.
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    It was just that one pack at the start, it's fine since it's the first reward except it's not labelled for what it is. Just calling it "DOM Un/Common Booster Pack" would've set everyones expectations properly. (I'm very much for proper expectation setting.)

    My annoyance with the fights was that even though the zombie had 3 abilities they only used the first one (yet again), please MAKE bosses use all their abilities or what's the point?  That's the main part of "brainy Greg" we need back...  If it's emergent behaviour and he only used the later ones because of the cascades then putting in more restrictions on when to use the first few abilities is a possible path for improvement. 
  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2018
    *sigh*..... have we been flooded with masochists who prefer Trial of Zeal and Elenda every damn day over some kind of breather events like this?

    Those seeking challenge can wait for Battle of the Four Tribes for all we care; there's no harm having nice and easy stuffs like these Dominaria events every now and then for crying out loud -_-

    And btw, I am a Platinum.
  • tfg76
    tfg76 Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    Battle of Four Tribes is also pretty easy IMO.

    It seems hard to balance PVEs across tiers, but PVPs could be naturally balanced, especially if the tiers were based on event prowess and not some random metric based on how much you care to grind. But this has been stated many many times and has never been adressed by the powers that be. It seems like such an easy problem to solve too.
  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    tfg76 said:
    Battle of Four Tribes is also pretty easy IMO.

    I can't disagree with you on the first three nodes.

    However, Elenda and Azor's Gateway is all too capable of shaving off tons of points you could've gotten with practically no effort on their part (example: with the loss of Nissa Cycling, I had to resort to Starfield Lock to get anywhere against Elenda, and no matter what people say, Starfield combo is among the most broken in the game)