R154 Release Notes (6/4/18)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited June 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi Everyone,

Here are the Release Notes for the R154 update!

MPQ 154!
  • "Always have a fail-safe"
What's Changed:
  • Okoye's power Wakanda Forever! now correctly adds extra damage to Daredevil (Matt Murdock)'s Hand-to-Hand, Medusa's Entanglement, and Gamora (Awesome Mix Volume 2)'s Deadly Strike powers.
  • Okoye's power Wakanda Forever! no longer adds damage to powers that destroy tiles without dealing additional damage.
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  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    Brigby said:
    What's Changed:
    • Okoye's power Wakanda Forever! now correctly adds extra damage to Daredevil (Matt Murdock)'s Hand-to-Hand, Medusa's Entanglement, and Gamora (Awesome Mix Volume 2)'s Deadly Strike powers.
    • Okoye's power Wakanda Forever! no longer adds damage to powers that destroy tiles without dealing additional damage.
    Medusa's CD receives the damage boost from Okoye's passive. Sounds crazy good.. so this would work with all CD abilities that deal damage such as 2* Hawkeye, 2* Magneto, Mockingbird, 4* Carol, Green Goblin, Goons, etc?
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like our third Young Avenger. So far we have Kate and America. Wonder who's next?

    Iron Lad, Patriot, Wiccan, and Hulkling were the original group. Then Speed and Vision and Stature down the line. Ooo, maybe Stature for an early Ant-Man & The Wasp tie-in?
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    Looks like our third Young Avenger. So far we have Kate and America. Wonder who's next?

    Iron Lad, Patriot, Wiccan, and Hulkling were the original group. Then Speed and Vision and Stature down the line. Ooo, maybe Stature for an early Ant-Man & The Wasp tie-in?
    Oh, good call! I could see this referencing a 4* Vision, but that would have been an Infinity War tie-in and probably noted with the rest of the bunch. Stature is a possibility, but it seems too soon for an Ant-Man tie-in, especially one that would likely be a spoiler. We'll probably get a 5* Ant-Man / Giant-Man when that comes out. Out of the remainder that you mentioned, Wiccan would be the most interesting. There's also Marvel Boy / Noh-Varr.

    Also, I've missed the clues!
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't imagine having an Infinity War vision since he's identical to the 3* vision in appearance.

    Unless they did one based on his comic design.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    I appreciate having the notes on a Friday again; lately they have been put up after the revision is live.

    It’s nice to know what’s coming with a bit more lead time.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    Looks like our third Young Avenger. So far we have Kate and America. Wonder who's next?

    Iron Lad, Patriot, Wiccan, and Hulkling were the original group. Then Speed and Vision and Stature down the line. Ooo, maybe Stature for an early Ant-Man & The Wasp tie-in?
    Oh, good call! I could see this referencing a 4* Vision, but that would have been an Infinity War tie-in and probably noted with the rest of the bunch. Stature is a possibility, but it seems too soon for an Ant-Man tie-in, especially one that would likely be a spoiler. We'll probably get a 5* Ant-Man / Giant-Man when that comes out. Out of the remainder that you mentioned, Wiccan would be the most interesting. There's also Marvel Boy / Noh-Varr.

    Also, I've missed the clues!
    I would imagine if we got Stature it would be a comic-based appearance, unrelated to the movie, like Stature isn't in the movie at all (kinda the way we got Sandman and Doc Ock prior to Homecoming). 

    Honestly not sure what we'll get for the movie. We have 4* Scott and 4* Janet, having Hank/Hope to go along with them would be nice. Hank would be a decent candidate for a 3/5 release (Ant-Man, Yellowjact, Giant-Man, several to pick from, you know?). I've always thought a combo character (like Rocket & Groot) of Ant-Man & The Wasp would be cool, but we have an Ant-Man from the modern MCU combo and a Wasp from the comic version, so either way you're getting a variant for one of them (unless they go crazy and do a Hank/Hope pair?). But I'm not sure what we'll get, because a 5* Scott seems odd without Hope, and a 5* Hope seems odd when Scott is only a 4* (but I don't think we need two Scotts so we can use Ant-Man & The Wasp together at the 5* tier, you know?). And then there's the possibility of Goliath or Ghost if they get adventurous (given the inevitable MCU tie-in, they probably won't, but we can pretend they might, right?)

    jamesh said:
    JHawkInc said:
    Looks like our third Young Avenger. So far we have Kate and America. Wonder who's next?

    Iron Lad, Patriot, Wiccan, and Hulkling were the original group. Then Speed and Vision and Stature down the line. Ooo, maybe Stature for an early Ant-Man & The Wasp tie-in?
    So you think Demiurge might add Demiurge to the game?
    That had not even crossed my mind. Seems kinda obvious once you think about it, doesn't it?
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    I can't imagine having an Infinity War vision since he's identical to the 3* vision in appearance.

    Unless they did one based on his comic design.

    That would have been my opinion too before they gave us 3*, 4*, and 5* Black Panther.

    That said, even though I don't normally encourage variants over new characters, Vision and Scarlet Witch are the only two major MCU Avengers that exclusively exist in a single tier, and the 3* tier at that. I think Quicksilver and War Machine are the only other MCU Avengers that meet these conditions, but they're also not as prominently featured in the movies they appear in.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    jamesh said:
    JHawkInc said:
    Looks like our third Young Avenger. So far we have Kate and America. Wonder who's next?

    Iron Lad, Patriot, Wiccan, and Hulkling were the original group. Then Speed and Vision and Stature down the line. Ooo, maybe Stature for an early Ant-Man & The Wasp tie-in?
    So you think Demiurge might add Demiurge to the game?
    And somehow we end up with Demiurge from the Overlord series. Hopefully followed by Shalchair.

    Always have a fail-safe. It’s too soon for yet another 5*, right? Because Nick Fury is the first thing that comes to mind. It sounds like someone with a plan, known for making plans. Hmm, Doom? 4* Doom with a Doom Bot decoy passive?

    Wait, I know. Demiurge has heard all the hateful, negative comments regarding supports. They’re  worried that they’ll lose players if they don’t get something they want, so it’s their fail-safe: release the character the community has been demanding for years.
    Dazzler confirmed! (Demiurge have mercy on your soul).

    EDIT: Gah! Just thought about it. In Ant Man, Hank Pym had a safe for the Ant Man suit. It failed to stop Scott from breaking in. Hank had a literal fail safe. Giant Man? Or Hank with both grow and shrink. “Hank throws a toy car that suddenly isn’t a toy car, smashing the target with a full-size vehicle.” Even better if it’s a toy tank.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    It got to be Vision.  :dizzy:

    Okoye is going to be a crazy boost to her teammate.
  • Arix90
    Arix90 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    Could be Dazzler unless she is being saved for dark phoenix movie release since she is in that
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    At risk of an Infinity War spoiler (who hasn't seen it yet??):

    5* Captain Marvel (Brie Larsson)
    Surely they'll save that for when her own movie comes out, which is still 9 months away. The new Ant-Man movie's in a month, so the bad pun on 'fail-safe' definitely seems plausible.
  • MrBowers
    MrBowers Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Although I don’t think the clue is for him but with the second season coming soon a 5* cage will probably happen soon as we have 5* ddevil and 5* Jessica 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The next one should be a four star, isn't it? I remember hearing someone mentioned that Okoye came two weeks early. I'm not sure if it will affect whether the next one would be 5*. 

    Antman might be a little too soon because his movie is out on 6th july. The next few character releases would be on the 14th & 28th of June, followed by 12th and 26th of July. 

    If there is a tie-in to Antman, it would be either 28/06 or 12/07, unless they want to turn June into Antman month.
  • TDejaAuthor
    TDejaAuthor Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    I'd actually love to see a Ghost in the game.....
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    The next one should be a four star, isn't it? I remember hearing someone mentioned that Okoye came two weeks early. I'm not sure if it will affect whether the next one would be 5*. 

    Antman might be a little too soon because his movie is out on 6th july. The next few character releases would be on the 14th & 28th of June, followed by 12th and 26th of July. 

    If there is a tie-in to Antman, it would be either 28/06 or 12/07, unless they want to turn June into Antman month.
    It depends on whether they keep the 5/4/4 pattern, and where they start counting from. For Homecoming we got a 5* early, but then we got three 4's (Vulture, Mockingbird, and Yondu) so that the next 5 was "on time." But for Ragnarok we got Thor early, but then only two 4's, so every 5* since then has been a little early (based on last summer's 5/4/4 schedule, at least).

    If they start with Cap, and release two more 4's (so with Iron Spider we get three 4's in a row, "resetting" the pattern like they did with Homecoming), then we're due a 5* on July 12th.

    If they start with Okoye, it'll slightly speed things up (like they did with Ragnarok), and we'll be due a 5* on June 28th.

    I could see them going either way, because both patterns put a 5* a week away from Ant-Man & The Wasp hitting theaters, and they've shown in the past they're willing to wait a week or go a week early to drop a new character alongside the movie.

    I don't think they'll do an Ant-Man month, but it'll be interesting to see if they do anything for Cloak & Dagger (out June 7th) or Luke Cage Season 2 (out June 22nd) between now and then.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    5’s do not always follow the every other week schedule, especially when a movie is involved. My guess is we get 3 4’s (maybe 2) including Iron Spider, then a 5 to coincide with AntMan’s release on 7/5.  

    Hard to say if they push a 4 on 6/28 or skip a week.

    Ant Man is the only MCU film before next Feb, a 5 is coming.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am still kind of disappointed we didn’t get Cable with the Deadpool release.  Okoye was more about BP release to DVD which I get, but to completely skip out on Deadpool was sad.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think they ran 4* Ant-Man's own event and had some other events running for him when he was out. Growth Industry, anyone?