(At Level 60)

| +4

| +0

| +5

| +0
108 HP
Creatures: 5 | Supports: 6 | Spells: 8
Ability 1: Great Literature, Great Toast - Cost 6
Level 1 - The first spell in your hand gains 8 mana.
Level 2 - The first spell in your hand gains
10 mana.
Level 3 -
Fetch the first spell in your library. The first spell in your hand gains
8 mana.
Level 4 - Fetch the first spell in your library. The first spell in your hand gains
10 mana.
Ability 2: Burning Books - Cost 8
Level 1 - Discard a card and draw 3 cards.
Level 2 - Discard a card, draw
4 cards.
Level 3 -
If the last card in your hand is a spell, deal 8 damage to your opponent. Discard a card, draw 4 cards.
Level 4 - If the last card in your hand is a spell, deal 8 damage to your opponent.
If not, gain 4 mana. Discard a card, draw 4 cards.
Ability 3: Professional Destruction - Cost 15
Level 1 - Create a Minor Professional Destruction Token.
Level 2 - Create a
Professional Destruction Token.
Level 3 - Create a
Improved Professional Destruction Token.
Level 4 - Create a
Major Professional Destruction Token.
Professional Destruction TokenLevel 1 - [3 Shield] Whenever you draw a spell, give it a third of its mana, rounded up and create a copy of it.
Level 2 - [3 Shield] Whenever you draw a spell, give it
two thirds of its mana, rounded up and create a copy of it.
Level 3 - [
4 Shield] Whenever you draw a spell, give it two thirds of its mana, rounded up and create a copy of it.
Level 4 - [4 Shield] Whenever you draw a spell, give it
full mana and create a copy of it.