Simple Adjustments to Engage the Playerbase

babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2018 in MtGPQ General Discussion
There have been multiple threads about how there is virtually nothing to do in game most of the time.  We basically play 4 games of AX daily, 4 games of TG, and 8 games of TOTP (although most of us don't find it worthwhile).  There is also a legacy PvP event with rewards that aren't worth winning and a PvE event that takes less than an hour for max progression.  Then we sit around twiddling our thumbs with nothing to do until the weekend. Even the weekend is quite boring with nothing at all going on Sunday except the weekend event.

I can't imagine that players logging in less with less content to engage them is good for the game.  So without having to rework the schedule completely (although you should add more worthwhile events), here are some simple changes that would cause a lot more engagement.

1. Keep the AX prizes exactly the same, but add an additional reward for a much bigger number of ribbons (say 150-180).  At this point, most of us never even look at the 3rd or 4th node of AX.  Why do you expect us to play it just for grins?  Why is there dead content that just sits there untouched every day?  Give us 500 orbs, or 2000 runes or something to compensate us for the additional effort.
2.  Keep the TotP prizes exactly the same but add an additional reward for a perfect 12/12 finish (ie 60 ribbons). Perhaps you can win 500 orbs or an additional booster or 2000 runes for going perfect. 

Both of these would allow newer players to have the exact same rewards and something to strive for, but give veteran players some additional content that is already in the game.

3. Give 250 runes for TG victories. Additionally, add lifetime achievement count for TG where after you win 10 games you get a prize, after 100 games, 500, etc.  Give us a reason to play the game when we have some free time.

TLDR:  Add additional prizes to existing events that will encourage players to actually play the game.  Currently, there is nothing to do!


  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2018
       I would love to see anything that could put an end to the insane frustation we have to deal with.

      The whole game is about getting new cards and having fun in events but ... We hardly dare opening our boosters since the ones we get have this ridiculous droprate and  we have almost no events to play and its getting worse week after week...
      Both issues could have been solved without any aditionnal coding ... Just throwing a bunch of events. But, well ... Here we are ...
     Now imagine if they have to code something in order to improve rewards ...  i really don't believe it could happen (at least before dominaria)
     However, i'm pretty sure we can expect more expensive bundles to be available soon.

     I never imagined i could ever regret the hibernum days, i was wrong.  Now i would love so much that they prove me wrong again on this one.

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really don't understand the lack of 48-hour events during the week. I'd even play FirF right now. 
  • Kresgwyr
    Kresgwyr Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    You know, there are people, especially in the non platinum tier, that don't even play AX or TotP because of the entry cost... Just sayin' ...

    Personnaly, as a gold tier player, I'm still grinding to get missing PWs and card packs. 

    So this is leaving me with TG and grinding story mode. 

    While your 1 and 2 proposals might help with your situation as a veteran plat player, I've got the feeling it wont help more recent players like me. 

    N°3, though, would be a nice improvment for everyone.

  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kresgwyr said:
    You know, there are people, especially in the non platinum tier, that don't even play AX or TotP because of the entry cost... Just sayin' ...

    Personnaly, as a gold tier player, I'm still grinding to get missing PWs and card packs. 

    So this is leaving me with TG and grinding story mode. 

    While your 1 and 2 proposals might help with your situation as a veteran plat player, I've got the feeling it wont help more recent players like me. 

    N°3, though, would be a nice improvment for everyone.

    Well, I agree that it is even worse for non-platinum players.  Not only is TOTP not remotely worth it, but you dont even get the piddly progression and prizes that we get.

    Keep in mind, I really think they should add at least 3-5 more events to the calendar in a given week.  Let us pick and choose what we want to focus on, so not all coalition things.  But give us a game to play in our game of choice... ridiculous that there is nothing to do.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the easiest solution would be to increase the rune reward from TG to 250.  That way, its more enticing to grind.  TG would basically become a single-player QB, as in it would be an infinite event that's always going for you to play but it wouldn't force you to spend a million hours on it.  Win-Win
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mburn7 said:
    I think the easiest solution would be to increase the rune reward from TG to 250.  That way, its more enticing to grind.  TG would basically become a single-player QB, as in it would be an infinite event that's always going for you to play but it wouldn't force you to spend a million hours on it.  Win-Win
    Except tons of players have plenty of runes and many of us who don't wouldn't think 250 runes is worth grinding TG
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    babar3355 said:
    Mburn7 said:
    I think the easiest solution would be to increase the rune reward from TG to 250.  That way, its more enticing to grind.  TG would basically become a single-player QB, as in it would be an infinite event that's always going for you to play but it wouldn't force you to spend a million hours on it.  Win-Win
    Except tons of players have plenty of runes and many of us who don't wouldn't think 250 runes is worth grinding TG

    I like bken1234 's idea of an all time leader board. Without a prize, it's just nice to have bragging rights, and some platinum players would be enticed to do that. 
  • asm0deus
    asm0deus Posts: 73 Match Maker
    24 hour PvE events (fateful showdown,ratc,rotgp,AM) rotating daily throughout the week. Instead of them running for 3 days like they are now. This event can be done in an hour. No need to keep it up for 3 days.
  • Kresgwyr
    Kresgwyr Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    babar3355 said:

    Keep in mind, I really think they should add at least 3-5 more events to the calendar in a given week.  Let us pick and choose what we want to focus on, so not all coalition things.  But give us a game to play in our game of choice... ridiculous that there is nothing to do.
    100% with you on this ;)

    They should fix the schedule asap. There should be at least 1 (if not 2) events playable at the same time.

    Right now the game feel empty and unrewarding. And it's a pity, especially whith new exciting PWs like Karn...

    How well on the other hand I don't even have enough to level him to 10, and my H2 is not even past 50 ... Yeah don't get me started on the lack of ressources in this game ...^^
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    asm0deus said:
    24 hour PvE events (fateful showdown,ratc,rotgp,AM) rotating daily throughout the week. Instead of them running for 3 days like they are now. This event can be done in an hour. No need to keep it up for 3 days.
    I'd like it as well.. Not coalition, no pressure.. But i think the sweetspot is 48 hrs per event, but several a week
  • Aeroplane
    Aeroplane Posts: 314 Mover and Shaker
    5-10 daily objectives in story mode from easy to hard and 250 runes for TG as mentioned above.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Only 250 runes in TG is too little and too grindy. We should not be that desperate. Not many people including myself have fun in grinding. Considering the difficulty of TG and the runes requirement of PWs nowadays, 350+ runes is appropriate. TBH, even 500 runes a win is not exaggerated.
    Increasing rune/win is easier to do. Other floated the two good ideas; of using mastery points or leveling PWs as you play
  • Aeroplane
    Aeroplane Posts: 314 Mover and Shaker
    MADAFAKA said:
    Only 250 runes in TG is too little and too grindy. We should not be that desperate. Not many people including myself have fun in grinding. Considering the difficulty of TG and the runes requirement of PWs nowadays, 350+ runes is appropriate. TBH, even 500 runes a win is not exaggerated.
    Increasing rune/win is easier to do. Other floated the two good ideas; of using mastery points or leveling PWs as you play
    I'm all for that after seeing how little my runes go in leveling Karn. It's going to take quite some time before I can use him.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    MADAFAKA said:
    Only 250 runes in TG is too little and too grindy. We should not be that desperate. Not many people including myself have fun in grinding. Considering the difficulty of TG and the runes requirement of PWs nowadays, 350+ runes is appropriate. TBH, even 500 runes a win is not exaggerated.
    Increasing rune/win is easier to do. Other floated the two good ideas; of using mastery points or leveling PWs as you play
    I picked 250 because it is basically the same 300 we used to get from Quick Battle, which nobody ever seemed to have a problem with.  

    When TG was created it was stated that it would have lesser rune reward than that because of the progression rewards, I don't see why that would change now.  

    Also, 250 is the same as Heroic Encounters, which are currently being used for a ton of grinding if you're into that, but are super repetitive and boring.
  • asm0deus
    asm0deus Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Or a reset button for planeswalkers. Basically making the chosen planeswalker to return to lvl1 and get those runes back to use them for other planeswalkers.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2018
    Am I in the minority? I am EXHAUSTED from this game.

    I do not want more to be added that I have to play (and to clarify this - yes, I have the option to not play but because of the rewards attached, because of the regret associated with not playing an event to get those few crystals or gems to be able to get 1 more card or one more orb for one more card... and then there's the team, etc, etc).

    I am in Gold. I play 4 games of TG, 3-4 games of AI. I do not play ToTP (but if I move to platinum... that is another extra few games I would have to play almost daily that I am NOT excited about... sorry), all PvE events, all coalition events, and I join right at the end for non-coalition events (I don't have the time to play full from start to end for lame prizes).

    I play the exact same deck for TG every single day because I want to get it done and over with. It takes me less than 10 minutes usually for 4 games (each game clocks in at about under 2 mins for the fastest games (and it gets longer from there; but, I quit all games that take either too long or have very little chance for success).

    Across Ixalan, I don't know the time factor but anywhere between 15-30 mins, I would say. And once again, I use the same deck every time for the colors. Luckily, Bolas covers 3 colors.

    Then depending on the non-coalition PvE event it could take anywhere between 1-2 hours for me. But once again to reduce time in most of these I use my same TG Kiora deck for over 60-70% of them then fill in the gaps (secondary objectives) to meet progression later.

    Then you've got coalition events that are super-grindy and have no real consideration for my time schedule.

    For the record, BoFT, really 5 nodes? Thank GOD, they adjusted the max node charges or refresh timers? I don't remember. But whatever it was, FANTASTIC JOB seriously. That has greatly increased my quality of life.

    Now, RTO, I believe this one also had changes for the better.. but not 100% sure what it was exactly. BUT really 5 nodes AGAIN? But that's not the biggest problem... the fact that each node can only hold 3 maximum charges?! IT SHOULD BE 5. Well, since RTO only starts with 1 initial charge... maybe 4 at the lowest.

    Let me put this into perspective, event starts. I have 16 hours plus the 6 hour window before I lose a charge; therefore, 22 hours. This is good, but since there is a limit of 3 maximum charge - I still feel stressed. It feels as though, I am unable to have an entire day and then some to relax after I play all my charges. Having that looming feeling that at some point in time before the day ends before bed I have to grind out at least 1 round  (5 games - 1 game per node) is not healthy. I don't know which event it is, but there is one where I can play all my charges and then I am free for an entire day and then some before I have to grind out 5 games? maybe more? per node. I mean I want to be able to spend time with my family, friends, girlfriend, or just chill out, maybe cook some food, go to the gym, etc, etc. Then come back and grind it out but the reality is. I go the gym then have to do math to figure out how much time I have before I MUST play. Sometimes, I have to skip eating just to make sure I can get this task done. Really? Other times, I go out with my girlfriend and have to fiddle with my phone in between the time we are spending (assuming its over 24 hours that we are actually spending), telling her... I need to play this game.. I am lucky she is understanding. But, it is SAD. Now, imagine people with wives, children, multiple jobs? This game has a design that causes people addicted like me to adopt absurd habits and accommodations for a game... There is much more to this but it is hard to elaborate, I could go on for days. The point is allow me to spend how many ever hours playing this game straight to finish what needs to be done (i.e. TG, AI, coalition games, etc, etc) for the day and then give me freedom to do other things for the rest of the day, sleep, and then go at it again. I know a lot of this is my choosing, as far as priorities are concerned.

    I am TIRED. EXHAUSTED. But still hungry for more cards, at the expense of my quality of life and probably health. My ultimate conclusion is, I am okay with something being created that is completely optional (like that leaderboard) or has non-significant rewards associated (giving slightly more runes that story mode heroic battles for TG or even just a few orbs, like I mean few) so that it does not make me so inclined to grind it.

    I am asking you to help people like me out, as we know we have a problem. Otherwise, the only solution is for me to leave this game...

    Sorry, this got really long and rambling. Some of it might be incoherent, I am unsure. But here is a piece of my reality.

    P.S. for those of you who want more and are bored. I understand. I respect where you are coming from. And I will reiterate, I am not saying no more content. I am saying please balance, moderation, and reason-ability?

  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lucky for you, ToTP is not really useful to play even in platinum, since Crystals are for the most part valued higher than Jewels (since you would be new to platinum, I assume you feel the same way).

    Also, I feel like part of your issue is self-inflicted since the most enjoyable part of training grounds (and to a lesser extent Across Ixalan) is making funky new decks to play with in a consequence-free setting (since you are almost guaranteed full rewards anyway).

    The devs have stated that the reason there aren't more events running is because of FOMO players like you, so thank you for making your position known!  Its good to see different opinions here on the forums from mid-level players.  I agree that balance is key, too many events isn't good in general but we definitely need more things to do.
  • Wolfteeth
    Wolfteeth Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    This is why story mode is so much fun.  I wish they would do something with it
  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    jimpark said:
    Am I in the minority? I am EXHAUSTED from this game.

    I do not want more to be added that I have to play (and to clarify this - yes, I have the option to not play but because of the rewards attached, because of the regret associated with not playing an event to get those few crystals or gems to be able to get 1 more card or one more orb for one more card... and then there's the team, etc, etc).

    I am in Gold. I play 4 games of TG, 3-4 games of AI. I do not play ToTP (but if I move to platinum... that is another extra few games I would have to play almost daily that I am NOT excited about... sorry), all PvE events, all coalition events, and I join right at the end for non-coalition events (I don't have the time to play full from start to end for lame prizes).

    I play the exact same deck for TG every single day because I want to get it done and over with. It takes me less than 10 minutes usually for 4 games (each game clocks in at about under 2 mins for the fastest games (and it gets longer from there; but, I quit all games that take either too long or have very little chance for success).

    Across Ixalan, I don't know the time factor but anywhere between 15-30 mins, I would say. And once again, I use the same deck every time for the colors. Luckily, Bolas covers 3 colors.

    Then depending on the non-coalition PvE event it could take anywhere between 1-2 hours for me. But once again to reduce time in most of these I use my same TG Kiora deck for over 60-70% of them then fill in the gaps (secondary objectives) to meet progression later.

    Then you've got coalition events that are super-grindy and have no real consideration for my time schedule.

    For the record, BoFT, really 5 nodes? Thank GOD, they adjusted the max node charges or refresh timers? I don't remember. But whatever it was, FANTASTIC JOB seriously. That has greatly increased my quality of life.

    Now, RTO, I believe this one also had changes for the better.. but not 100% sure what it was exactly. BUT really 5 nodes AGAIN? But that's not the biggest problem... the fact that each node can only hold 3 maximum charges?! IT SHOULD BE 5. Well, since RTO only starts with 1 initial charge... maybe 4 at the lowest.

    Let me put this into perspective, event starts. I have 16 hours plus the 6 hour window before I lose a charge; therefore, 22 hours. This is good, but since there is a limit of 3 maximum charge - I still feel stressed. It feels as though, I am unable to have an entire day and then some to relax after I play all my charges. Having that looming feeling that at some point in time before the day ends before bed I have to grind out at least 1 round  (5 games - 1 game per node) is not healthy. I don't know which event it is, but there is one where I can play all my charges and then I am free for an entire day and then some before I have to grind out 5 games? maybe more? per node. I mean I want to be able to spend time with my family, friends, girlfriend, or just chill out, maybe cook some food, go to the gym, etc, etc. Then come back and grind it out but the reality is. I go the gym then have to do math to figure out how much time I have before I MUST play. Sometimes, I have to skip eating just to make sure I can get this task done. Really? Other times, I go out with my girlfriend and have to fiddle with my phone in between the time we are spending (assuming its over 24 hours that we are actually spending), telling her... I need to play this game.. I am lucky she is understanding. But, it is SAD. Now, imagine people with wives, children, multiple jobs? This game has a design that causes people addicted like me to adopt absurd habits and accommodations for a game... There is much more to this but it is hard to elaborate, I could go on for days. The point is allow me to spend how many ever hours playing this game straight to finish what needs to be done (i.e. TG, AI, coalition games, etc, etc) for the day and then give me freedom to do other things for the rest of the day, sleep, and then go at it again. I know a lot of this is my choosing, as far as priorities are concerned.

    I am TIRED. EXHAUSTED. But still hungry for more cards, at the expense of my quality of life and probably health. My ultimate conclusion is, I am okay with something being created that is completely optional (like that leaderboard) or has non-significant rewards associated (giving slightly more runes that story mode heroic battles for TG or even just a few orbs, like I mean few) so that it does not make me so inclined to grind it.

    I am asking you to help people like me out, as we know we have a problem. Otherwise, the only solution is for me to leave this game...

    Sorry, this got really long and rambling. Some of it might be incoherent, I am unsure. But here is a piece of my reality.

    P.S. for those of you who want more and are bored. I understand. I respect where you are coming from. And I will reiterate, I am not saying no more content. I am saying please balance, moderation, and reason-ability?

    Dude, chill. This should be fun not an exhausting obligation. Take a break.