New music? Please?



  • palenoue
    palenoue Posts: 63 Match Maker
    OJSP said:
    You kept saying they are a large army of developers, where they kept saying they have a small team (I’m still trying to find their forum posts that mentioned this, but I’m quite sure they’ve mentioned something to this effect with regards to other issues. I’ll edit my post when I find any commments mentioning that). 

    Is this the post you're looking for?

    OJSP said:
    I admire your passion on this subject. But, look at the game’s Credits: there’s only one person mentioned for Audio (Keith Zizza) and he is credited under Demiurge Studios Development Team Alumni. The actual/current development team consists of 21 people and none for Audio. Edit: found one person credited for Music further down, Rob Abernethy. 
    In the mobile game development market 21 people _is_ a large army ;-)

    Seriously, I've discussed game development with teams as small as three that made a successful game or two, and studios that cranked out dozens of good games with just 8-10 people.  If d3 has 21 people then they can well afford to have one of them look into music improvements without their entire catalog of games crashing into a pit hellfire and despair.

    The "quote" function of this forum program sucks Deadpool's sweaty jock straps.  I'm done fighting it, so for the rest of this post you readers are on your own.

    Maybe the music was composed by someone who left the company and they don’t have anyone to replace them?

    That is entirely possible, or they could have hired a "game musician" to come up with the soundtrack while creating MPQ and never considered the need to bring him back.  Or they could have gone to one of those "Generic Game Music Inc." sites and downloaded something for a one-time cheap payment.

    Keep in mind that most game devs know little or nothing about music, much less how to use music properly in a game.  When I discussed this with one of those million-dollar-small-dev studios I was surprised at how enthusiastic _they_ were about procedural music.  They knew nothing about how to code it into a game or how to find a musician to create the loops, and since there were only four of them a division of labor would have really impacted the production schedule.  Now that they have money they plan on hiring someone specifically for music and sound controls.  And an artist.  None of them knew art, which was why they stayed with retro 8-bit characters and geometric backgrounds.  They definitely plan to get a full-time artist for future games.

    Also, we don’t know if they already did what you suggested and already decided it’s not worth pursuing? 

    Good point.  If they did consider it but passed I'd still like to hear their reasoning.  Like filmmaking, what you throw out and why are just as informative as what they kept in. 

    Look at how they sacrificed the Steam UI when the added the Supports features. Fixing that looks like a better use of their time for me, before changing the music. I imagine some of the Steam players would be upset if they change the music before they fix the UI.

    Didn't know there was a Steam version, much less played it.  If it's as bad as you suggest then hell yeah that has top priority.

    As early as 2014 people have been complaining here about the music: They have also made suggestions: 
    Thanks for the links.  Disappointing that nobody from d3 responded.  Ignoring the fans who enjoy your game so much they visit your forums is not a good strategy for long-term health.

    What you could try to do is ask them again, I suppose. Post a question in this thread and see if they respond:
    Thanks for the link.  I would have posted there instead of here if I knew about it.

    Also, is mpqr7 still reading these posts?  If so, and if you're thinking about making a demo video to show off your mad skills, here's a format you should consider when explaining how music can be made to highlight the crazy match-3 action of MPQ: