Are supports already dead?

Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
Just wondering, since 3 Riso reward in PvE remains (always makes me laugh... or cry?) and that 7500HP offer disappeared without being replaced. Briefly said, there are some players running with 4* or 5* supports while others cant get any support above 3*.
Any... ehm... plans to fix this?
Any... ehm... plans to fix this?
Support has been out for less than 2 weeks. If it takes 1 to 2 years to champ a 4 or 5* characters:
1) How fast do you expect to level up your support?
2) What's your expectation for a support to be useable? What minimum level should it be?
3) how much red iso should the developers give you per node instead of 3 red iso?
4) if Rank 4 or Rank 5 Supports are easily gotten, what are their worth?
5) How often should the developers offer 3 4* covers plus a bunch of other resources (red iso, support token etc) in the store?
I think it's quite obvious that the bulk of your red iso comes from dupe:Rank 1 dupe = 1,400 red isoRank 2 dupe = 7,000 red isoRank 3 dupe = 12,000 red isoRank 4 dupe = 16,000 red isoRank 5 dupe = 24,000 red iso
If you only care about dealing as much damages as possible, the effects won't be noticeable at low level. Noticeable effects are those fortification effects, base colour damage increment, special tiles etc.2 -
Look, i am not talking about Supports taking months to be leveled up, i am talking about two things:
1) 3 - 10 Riso is damn low reward, compared to 1000+ of Riso from progress rewards. How much do i want? Well, 50-100 or more would make sense, considering the progress rewards. For less, i would not even bother fighting overleveled characters at SCL 9.
2) High level tokens cannot be bought so 4* and 5* Supports are unavailable to everyone who hasnt bought them before, and i want to know when can we get them, and how.
*Removed insult - Ducky
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"You can earn additional Supports by redeeming Support tokens. Support tokens can be earned in Season rewards (starting with the upcoming Reality Season which begins May 3rd) and found in vaults and bundles."
It was available to everyone when it was first launched but not everyone took up the offer to buy it with HP. So, they missed the boat.
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Yeah, because getting 7500HP (40€) is super easy and if you somehow miss the deal, you can play broken PvP, or... you know, you dont need 4* and 5* supports anyway - Summed up support feature.
Just wait till Supports gets usable in PvP7 -
Personally I don't think we will see a full rollout until next season. Still feels like this is friends and family soft open.
really we are just alpha testing0 -
Phumade said:Personally I don't think we will see a full rollout until next season. Still feels like this is friends and family soft open.
really we are just alpha testing
I feel there should be some more transparency and comunication during alpha/beta/whatever testing. Or maybe bills are the best feedback0 -
I can't help you from being less negative. If Master Token were made easily available to everyone, then what's the point of making it Rank 5? Just do away with all the ranks and let the players enjoy all 5 or 6 perks for each Support gained right from the beginning.
To add on:What’s Coming Next For Supports?Supports only work in Story missions right now, so that you have a chance to collect and explore them, and we have a chance to respond to your feedback, before we add them to Versus events.We expect that we might need to make balance adjustments to this first batch of Supports in response to your feedback. We’ll also be experimenting with different ways to get Supports and Red Iso-8. Let us know what you think!
I think they have given enough details as of now. A date has already been set (3rd May). How would knowing future info right now regarding Master Support Tokens change your in-game experience now? It doesn't change anything. Be patient.0 -
I am not negative, i see things how they are.
Easily available tokens? Omg, they are not available AT ALL!! How can i get 4* or 5* Supp? Tell me!
I understand they should be hard to get, but they were hidden behind tough paywayll made of high price and limited time offer.
And honestly, PvP is also pay to win... period.8 -
When 5* first came out, I remember 5* tokens were probably about 1 or 2 tokens every month/28 day season.
Yes we all remember the cries of it won't be whaleable. hahahaha.
So I sorta feel like they will roll out 5* supports in a similar fashion with an eye on stopping how people whaled 5* the first time.
Remember, the king who shall not be named basically had to buy every purple token. It wasn't as if he could win them through placements, farms etc... (those first months were cold hard cash), or at least credit card hahaha.
So similarly, I expect them to have tight ration control on that purple 5* support token. Expect 1 a season, until there at least 3-5 seasons pass.
Then we might see a direct purchase option like classics.
Rightly or wrongly, tieing the supports to vaults is really just a way to slow down the hoarders. I think they learned the wrong lesson from CP in that they probably assume hoarding is now a default behavior.
But I don't think they really understanding that hoarding is really a consequence of how they rollout new game elements. I.e. The player base doesn't have confidence in how the devs introduce new game play elements, and most refuse to engage those elements until they get what they believe are sufficient resources to get value out of supports.
This is no different than when any customer base hesitates to upgrade their site licenses until they understand their vendors rollout plan.5 -
I'm not sure if you are the same poster dropping the word "paywall" here and there, but as far as I know, HP is gotten for free. It's not compulsory to buy them. If the only way you can get HP is by using cash, then I agree that it's hiding behind a paywall.
They were available in a limited time offer, but apparently, you didn't get them in time or refuse to "pay" 7500HP for it.
In your opinion, what's a reasonable amount the developers should "price" that offer instead of 3600HP(?) (Dr Strange) and 7500HP (3 R4G covers plus other resources) so that they won't be classified as "paywall"? How long should they make a "limited time offer" available? Until you hit 7500HP? What's your definition of "paywall"?
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They are not dead. It's going to take sometime to get off the ground. It's still fairly new. I use my level 67 5* Wong that I equipped on 3* Strange in all Story events. The rest of the supports I just equip and forget. It serves it's function and fires of many times during matches. I don't mind waiting a couple of PVE or PVP to level it up. Don't we already do the same with Regular ISO when leveling our 4*'s or any other tier. So It's nothing new.1
HoundofShadow said:I'm not sure if you are the same poster dropping the word "paywall" here and there, but as far as I know, HP is gotten for free. It's not compulsory to buy them. If the only way you can get HP is by using cash, then I agree that it's hiding behind a paywall.
They were available in a limited time offer, but apparently, you didn't get them in time or refuse to "pay" 7500HP for it.
In your opinion, what's a reasonable amount the developers should "price" that offer instead of 3600HP(?) (Dr Strange) and 7500HP (3 R4G covers plus other resources) so that they won't be classified as "paywall"? How long should they make a "limited time offer" available? Until you hit 7500HP? What's your definition of "paywall"?
As long as limited time offers are replaced by another with same value, i am fine with it, but they werent and thats my question from the very beginning - when and how we can get 4* and 5* supps again?
Dont want to discuss prices here, since MPQ operates on global market and paying 40€ (equivalent of one or even two discounted AAA games) for virtual character is... well, unacceptable for someone whose salary is 700€, which is almost average sum in my country. Anyway, my goal is not to dictate what price is acceptable.
Point is, limited time offer was limited, and free2play players had no chance to save HPs for it (unless they had savings in some form) and i would like to know, if similar offers will become standars (if yes, then fine, as we both agreed, HPs can be pretty easily farmed after hitting 4* land) or what sources of Supports we can expect (it is pretty obvious we wont be getting 4*s and 5*s for free thanks to the system of "one supp is enough".0 -
What I find interesting with supports is that you can only earn the tokens in PvP but supports are only useful in PvE.
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it's really disingenuous to take it to the level of "what, what? should everyone have a 5* Support?" compared to what's been available since rollout. They treat Standard Supports (2*) as equivalent to a 4* cover/LT. 4/320 vault chance. There was exactly one, limited-time paywall to get a good level support(I found the price to be fair actually, but needed the HP for a Rogue HfH so.....none for me). And even if you did purchase and did get 5* then what? what to do with it? okay spend the riso you got with the bundle and you only need 500k more. at 3 a pop X14w/more coming. There is not enough gain to see progress. So how much should it be? obviously more. 20 iso is always too small and so is 3 riso. (Three. riso. 1-2-3 ahhh ahhh ahh 3 Riso for my support ahhh ahhh ahhh!) That level of miserly is Dickensian.
They definitely didn't support the Supports with much IG resources. Arguing that it's ample is just antagonistic, and wrong. People are negative on supports because the rollout wasn't done well=sure seems more and more forced to test for the Infinity Stones Support that Marvel announced for the Tie-In. Don't need to help people be less negative by shutting them down and arguing from a perspective that they have no legitimacy.
But they are not dead, more of an induced coma, to protect them from hurting themselves. They have been cautious- overly so but they are not done yet. There is so much potential in Supports that someone would really have to be a sourpuss not to see. I mean the Quinjet enables carol to generate her own special tiles! you could free up a whole char slot. so huge. Chimichanga=grockdusa hunter, my 1*goons fortify all the time, the milano giving Rocket the countdown. wong&Korg! There are a lot of things you can do right now with them. I am a huge proponent of Supports but It's like opening a toy on Christmas and finding it needs batteries but the stores are all closed cuz it's a holiday so it just sits there only playable in your imagination. I've got some of these cool new toys, but I can't unlock their potential, I can't collect them all.
I share the frustration that the hype train pulled into the station early and left without delivering the mail. There is the typically frustrating lack of information back from the company to it's custy base on a major feature. Brigs will come on and drop an announcement and we will speculate and marinate for a couple weeks and then it will be tersely worded changed again announcement with no explanation. I got from the OP that it was a plea for information. I agree, what about these Supports?
I hope they do a catchup like with SCL and everyone gets a riso boost!
If they treat the rarity equivalent to a 4* then give us three standards per vault-at the expense of Moonstone, not 3*! and one fancy Purple Support just like they do with LT.
At least add a 0 to the yields for the 5th clear of the difficult PvE nodes - (whoaaaa slow down: 150 riso: that's too fast, too furious!)
They should be awarding it everywhere: tacos, champ levels, daily resupply, intercepts. Why make riso scarcer than CP?
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I’m not trying to be excessively negative (just constructively negative). I burned some HP getting a couple of standard tokens, and I missed a chance to buy one of the bundles for a higher-tier token. That happens, I jumped the gun. But I’ve opened 2-3 support tokens and haven’t gotten a single Rank 2 support. So I’m sitting here with a handful of Rank 1 supports that have almost no utility in the 4-5* tiers.
I threw my Tower on 5* Thor, so there’s a small chance he’ll start the match with 2 extra yellow AP.
Star-Lord’s quad-blasters were nice in the Thanos event, running with boosted G4mora and RG4; I occasionally got some AP. The only other useful Support at the moment for me is the Henchmen and the remote possibility they’ll fortify a tile, though you need just the right team to exploit that.
Other than that, I have the WWII shield and the three ships. None of them really make a difference even at the 3* level. They might be fun if I cpuld equip my 2*s and use them in the daily missions. Otherwise they’re collecting virtual dust.
I like the concept, and I want to see it succeed, but two weeks in and my olay experience wouldn’t be any different if supports hadn’t launched yet. It’s like we’re told about this amazing new LEGO set, but all we got to start with were the instruction booklet and 5 red 2x4 blocks.
it would be nice to see some means of acquiring tokens outside of getting super-lucky in the vaults. Maybe have a standard token instead of riso at the 1k mark in PvP. I’d just like a chance to get at least a second rank on a support so I can actually mess around with some of the features.1 -
UNC_Samurai said:I’m not trying to be excessively negative (just constructively negative). I burned some HP getting a couple of standard tokens, and I missed a chance to buy one of the bundles for a higher-tier token. That happens, I jumped the gun. But I’ve opened 2-3 support tokens and haven’t gotten a single Rank 2 support. So I’m sitting here with a handful of Rank 1 supports that have almost no utility in the 4-5* tiers.
I threw my Tower on 5* Thor, so there’s a small chance he’ll start the match with 2 extra yellow AP.
Star-Lord’s quad-blasters were nice in the Thanos event, running with boosted G4mora and RG4; I occasionally got some AP. The only other useful Support at the moment for me is the Henchmen and the remote possibility they’ll fortify a tile, though you need just the right team to exploit that.
Other than that, I have the WWII shield and the three ships. None of them really make a difference even at the 3* level. They might be fun if I cpuld equip my 2*s and use them in the daily missions. Otherwise they’re collecting virtual dust.
I like the concept, and I want to see it succeed, but two weeks in and my olay experience wouldn’t be any different if supports hadn’t launched yet. It’s like we’re told about this amazing new LEGO set, but all we got to start with were the instruction booklet and 5 red 2x4 blocks.
it would be nice to see some means of acquiring tokens outside of getting super-lucky in the vaults. Maybe have a standard token instead of riso at the 1k mark in PvP. I’d just like a chance to get at least a second rank on a support so I can actually mess around with some of the features.
the match damage boosts are generally enough to changing color tanking. So for alot of rosters they will now be able to have someone else tank red and yellow for 5* thor. Thats a huge advantage in pve when you can reliablely hide 1/2 thor behind someone else.
The ap boosts are really just a bonus side effect.0 -
I'm not sure how difficult it is to understand these two paragraphs as far as getting support tokens is concerned:
1. "You can earn additional Supports by redeeming Support tokens. Support tokens can be earned in Season rewards (starting with the upcoming Reality Season which begins May 3rd) and found in vaults and bundles."
There are three ways: Season rewards, vaults and bundles. Bundles come every now and then. It's not going to go away. I don't think it's your first week in MPQ? Vaults and Season rewards are always there. It's rare probably because there are limited supports now (14) and any extra support token will be converted into a thousand or more red iso.
2. We’ll also be experimenting with different ways to get Supports and Red Iso-8.
And X more ways...
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HoundofShadow said:I'm not sure how difficult it is to understand these two paragraphs as far as getting support tokens is concerned:
1. "You can earn additional Supports by redeeming Support tokens. Support tokens can be earned in Season rewards (starting with the upcoming Reality Season which begins May 3rd) and found in vaults and bundles."
There are three ways: Season rewards, vaults and bundles. Bundles come every now and then. It's not going to go away. I don't think it's your first week in MPQ? Vaults and Season rewards are always there. It's rare probably because there are limited supports now (14) and any extra support token will be converted into a thousand or more red iso.
2. We’ll also be experimenting with different ways to get Supports and Red Iso-8.
And X more ways...
Statements you quote are too vague. "Support tokens can be earned in Season rewards (starting with the upcoming Reality Season which begins May 3rd) and found in vaults and bundles." - So, how exactly? From placement rewards? From progression rewards? Which tokens? Grey ones with 1*s, 2*s and 3*s? Or even legendary ones with 4*s and 5*s?
Same with bundles - so far we see only grey supp tokens with up to 3*supports. Higher rarity is not available anymore. Again - why? Will they come back? For premium currency only?
See, there is no transparency. Most of us are playing without supports, waiting for informations. I wont be spending my precisious Riso for my only 2* Support without knowing how difficult it may be to get 5* variant (who knows, maybe i will never get it).
I think most of playerbase has this simple perspective: They use their 4* and 5* characters, game runs fine. On day Supports arive - things that are useless to all non-newbies. There is no reason to upgrade them, because noone knows their true value and potential.
Beta phase? Fine, where is some transparency of feedback to our... well, feedback? We have some vague announcements you are quoting, but nothing specific.
Supports should have merged with original game. Instead, they work like paralell "game" - they have different economy, different upgrade system, they ignore your game history (damn, some Riso reward from SHIELD levels would be cool).
The only things they do, is they replace potentially useful things in vaults (bad), add new tiers to PvE/PvP placement/progression pool (good), add new rewards in PvE nodes (cant judge,had no reason to do them 5 times before and 3-10 Riso didnt change it) and provide some boost to your characters.
About that boost - lower rarity and lower levels provide no noticeable bonus. I understand that we have to grind and wait for character roster too, but people in 4* or 5* land will wait YEARS to get supports with good rarity, and enough RISO to upgrade them. For what? For PvE being done a bit faster? Before i get 5* Support, i will have army of 5* characters and PvE wont be any match for me. For PvP (which is obviously the reason Supports were added - to add another factor in PvP matches so paying for characters is not enough for victory)? Yeah, cant wait for overpowered synergy of characters being replaced by overpowered synergy of characters multiplied by overpowered synergy of support.
You can call me negative, but this is how things work, or will work. I know it from other games - the more features you add, the more unstable and unballanced game will be. All in all, 5*s are great proof of how difficult is to ballance strongest element of the game.7 -
First, there are 3 types of Support tokens:
1) Beginner pack contains a Rank 1, 2, or 3 Support. (~1:3 for Rank 2 and ~1:20 for Rank 3)
2) Advanced pack contains a Rank 2, 3, or 4 Support.
3) Master pack contains a Rank 4 or 5 Support
It looks similar to Standard Token, Heroic Token and LT /Classic Legends to me. Putting things into context:Rank 1 dupe = 1,400 red isoRank 2 dupe = 7,000 red isoRank 3 dupe = 12,000 red isoRank 4 dupe = 16,000 red isoRank 5 dupe = 24,000 red iso
It's straightforward. It's either progression rewards, placement rewards or both. Based on the available information, it's not difficult to guess that if it's progression rewards, it's likely Beginner pack. If it's Advanced or Master pack, then it's placement rewards, alliance awards or progression reward at between 8000 to 12,000 points.
As for vault, there is only 1 Beginner pack in PvE vault and its rarity is similar to 4* or LT. There is 1/80 probability of getting it.
As for bundles, it comes and goes. Again, it's likely one offer per month or every quarter or so for Advanced/Master pack.
If any of the pack appears too often, they either have to speed up the number of new supports each month or reduce the red iso from duplicates.
As for currency, it's either using CP and/or HP. It's not difficult to guess. If they use red iso or introduce new resources specifically for Support tokens, we'll know what's going to happen next.
Looking at changes they made over the year, they did not ignore your game history. For example, extra Iso-8 when new shield ranks were created and feeders for 5* even if your level is way ahead of the first 5* cover from feeder. They said they will be experimenting with different ways of getting support tokens and red iso. Obviously by now, they are aware that top level players are not getting much earth-shattering benefits to their current PvE gameplay.
It's not difficult to see what the different ways could be:
1) through drops
2) champed level rewards
3) selling maxed champed characters
4) daily rewards
5) Shield Rank
And more. You don't need to be creative to tell what the different ways could be.
Look, it's only the 10th day since the in-game existence of Support and we are about 10 days away from 3rd of May, a Thursday. This make it almost a month since the announcement of Support token. Chances are more info would be out this coming Thursday. I don't understand the obsession with wanting to know full details of future information months or weeks in advance. Is it distressing to discover changes in-game or to be a little surprise or patient?0 -
All I can say is I have not attached any of my 6 supports to a character nor have I invested any riso into any of them. As far as I'm concerned the developers dropped the ball with this new feature, in that they are as exciting as a limp balloon and about as useful.
Every other new feature introduced to this game (DDQ, CP, 5-stars, champ levels) has been an immediately useful game-changer. Supports are like getting a bond for your birthday and told it'll be worth something in 10 years.15
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