How is your vulture?



  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    My Vulture ended up at Lv275.  I used BH to get his original 13 covers, but didn't keep him BH while champed.  I wasted several green covers along the way, but I don't think he would have been above 280 even if there was no cover waste.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    283. Sold 16 blue covers along the the way because of bad distribution. Bonused him while at 5/2/5 with 3 in queue and got 4 extra. Would be my highest character if there was no waste.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Literally got the ISO to add the first champ level this weekend.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    He's super, thanks for asking!

    I think mine's at level 301 (recently got the 2nd cover for a Parker champ level).  I drew a lot of him early in his run.  If I ever BH'ed him it was only early on to even out his coverage.

    Compared to characters around his release date, I think he's more advanced, just from random draws.  I'm fine with that.  I don't tend to target specific characters with BH except for the latest releases, until I've champed them.  I could use the feature to max out specific ones.  I probably should, because I've seen how powerful they can get, but I guess I just never put a lot of thought into specific teams since I usually just pick from boosted and/or my small pool of viable 5*s.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    MIne is 370 with a dupe at 321.
  • jtsings
    jtsings Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
       He was certainly not "3X" for my account at least.  I've gotten way more covers for Red Hulk, Kate Bishop and Moon Knight, whom all have never had higher pull rates since I've been playing MPQ.  So I finally had to bonus hero him and the Alliance Boss battle last round finally put me within reach of champing him and just a few days ago I finally pulled his 13th cover to champ him; so currently 271.