Who is worth keeping max-champed from the 3* tier?

Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2018 in MPQ General Discussion

So I want to keep everyone max-champed. I want to hold on to all of them and build new ones up from scratch. But for me it is just not feasible when trying to finish out the 4* tier (only seven left!).  It’d cost me 2.1 million iso to finish the 4s but 5.6 to rechamp the 3s!  I just can’t... not now at least. 

With SO many max-champs (or near-max-champs) with fully covered dupes ready for iso, I’m wondering who is worth keeping maxed and investing 128k in a dupe. And who could afford to be sold off and recycled (which means taking a low level character into their featured events... yikes!).

I’ve narrowed my personal list to 13 people.  Switch (best purple battery) and Thanos (trivial node killer) for sure. Strange JUST made the cut. Then all 10 featured LR characters (IM40, Steve, Gamora, DD, Punisher, Mags, Rags, Doom, Mystique, Loki).  That’s it.

I only ever do seeds and push to 250 in LRs (4* only player with no iso in my 5s), but lately have been getting more Heroic tokens for T100 and I think it’s because I’m getting less retals. I think most people don’t want to chew through high health 3s when there’s other options to hit and thus those characters may be worth keeping due to LRs being every week.

So if you were in my shoes who would you keep and why?

Should Kamala, Iron Fist, Cage, Hawkguy, Cyclops, Deadpool, Hood, and the true healers (Daken/Patch) get more consideration? They are on the cusp for me!



  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I don't play with 3*s unless they're an essential, anymore (Thanos being the one exception, in PvE).

    So I've sold... eh, can't be bothered to count how many. The only one I regret having sold is Kamala. When she's needed, it's significantly noticeable how much better she is at max level.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    Anyone who has a 2 feeder and not in LR is an excellent candidate for selling. I don’t use 3s unless forced to. Daken is a strong sell recommend with his pvp over for 5-6 months.  Fist as well if you have the 4* version.

    Edit:  I have a lot of maxchamp 3*’s but have sold a few that have very high dupes.  Just sold Thor since his PVP passed.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm crazy enough to dupe everyone and champ them when I can. I figure by the time I've re-champed them all I can pour all my ISO into whomever needs it.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm crazy enough to dupe everyone and champ them when I can. I figure by the time I've re-champed them all I can pour all my ISO into whomever needs it.
    To be clear, you’re keeping all the originals?
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I’ll keep Thanos and Strange, but just about everyone else is ok to sell.  I’ve sold 10 or 15 when I needed the ISO for 4’s, figuring I’ll eventually get them all back to 266, and I don’t regret it.

    I’m hoping I’m at the point now where I don’t have to sell any more 3’s, since I have all but the last few 4’s champed.  But if I end up needing ISO for a 4 or 5, I won’t mind selling some more 3’s.

    I don’t consider ISO needed for dupe 3’s to be “ISO debt”.  By that logic you could consider needing ISO for dupe 4’s, it’s just going to take years to get there.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I’ve sold them all at least once in an effort to finance my 4*.  Now that I’m iso positive, I keep one Max and build a duplicate,  but overall, none have true value.  Running a baby champ or max or loaner really isn’t going to make much impact on n your pve or pvp experience.
  • hunky_funky
    hunky_funky Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    I keeping all of them and re-champing dupes to 266 for sale. Even if I don't use 3* anymore (except essentials of course), it's nice when you have 412 character in pvp. He can help tanking or fill the color gap and do some additional dmg. I get your point @Daredevil217. It's like investment in the future, but now it's just slowing things down. You focusing on 4*, but there always 3* dupe cover that comes in the wrong moment. I have this problem all the time. Who's worth keeping? I think those who is in LR and top ranked once. For example, you can not fear to sale Beast, Psylock, Colossus, Punisher, Mistique, Electra, Starlord, Angel (if you happens to have him maxed) or Gambit (if devs won't gonna make him great again). In my roster those are just champ rewards and nothing more.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just keep and dupe them all. You can Champ a 3 with 2-3 days worth of ISO.
    And you're almost done with your 4s.
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    Having left a load of old 4s unchamped for a really long time, I pretty much mortgaged my 3*s to champ the remainder (only a couple left now). Given Panthos is no longer omnipresent, running lower level featured 3s is much less of an issue. 
  • charmbots
    charmbots Posts: 87 Match Maker
    I had planned on keeping all my 266 and duping them but ISO needs ruined that plan. The two characters I am most hesitant to sell are IM40 and Scarlet Witch as they are the 3 stars I use the most, although I already have dupes rechamped for both of them. Cag3 will likely be sold after Simulator ends and a dupe started with the 5 covers on the vine I have for him, 3fist may be sold once I get an extra cover for him also. The way I look at it is maxed 3 stars are renewable resources. If you are already firmly in 4 star territory you can get them maxed again without a ton of effort by just continuing to play the game (elite tokens, ddq, bonus heroes, placement/prog, etc) while selling 4* covers that could be used as champ levels is just a possible waste of command points, depending how that cover was acquired. 
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
    I reached the tipping point about a month ago and need ISO way more than I need a champed 3*.  I have about 2/3 of my 4*s champed and need ISO for the rest.  As long as I have at least one cover for each, I go ahead and sell anyone who gets maxed.

    I play PVP to 575 and, with 5* Gambit and/or 5* Thor, that isn't too hard even if I only have one level of the 3*.  And for the essential 3* in PVE, they are generally worthless anyways so I don't mind if I only have one cover for them.

    Anyways, I sell them immediately when they hit 266 now as long as I have one cover of them to recruit right after they are sold.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow. Lots of different answers ranging from “keep them all” to “they’re all expendable” and everywhere in between. I expected more straight lists of “these are the must-keep 3*s”. @aesthetocyst, I appreciate you recognizing my dilemma. I tried to spell out my situation clearly in the OP, but people still respond from their own situation (which makes sense).  Even if it is just a few days to rechamp a dupe that’s not a luxury a lot of us have when there are so many more iso needs.  Here’s the snapshot of my situation. 

    - None have iso in them (all 255)
    - Gambit, Thor, DD, Goblin max-covered. 
    - Angel at 11 (but I’m avoiding him best I can), Thanos at 8 (but a pitiful 1/4/4), and Jess is at 6 (decent start... I want her cover-maxed).
    - I would love to bring many up to level 300!

    - 58/65 champed
    - Only Valkyrie is missing from Latests; the rest are Classics and Howard. 
    - Aside from Valkyrie I’m only missing 1 cover (Thoress Yellow) to covermax everyone.
    - Champ levels range from 273-304

    - Every character champed
    - When they hit 256 I start building a dupe. 
    - 21 dupes are re-rostered at level 40 with various cover amounts. 
    - Only FOUR of my mains are max-Champed.
    - Three of those four have been rechamped (Rogers, IM, Patch... Kamala hasn’t been rechamped yet)

    - When a champ hits 144 I already have a dupe ready and start building a second. When it’s done, I sell the 144, champ one of the two dupes, and then already have a dupe ready. 

    - Just Juggs
    - Single cover of everyone else as a roster spot holder (Yelena is max covered because she’s “limited”)... extra spaces still from the roster spot sale
    - Would like to one day max more just because Juggs bores me in DDQ. 

  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have all of my 3*s max champed except Elektra, Angel and Gambit. I have dupes for all of them champed except for 5 of them. Yeah, it took a ton of ISO, but it’s worth it for PvP. In 5* land, you’re too much of a target if you’re running a 3* under level 400.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    I keep them all, but I would feel comfortable selling a healer early, since they can recover health and still act like a meat shield. I would keep anyone who can get you AP, or who sort of does (think Cyk3 yellow). 

    I would also keep Hawkguy and Fist (best 3 in the game). 

    So I could see selling early on Kamala, Daken, Patch. Ehhhhhhh, that's probably it, actually.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,414 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think it also comes down to how much PVP vs PVE you want to do.  As mentioned above, I am not a huge PVP player so don't really care if I am target or not.  I roster all 3*s and then sell them when they max.

    Maybe, once my 4*s are all champed, I will worry more about 3*s but for now, they are an ISO bank.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I try to build dupes of all my threestars, I am up to 37 dupes right now with two more on the vine waiting for roster spots. I have one more threestar at level 266 but with no covers on the vine yet. Once those Three are rerostered it may be a while until I need to reroster Another as the next candidates are only around level 250 (though I suppose all it takes is for them to be awarded in PvE once and they'll be Close to 266...).

    Really, the main limiting factor for me is not ISO but HP for the extra roster spots. I have managed to scrounge and get the spots with some creative roster management at times, but it has worked out...

  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    I keep all my max champed 3* even though I only use them for essentials.  It's a WORLD of difference having a max champed 3* for the PVP essential as opposed to a lower level champ or a loaner.  I've got every 4* (except Shuri and BP but I expect to have them finished this week possibly and obviously Valkyrie) so it's not the end of the world usually.  I also find that this keeps me from moving onto the 5* tier which I appreciate lol
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I stan for Hawkguy. My fave 3*. Against goons or tile creators he might be as good of a purple battery as switch. I use him a ton with 5* Daredevil. His first arrow stun is great.
    Maybe Patch, since he is one of a few characters that makes enemy tiles

    I stopped selling my max 3*s since I don't need the iso. You are close to that too, so I don't think you need to be selling your 3*s if you don't want. Just don't think about it as 5.6 mil for the whole tier. Its 1.5k every once in a while.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 565 Critical Contributor
    I would save them all if I could and only sell once I finalize number 2 but that did not work for me in practice.  So now once I get a 3 finished I sell them once I get their replacement championed then sell the max. 

    The only 3 worth keeping as a champion is Rocket and Groot, Yes there are much better 3's but no character works better in the current meta of pve that Rocket and Groot and Thanos.  He saves health packs better than any other character when you are doing the low level grind in pve.  I am still kicking myself for selling him when I was desperate for iso now I am back to a lvl 180 and it is horrible.  The 3star R&G has always been underrated in my opinion but his is essential in pve if you want to save on health packs.  Everybody else Strange, Hawkguy, KK, Patch even Thanos (who I would say is the other 3 essential) is not as important as he is for absorbing damage.  He is not the best, but he is the single best true healer in the game since the OML nurf.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would save them all if I could and only sell once I finalize number 2 but that did not work for me in practice.  So now once I get a 3 finished I sell them once I get their replacement championed then sell the max. 

    The only 3 worth keeping as a champion is Rocket and Groot, Yes there are much better 3's but no character works better in the current meta of pve that Rocket and Groot and Thanos.  He saves health packs better than any other character when you are doing the low level grind in pve.  I am still kicking myself for selling him when I was desperate for iso now I am back to a lvl 180 and it is horrible.  The 3star R&G has always been underrated in my opinion but his is essential in pve if you want to save on health packs.  Everybody else Strange, Hawkguy, KK, Patch even Thanos (who I would say is the other 3 essential) is not as important as he is for absorbing damage.  He is not the best, but he is the single best true healer in the game since the OML nurf.
    How is IM40 not only the best, but not even on your honorable mentions list??