Dealing with sentries?



  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    Um, how is hawk guy not getting more love in this thread? I love using him with sentries. Pair him with any purple user and you're gold. Personally, I like to pair him with Coulson, but there are so many potential combos. Drax and C4rol are nice. 3* Bullseye would work too since he needs special tiles for purple and is boosted. Daredevil is another nice boosted one- get your stun lock on and also purple hurts. 

    In summary, 3* Hawkeye. Just do it! 
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I had the most luck using Medusa and Big Pun on the Thor essential. Agree that you gotta down the green sentry first.  By the time he's down you should have enough AP to fire Big Pun's green and black several times. Admittedly I did have to use boosts on the 3rd and 4th go. 
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    Medusa is your friend
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    Big Pun... I need him. Struggling hard on getting covers, though... I've had red hulk as my bonus for quite some time and almost have him covered. Might make Pun my sweetie next.

    This has become a great thread -- it will help a lot of people for a long time to come.
  • gibbojab
    gibbojab Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Used IW and Vulture on the 5* fight. Just let thor get beat up a bit and IW can wipe anyone out with a green blue green combo. If you face just the green sentry without the blue one you can use carnage to shut off his destruction passive fast, same with venom 4* if you can deal damage. 
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kill green first.

    Unless, and this is important, Ultron Prime is on the team and there's a blue. In that case, kill the blue first. With Prime duplicating specials, and blue+whomever creating them, it won't take long before blue starts creating critical tiles, and that'll just freaking hurt.
  • Addaran
    Addaran Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Kill gunners, then Prime (if he's around), then fighters, flyers last.

    Was eyeing quickly the thread and saw this. 
    Thanks, i managed to complete 3 more times one of the hard nodes in Strange Sight.
    I usually always targetted the healers first.
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Addaran said:
    Kill gunners, then Prime (if he's around), then fighters, flyers last.

    Was eyeing quickly the thread and saw this. 
    Thanks, i managed to complete 3 more times one of the hard nodes in Strange Sight.
    I usually always targetted the healers first.

    The nice thing about the flyers is that while they have a group heal, they only use it when they themselves are damaged below ~50% health (and there are enough special tiles). So if you don't hurt them (much), they'll happily watch their comrades perish and do nothing to save them. 
  • Addaran
    Addaran Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Addaran said:
    Kill gunners, then Prime (if he's around), then fighters, flyers last.

    Was eyeing quickly the thread and saw this. 
    Thanks, i managed to complete 3 more times one of the hard nodes in Strange Sight.
    I usually always targetted the healers first.

    The nice thing about the flyers is that while they have a group heal, they only use it when they themselves are damaged below ~50% health (and there are enough special tiles). So if you don't hurt them (much), they'll happily watch their comrades perish and do nothing to save them. 
    Yeah. I was probably using aoe when i first encountered them, so i would just see them heal everyone. As long as i'm carefull with Thanos, it's nice to know they don't do much.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used Patch, 3* Hawkeye and 3* Deadpool. After matching their special tiles, I find my purple and blue ap filled to the brink. 1 Berserker Range and 2 Whales are usually enough to knock out the whole team.
  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker
    What about 2* players that don't have any of the recommend characters in this thread (or are at minimal covers)?

    3* Bullseye is boosted this week, so even my 2/2/1 was extremely useful. I could use Lethal Improv to both clear their tiles, and if timed to down an opponent, then generate a bunch of strikes that made the rest of the clear go quickly.

    But if he weren't boosted, I think I would have found myself in some major trouble. Especially One True Servant Of Doom", which I only managed to beat once as it was.
  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker
    I did try Wolverine Daken OBW, and at times it seemed to work well, but OBW was taking too much damage. (She's boosted now, and so was out front). Daken was completely hidden, so I didn't get to take advantage of his healing.

    That said, when OBW wasn't boosted and Daken was out front, then I wasn't getting much benefit from OBW Espionage, because she wasn't making any of the strongest attacks except for blue. So not quite sure how that combo is supposed to work.

    Magneto + 3* Bullseye + Dr Strange is working super in the Maggia section of Strange Sights, but as already pointed out, Strange doesn't work that well on sentries with passive powers.
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    If you have sufficiently strong protect tiles, sentries can do little to harm you. In addition to the characters already mentioned in this thread, you can try adding 3* Luke Cage, 3* Spider-Man, or 2* Bullseye to the mix.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Back when I was in 2* land, I was using Magneto, 1* Black Widow and a random 2*. The idea is to stun the whole group of Sentries and then down them using Magneto's red ability. It took some time but it saved me many times. If I were in your situation (roster-wise), i would use 2* Magneto, 2* Bullseye/2*Hawkeye and Ares/Thor/Captain Marvel. I would set 2* Captain Marvel to 3/5/5 because I would use yellow to overwrite their special tiles. 

    What SCL are you playing?
  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker
    I'm playing SCL5, so the enemies in the hard waves were 135 or so.

    When Sentries were mixed with Mindless Ones, I used Moonstone to steal the high-powered tiles, and that works great, providing they aren't destroyed by Swarm, or other mishaps. Ultron nodes with the crit-generating Sentries were the ones that took me out quickly though, once they reached that stage.

    Captain Marvel is a great suggestion that I totally missed. It's a fairly cheap clear of lots of tiles, so hopefully could minimize those effects.

    Definitely didn't have anything approaching suitable shielding against the crits though. I tried 2* Bullseye (helps only until the crits hit), and the other two 3* suggestions are still in their infancy (Luke Cage 2/0/1, Spidey 1/2/2).
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Avengers vs. Ultron. Love Ultron. Hate 5 essential nodes of Sentries around him.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos and a bunch of health packs.  :D

    Other than that, if you're in 3-star Land, Doc Ock is a useful choice since there are seemingly billions of enemy special tiles on the board at any given time.  Loki for his Mischief tiles, since they will cascade into a Match 4 at a frightening pace.  Strange's purple won't help nearly as much as you think it will, since even at LVL 5 it will only remove two of their special tiles.

    In 4-star realm, Medusa is always good, no matter what is going on.  Ant-Man will steal those tiles away. Venom will knock their protect tiles down to 1, and his yellow and green will get huge.

    Against Ultron himself, a boosted Hulkbuster can knock out just about anybody with enough red.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    In 3* land, i’d also recommend the old stand-by of Patch & Daken as using true healing to blitz the side nodes generally works, at least until the blue sentries start to one-shot lower health characters with core meltdown in the last 12-24 hours of the event.

    i never much cared for 2* Wolverine, but the same pair could technically work for 2* players as well.  Partially covered Kamala & IM40 with maxed 2* Cap got me through the first run of this event when I was a 2/3 player for what it’s worth.

    Because sentries collect AP but don’t use it, Switch/Mordo can be devastating.  Too many green sentries hurts Switch’s blue countdown, though.

    Also it’s worth noting that even at one purple cover, 5* Thanos can shut down all of the sentry abilities for the duration of his countdown tile.  It’s far from reliable for the long haul, but it’s a thought if you have him even if your a lower tier player and just want a 5* meat shield.

    Finally, although conventional wisdom seems to be to down green than blue than yellow, personally I always go blue than green than yellow.  As annoying as Swarm is, core meltdown is just too deadly to least in my opinion.

    Good luck all!
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,032 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos and a bunch of health packs.  :D

    Other than that, if you're in 3-star Land, Doc Ock is a useful choice since there are seemingly billions of enemy special tiles on the board at any given time.  Loki for his Mischief tiles, since they will cascade into a Match 4 at a frightening pace.  Strange's purple won't help nearly as much as you think it will, since even at LVL 5 it will only remove two of their special tiles.

    In 4-star realm, Medusa is always good, no matter what is going on.  Ant-Man will steal those tiles away. Venom will knock their protect tiles down to 1, and his yellow and green will get huge.

    Against Ultron himself, a boosted Hulkbuster can knock out just about anybody with enough red.
    I know he gets a lot of hate, but I think Kraven is also a REALLY good choice in 4* land as well.
  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler
    Kamala at 5/3/5, 3* Hawkeye and Medusa. Fire off Hawkeye colors and Kamala green and you should be done quickly. Two healers plus an ap feeder in medusa.