Trial of the plains charges



  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    rafalele said:
    khurram said:
    The Trials originally did not have any margin of error. You had to go perfect, and frankly this gave it the kind of thrill which is missing from Across Ixalan. I recommend AX should also have only 2 sets of charges per node without any refreshes. It would still be very generous.

    You always can play AX only with commons cards and feel the thrill you miss right now. 

    I do not understand people asking all the time to get things harder for everybody just because is not hard enough for them.

    If it is not hatd enough for you, put yourshelf your own rules and get it as harder as you want.

    You can try something like this
    The game got harder when:

    1) they made it standard and took out 2 full sets (Zendikar and Innistrad were the most powerful of the sets in my opinion)

    2) then they made a set with primarily really weak or unplayable cards (Ixalan)

    3) then they increased the AI difficulty

    4) then they made an event with low rewards and practically unattainable objectives (Race to Orcaza *sp)

    5) and in the future they're going to "rebalance" (aka nerf) cards.

    I think we've seen enough hardship here.
  • Jonster78
    Jonster78 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    Went in to trials today, and after winning the first match noted that the node said 1 instead of 2. Played through the rest and it's only 2 chances per node not 3. Did something change?
  • HypnoticSpecter
    HypnoticSpecter Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Getting a game freeze is pretty dispiriting in the current setup. In @Brigby's response, I'd like to know whether I should bother filing a bug report.
  • adman149
    adman149 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    MADAFAKA said:
    adman149 said:
    I was also surprised by this change, but kinda glad they reverted back to the original form of ToTP. Let’s be honest, ToTP was only really worth playing in platinum, so right there, people who play it should be capable of succeeding. It should be a challenge, which across ixalan is not. It’s not like you are completely screwed if you don’t get perfect. 60 crystals for a pack and some purples isn’t a bad deal, getting the crystals, that should be earned, not given. 
    Being in platinium does not imply being capable of anything. Merely mastering cards i flawed measure of skill level. Even avacyn event is giving some plat players losses not due freezes but lack of decent cards.
    I actually find Ixalan to be more challenging  than ToTP ; I lose more games to Ixalan than ToTP. ToTP was so easy and to me was an extension of TG.
    I cannot play Ixalan with a random deck on the fly and win. I have to play my best cards.
    I agree that the mastery system is a flaw, but if those who carelessly mastered into platinum have struggles once they are in platinum, it’s a great learning tool. I guess I should rephrase my Across Ixalan being easy, it’s not necessarily easy, as it it’s easy to complete full progression with the plethora of nodes. As some players have suggested, they should reduce the amount of charges on that as well, but I won’t go there, as that would open up a whole other can of worms. As it currently stands, it’s a much more global friendly event for the game, but my stance on ToTP being really only viable for platinum players still stands. It should be a challenge, and hopefully people can improve and get full progression even after stumbling a bit. 
  • Jonster78
    Jonster78 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    I saw this thread and decided to post anyway as the documented rules, state 3 charges not 2
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards

    ok... There's a different problem with this... Everyone who knows about Trials already just need to know the change and can make their own decision. Fine.

    A beginner coming in will play Across Ixalan at bronze and think it's great and look at Trials and think "Oh, this cost 60 gold, it must be EVEN BETTER for me!"  because they don't have the tools to understand it is not. And they will play it and just waste money. This is BAD for the future.

    I actually think Trials should be locked out for bronze and silver, let people have some time to understand things more before are shown _traps_ (which is what this is).

  • Indymon
    Indymon Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    This is literally a breach of contract. Those of us who bought in should get refunds. 
  • ElfNeedsFood
    ElfNeedsFood Posts: 944 Critical Contributor
    @Kinesia at least the pack they get with Trials is worthwhile for new players. Man, imagine starting with just XLN cards as rewards.  Ew. 
  • ILikePancakes
    ILikePancakes Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    I submitted a ticket. Anyone get a response yet?
  • ManiiNames
    ManiiNames Posts: 213 Tile Toppler
    I got your basic form letter back on my ticket.

    ”Thank you for contacting the D3 Go! Customer Support Team. 

    Can you please explain the issue you're experiencing in more detail? Please describe the process you used to incur the issue, and provide as much information as you are able to.

    If possible, could you also provide us a screenshot of the issue that you are experiencing? (PNG or JPEG only).

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (CHS)”
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    [MOD NOTE]Moved to Bugs and Technical Issues and merged like threads[//]
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Brigby Yet again people who don't have access to these forums are feeling bereft and trapped because support are just using their default NONONO response even though this is _clearly_ a break between what is written in the rules and the reality.

    Support have to STOP just saying no to people. You need to talk to Management who have set the support policies and force change, we can't move forward if the people who can ONLY talk to support have to fight for just their basic rights. (And they ARE rights, here in Australia this breaks trade practises and is illegal.)

    Please talk to management about their draconian support policies and make things nicer for both players _and_ your support staff who possibly have an even worse job than you...

    This is a horrible pain to deliberately put your staff through. Can you perhaps get together with everyone in support and go to D3Go management as a group? We can't talk to them, though I want to...

    This is NOT a successful lonterm strategy for running a company.

  • Grixis197
    Grixis197 Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    When TotP first came to us you had to be perfect then they added an extra charge on each node, now back to its original way
  • Sirchombli
    Sirchombli Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I kind of got the impression that trial is supposed to be harder than AI. The latter is a device to get people more stuff . It's effective at that .For the people that want more challenge, they brought back trials with the old parameters . Really sounds to me like a slightly miscommunicated attempt at making everyone happy. Best case, you get extra stuff . Worst case , you play one or the other and still get some stuff. It's annoying that we weren't warned about the changes , but it's not like it cost 20 bucks or something. 
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    From my perspective this isn't about Trials. This is about Management breaking international law and using low level support people as a firewall for things they have nothing to do with. It's evil on every level and a prime examaple of how the elite use power and money to avoid consequence and denigrate and attack even the people on their side. The upper management of D3Go need to be held publicly accountable. We need a Q&A with THEM not Oktagon. The long term problem will continue until the management actually make a single effort to be nice, to join in with society. At the moment they are evil oligarchs (though they aren't rich enough to truly protect themselves the same way). We need direct access to management. (and, yes, I can get this whenever I want, but I want _management_ to volunteer, otherwise it ends up much much worse for them including jail terms.)
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    DumasAG said:
    If you want a harder experience, you should want players to be able to achieve maximum rewards so that they are able to acquire better cards and thus build better decks. Or is it the knowledge that you have things other people don't that makes you enjoy the game?
    Well, since this is a collectible cards game, yes. Having a collection that other people don't, indeed feels good. 

    Very enjoyable.  :)
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    So, no official answer.

    Today, we have 2 or 3 charges per node?
  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    babar3355 said:
    Ugh, is it worth joining and having to file a ticket if I dont go perfect.  Hmm.
    That's what I did. I
    The support team pretended not no understand and asked for more detail.

    I don't really understand what information they need other than : there are two charges per node. The rules state there should be 3. *Sigh* 

    @Brigby @LakeStone I don't know who's managing the support team but there's something going wrong here.

    Does anyone know how many charges per node there are in today's event please ?
  • gogol666
    gogol666 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2018
    I have been answered that they are unable to refund the entrance fee of the event. I replied that they sold something different from what they advertised and refunding it is just fair.
    @Brigby @Oktagon_Daiane what do you think?