Can everyone please stop complaining about Ixalan?



  • Firinmahlazer
    Firinmahlazer Posts: 417 Mover and Shaker
    Now that we have a card galley I think I'm ready to start complaining.
  • Gotcha617
    Gotcha617 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    Oh man I’m disappointed in this set...gradually tone down the power creep...this is nuts. You will see about 3 of these cards in competitive play. 
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want to object to your complaints...but...I am a bit uncertain myself as to their motives I will refrain at this time.
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    I have to hand it to them: They really captured IRL Ixalan with this set. :wink:
  • ILikePancakes
    ILikePancakes Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Well, perhaps it'll be ok with the events. Maybe treasures will be worth it. I'm disappointed with a lot of the cards' mana cost, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. There are a few cards I'd like to pull.
  • Tilwin90
    Tilwin90 Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    To answer the thread title: no! The fun has just begun!
  • Corn_Noodles
    Corn_Noodles Posts: 477 Mover and Shaker
    Oktagon and D3 obviously enjoy our complaints. This can be easily proved by the new set they are releasing.
  • HypnoticSpecter
    HypnoticSpecter Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Maybe if treasures, the other side of the transform cards, and masterpieces are all awesome...
  • Marvaddin
    Marvaddin Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Now that the card list is out, can we please complain about Ixalan?

    Yes, we dunno exactly how treasures, explore and some other things will work, but the set looks plain BAD. Wanna examples?

    Demystify: destroy an opponent's non-land support for 9 mana. Forsake the Worldly has no limitation about non-land, has cycling 1, so you can buy another card if you feel it's useless, and costs 5 mana. Who is going to use Demystify? No something Ixalan related, no cantrip, just plain worse.

    At least Slice in Twain (green card for destroying supports) has a draw effect, but still costs 10, when Dissenter's Deliverance costs 4 and you always can draw a card for 1. (Ok, this is still better than Appetite for the Unnatural.)

    Costly Plunder, at least, has an accurate name, as it's outrageously costly. You lose a creature, and still pays 12 (!) mana to draw 2 (!) cards? Altar's Reap (which is legacy) does it for 1, while letting you top choose the creature (Ixalan card targets the last one)! Origins Read the Bones does it for 4, without sacrificing another card, but for 2 life. C'mon, someone needs to be crazy to use this card.

    One with the Wind gives flying and 2/2 for 10. Ghostly Wings gives flying and 1/1 for 3! Ok, this can be used by my Sandwurm Convergence Kiora deck as an option to legacy Wings, but how about to make it, at max, cost 7? And curious enough, Haste (much weaker than flying, as it works for 1 turn)  and 2/2 costs 11 (!), it's the Swashbuckling red spell. Let's remember Honed Khopesh gives 2/2 for 5. Is haste alone costing 6?

    And that pathetic Pirate's Cutlass? It costs 20 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 20 exclamation marks for it), to give your first creatures 2/1 and a situational reduced cost. Any AMK cartouches gave 2/2 + skill + side effect for 6-9 mana. ok, cartouches are among the best common supports, but making this thing to cost 20? Ok, if you can cast 7 NON TOKEN pirates, it will cost 6, still being worse than red cartouche, possibly the weakest one.

    Look at Lookout's Dipersal (compare it to Censor), the rare Overflowing Insight (I would probably play Tezzeret's Ambition, a common card, over it), etc. I will stop here.

    Of course there are usable and even good cards, but c'mon, most cards are weak, overcostly by A LOT, and even most rare / mythic cards are weak and situational. Yeah, most probably it will be possible, once you have most rare / mythic cards, to create a competitive dino / pirate / vampire (really?) deck, but we have no guarantees that it will be better than the one we already have. Overall, a bunch of useless cards that have no entry in any existing deck. When they have alike effects, they are just plain worse than the previous cards we already have.

    In a few words: for the bigger part, Ixalan sucks. 

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone. I just spoke with the development team, and it would appear that this is how Treasures behave:

    "Whenever you match this support’s gem, a random card in your hand gains 3 mana. Whenever an opponent matches this support gem, a random card in your hand gains 2 mana and a random card in your opponent’s hand gains 2 mana."

    Treasures seem to be quite the Mana ramp tool, which should help offset the high Mana costs that some of these cards have.
  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I just spoke with the development team, and it would appear that this is how Treasures behave:

    "Whenever you match this support’s gem, a random card in your hand gains 3 mana. Whenever an opponent matches this support gem, a random card in your hand gains 2 mana and a random card in your opponent’s hand gains 2 mana."

    Treasures seem to be quite the Mana ramp tool, which should help offset the high Mana costs that some of these cards have.
    while that's great for the Ixalan set, and explains the higher cost for creatures somewhat...the new Ixalan cards are still going to get trounced outside of the Ixalan events...unless the developers plan on "balancing" cards is to nerf most the cards from previous sets, which I would compare to tilting a pinball machine to the point of breaking it
  • Marvaddin
    Marvaddin Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2018
    Good to know, Brigby.

    Random card gets the mana: how useful. You need to match the gem: how interesting. Your opponent will have the chance to use it before you: how adequate. If he does, you get the same thing as him, so the treasure thing is lost and useless: how... I have no words to describe it.

    The point is, let's play Ixalan cards that produce treasures, to get a gem that needs to be matched, so you can hope your opponent doesn't match it to have the chance to use it, this to get this supperb amount of mana (3) in a random card?

    Ok! Now I'm convinced to use that 4/6 with vigilance which just costs 31 mana. Great idea, devs!

    Edit: to clarify: if this info is correct, treasures aren't a must have, are at max a "nice have", so cards could be used once treasure thing adds no to little cost to the card. It doesn't seem to be what we have in the set.
  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    Actually treasures might be better than it seems, the way that description is phrased, each treasure gets you 2-3 mana per shield it has. The randomness is stupid though, we have more than enough RNG in this game already, where mana goes was one of the few totally predictable things in the game.
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Regarding the complaining I'd like to paraphrase a great advice from a fellow player, which I am sure will help us get through this:-

    "Stop being such a bunch of moaning minnies!! Its too early to make a judgement yet. You have to wait til 2025."

    Things have never looked so sunny in the Valuetown.  :)